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Debian Version 12.9
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Eight 3,4GHz Intel i7 Ivybridge Processors, 14,9GB RAM, 54k Bogomips
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GDK-PixBuf Reference Manual
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GNOME Session Documentation
GNU Scientific Library: Reference Manual
The Debian Java FAQ
The Debian Java Policy
Java Compiler-Compiler v.4 DOCS
Java Help v.2 DOCS
MH & xmh: Email for Users & Programmers
mididings: Getting Started
ModemManager D-Bus Interface Specification
The Mutt E-Mail Client
MySql 5.7 Reference
MySql 8.0 Reference
MySql Data Dumper
... coming soon ...
Paramiko: a Python implementation of the SSHv2 protocol
PyBind11: Seamless Operability between C++11 and Python
PyPy: a fast, compliant alternative of the Python language
PyQt5 Reference Guide
Pyro: Python Remote Objects
Python 3.x Docs
PRAW: The Python Reddit Api Wrapper
Python Abstract Rendering
Python AIOEventlet: AsyncIO API
Python Altgraph: A basic graph library
Python APSW: A SQLite 3 wrapper
python-apt documentation
Python ArrayFire Wrapper
Python Advanced Scientific Data Format (ASDF)
Python Astroplan: Observation Planning
Python Astropy: A Community Python Library for Astronomy
Python Astroquery: Querying astronomical Forms and DBs
Python Automaton: Friendly State Machines for Python
Python Babel: Internationalizing/Localizing Applications
Python Bashate: a pep8 equivalent for bash scripts
Python Beautiful Soup Documentation
Python Betamax: a VCR imitation for requests
Python Billiard Multiprocessing’s Documentation
Python BioBlend: Interacting with CloudMan and Galaxy‘s API
Python BitString: manipulation and analysis of binary data
Python Bleach: a HTML Sanitizing Library
Python Blinker: object-to-object and broadcast signaling
Python Bottleneck: fast NumPy array functions written in C
Python BTrees Documentation
Python CairoCFFI: a CFFI-based replacement for PyCairo
Python Castellan: an abstracted key manager
Python Ceilometer: bindings to the OpenStack API
Python Ceilometer Middleware
Python Celery: A Distributed Task Queue
Python Cement: an advanced CLI Application Framework
Python Circuits: Event-driven & Async App Framework
Python Cliff: A Cmd-Line Interface Formulation Framework
Python CMIS: Apache Chemistry cmislib
Python PyCogent: a library for genomic biology
Python ConfigObj: a simple config file reader and writer
Python ConfigShell Package
Python Cookiecutter: Better Project Templates
Python Cursive: verifying Digital Signatures
Python Cycler: Composable Cycles
Python CymruWhoIs: interfacing the whois.cymru.com service
Python CySignals: Deal with Interrupts
Python DBF Package
Python DebtCollector: Deprecation Patterns and Strategies
Python DesignateClient: Bindings and Tools for Designate
Python DICOM: working with DICOM files (medical images)
Python django-appconf: Handling Configuration Defaults
Python django-assets: WebAssets in Django Applications
Python django-auth-ldap: Django Authentication Using LDAP
Python django-babel: a message extraction framework
python django-braces: a useful Mixin Library
Python django-celery: Celery Integration for Django
Python django-classy-tags: an Extensible Argument Parser
Python django-contact-form: a Customizable Contact-Form
Python django-crispy-forms: Rendering Very Elegant and DRY
Python Django Debug Toolbar
Python django-etcd-settings: A Dynamic Settings Management
Python django-filters: A Generic App to Filter a QuerySet
Python django-formtools: A Collection of Assorted Utilities
Python Django Haystack: Modular Search for Django
Python django-memoize: Memoization Technique
Python django-pipeline: An Asset Packaging Library
Python django-polymorphic: SubClassed Models made Easy
Python django-recurrence: Working with Recurring Dates
Python django-registration: User Registration Functionality
Python django-reversion: Version Control for Model Instances
Python django-sekizai: Placeholders for Blocks
Python django-sitetree: Site Tree, Menu and BreadCrumbs
Python django-treebeard: Efficient Tree Implementations
Python Doc8: A Style Checker for Rst Styles Documents
Python Dogpile.Cache: A Caching API with DogPile Locking
Python Drizzle: Combining Dithered Images
Python DTCWT: 1-2-3D Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
Python ElasticSearch Curator: Manage Indices and Snapshots
Python ElasticSearch Client: Official Low-Level ES Client
Python EventLet: A Simple Concurrent Web Crawler
Python Fabulous: Make Terminal Apps look Fabulous
Python Factory_Boy: A Fixtures Replacement Tool
Python Flask-AutoIndex: generate Index Page for Flask Apps
Python Flask-Babel: add i18n & l10n support to Flask Apps
Python Flask-Bcrypt: Bcrypt Hashing Utilities
Python FlaskWTF: Simple Integration with WTForms
Python Flask-FlatPages: A Set of Flat Pages for Flask Apps
Python Flask-OpenID: add OpenID based Authentication
Python Flask-Silk: adds Silk Icons to Flask Apps
Python Flask-Testing: Testing Utilities for Flask
Python flufl.enum: a Python Enumeration Package
Python flufl.password: Passwords Hashing and Verification
Python Fudge: Fake Objects (mocks and stubs)
Python Funcsigs: a BackPort of the PEP362 signature function
Python Future: a Compatibility Layer between Python 2 and 3
Python Futurist: a Statistics-Gathering Standard Executor
Python Gabbi: a Tool for running HTTP Tests
Python gccjit: the Python bindings to libgccjit
Python getdns: the Python bindings for the getdns API
Python Git: a Python Library to interact with Git Repos
Python GlanceClient: a client for the OpenStack Images API
Python Glance: discover, register, and retrieve VM Images
Python Glance Store: Data from any Storage Type
Python GTK Spellchecker: A Simple SpellChecking Library
Python Guacamole: Create Command Line Applications
Python GuiData: Generate Graphical User Interfaces
Python GuiQwt: efficient 2D Data-Plotting
Python h5py: an Interface to the HDF5 Binary Data Format
Python Hacking: OpenStack Style Guidelines
Python hdf5storage: read/write to/from HDF5 files
Python HPiLO: HP iLO automation from python or shell
Python HPLeftHandClient: HP LeftHand/StoreVirtual Arrays
Python HTSeq: Analyze High-Throughput Sequencing Data
Python iCalendar: Internet Calendaring and Scheduling
Python Imaging Library
Python IPTables: a Wrapper to Linux IPTables
Python ITango: a PyTango CLI based on IPython
Python ItsDangerous: HMAC and SHA1 signing based on Django
Python JellyFish: Strings Approximate and Phonetic Matching
Python Jenkins: a wrapper for the Jenkins REST API
Python Jingo: an adapter to use Jinja2 Templates in Django
Python jsonpath-rw-ext: extends json-path-rw capabilities
Python jsonpickle: Serialize/Deserialize JSON Objects
Python json-pointer: resolve JSON pointers (RFC 6901)
Python JSON Schema Validator
Python Jupyter Client: Manage Jupyter Kernels
Python Jupyter Console: Jupyter Kernels Terminal Frontend
Python Jupyter Core: public API in the jupyter_core package
Python K8sClient: Kubernetes API Client Code
Python Kafka: low-level protocol support for Apache Kafka
Python PyKDE4: bindings for the KDE4 kdelibs
Python KeyStoneAuth: Authentication/Requests in OpenStack
Python KeyStoneClient: a client for OpenStack Identity API
Python Keystone: Middleware for OpenStack Identity API
Python Kombu: Messaging Library for Python
Python LAZR.Config: Manage Process Configuration
Python LAZR.Delegates: Delegate Objects made easy
Python LAZR.Smtptest: Testing SMTP-based Apps and Libs
Python Linop: Base Class for Linear Operators
Python Livestreamer: an Utility to Pipe Video Streams
Python Logutils: a Set of Handlers for Logging
Python LXML: XML and HTML with Python
Python Mako: Hyperfast and LightWeight Templating
Python Manila Client: a client for OpenStack Manila API
Python MatPlotLib: a 2D pulication-quality Plotting Lib
Python MaaxMindDB: a Module for reading MaxMind DB files
Python Measurement: Manipulate Unit-Aware Measurement Objs
Python Medusa: Very-High-Performance TCP/IP Servers
Python microversion_parse: A Parser for Microversion Headers
Python Migrate: SQLAlchemy Schema Change Management
Python Milter: Writing Milters in Python
Python Mock: Mocking and Testing Library
Python MongoEngine: an Object-Document Mapper for MongoDB
Python Morris: an Announcement (signal/event) System
Python Mpd2: a Client Interface for the Music Player Daemon
Python MatPlotLib BaseMap: Plotting 2D Data on Maps
Python Mpmath: Arbitrary-Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic
Python Murano Client: Python API Direct-Call Simplified
Python NaCl: binding to Networking and Cryptography NaCl Lib
Python Notebook Format: The Jupyter Notebook Format
Python NetxorkX: Structure & Dynamics of Complex Networks
Python NeutronLib: an OpenStack Library used by Neutron
Python NiBabael: R/W Access to Common NeuroImaging Formats
Python Nose: Extends UnitTest to Make Testing Easier
Python NovaClient: bindings to the OpenStack Nova API
Python NumPy: Base N-Dimensional Array Package
Python OdooRPC: Pilot your Odoo Servers through RPC
Python OpenGM: exports the C++ OpenGM Lib
Python OpenSSL: a thin wrapper for the OpenSSL Lib
Python OSC: a Cmd-Line OpenStack Client
Python OpenStackSDK: a Complete Software Development Kit
Python OS-Brick: Volume Discovery and Removal from a Host
Python osc-lib: OpenStackClient Plugin Library
Python OS-Client-Config: Collecting Client Configurations
Python OSProfiler: Cross-Project Profiling Library
Python OS-Testr: A Testr Wrapper for OpenStack Projects
Python Oslo.Cache: Cache Storage for OpenStack Projects
Python Oslo.Concurrency: Multi-Thread & Multi-Process Apps
Python Oslo.Config: Parse Config Options from the Cmd-Line
Python Oslo.Context: Helpers about Request Contexts
Python Oslo.Db: Connect to Different DB BackEnds
Python Oslo.I18n: Oslo Internationalization Utilities
Python Oslo.Log: Oslo Logging Library
Python Oslo.Middleware: Intercept Request/Response Flows
Python Oslo.Policy: Registering Policy Defaults in Code
Python Oslo.Privsep: OpenStack Lib for Privilege Separation
Python Oslo.Reports: Define and Manage GMR Reports
Python Oslo.Serialization: Objects in JSON and MessagePack
Python Oslo.Service: Lib for Running OpenStack Services
Python OsloTest: OpenStack Testing Framework and Utilities
Python Oslo.Utils: Encoding, Exceptions, Time, Strings
Python Oslo.VersioneDoObjects: Simple Versioned Object Model
Python Oslo.VMware: Common VMware Operations and APIs
Python Padme: a Transparent Proxy Class
Python Pandas: Powerful Data Analysis ToolKit
Python Paste: a Fairly Integrated FrontEnd to Users
Python Patsy: Describing Statistical Models in Python
Python PBCore: Process PacBio Data Files for BioInformatics
Python pbh5tools: Manipulate Data from h5 Files
Python pbr: Manage SetupTools Packaging Needs
Python Pecan: a Lean Web Framework
Python persistent: Automatic Persistence for Python Objects
Python Pexpect: Controlling Other Applications
Python PG8000: a DB-API2.0 interface to the PostgreSQL DB
Python Pika: pure-Python AMQP 0-9-1 Protocol
Python Pint: Define and Manipulate Physical Quantities
Python PkgInfo: an API for Querying DistUtils MetaData
Python PMW: Building High-Level compound Widgets
Python polib: Manipulate, Create, Modify gettext Files
Python positional: Enforce Positional Parameter Passing
Python Proliant: iLO Management Interface over RIBCL
Python Prov: A library for W3C Provenance Data Model
Python PSKC: Portable Symmetric Key Container files
Python psutil: running processes and system load
Python Psycopg: the Most Popular PostgreSQL DB Adapter
Python PycURL: A Python Interface To The cURL library
Python pyDL: an affiliate to the AstroPy package
Python PyeApi: Client for Arista EOS eAPI
Python PyFAI: Azimuthal Integration of Diffraction Data
Python PyGccXml: navigate C++ declarations
Python Pygit2: bindings to the libgit2 shared library
... other packages coming soon ...
... coming soon ...