As has been noted in the introductory section of this Recommendation, mathematics can be distinguished by its use of a (relatively) formal language, mathematical notation. However, mathematics and its presentation should not be viewed as one and the same thing. Mathematical sums or products exist and are meaningful to many applications completely without regard to how they are rendered aurally or visually. The intent of the content markup in the Mathematical Markup Language is to provide an explicit encoding of the underlying mathematical structure of an expression, rather than any particular rendering for the expression.
There are many reasons for providing a specific encoding for content. Even a disciplined and systematic use of presentation tags cannot properly capture this semantic information. This is because without additional information it is impossible to decide whether a particular presentation was chosen deliberately to encode the mathematical structure or simply to achieve a particular visual or aural effect. Furthermore, an author using the same encoding to deal with both the presentation and mathematical structure might find a particular presentation encoding unavailable simply because convention had reserved it for a different semantic meaning.
The difficulties stem from the fact that there are many to one mappings from presentation to semantics and vice versa. For example the mathematical construct " H multiplied by e" is often encoded using an explicit operator as in H × e. In different presentational contexts, the multiplication operator might be invisible " H e", or rendered as the spoken word "times". Generally, many different presentations are possible depending on the context and style preferences of the author or reader. Thus, given " H e" out of context it may be impossible to decide if this is the name of a chemical or a mathematical product of two variables H and e.
Mathematical presentation also changes with culture and time: some expressions in combinatorial mathematics today have one
meaning to a Russian mathematician, and quite another to a French mathematician; see
Section 5.4.1 Notational Style Sheets for an example. Notations may lose currency, for example the use of musical sharp and flat symbols to denote maxima and minima
[Chaundy1954]. A notation in use in 1644 for the multiplication mentioned above was
When we encode the underlying mathematical structure explicitly, without regard to how it is presented aurally or visually, we are able to interchange information more precisely with those systems that are able to manipulate the mathematics. In the trivial example above, such a system could substitute values for the variables H and e and evaluate the result. Further interesting application areas include interactive textbooks and other teaching aids.
The semantics of general mathematical notation is not a matter of consensus. It would be an enormous job to systematically codify most of mathematics - a task that can never be complete. Instead, MathML makes explicit a relatively small number of commonplace mathematical constructs, chosen carefully to be sufficient in a large number of applications. In addition, it provides a mechanism for associating semantics with new notational constructs. In this way, mathematical concepts that are not in the base collection of elements can still be encoded (Section 4.2.6 Syntax and Semantics).
The base set of content elements is chosen to be adequate for simple coding of most of the formulas used from kindergarten to the end of high school in the United States, and probably beyond through the first two years of college, that is up to A-Level or Baccalaureate level in Europe. Subject areas covered to some extent in MathML are:
arithmetic, algebra, logic and relations
calculus and vector calculus
set theory
sequences and series
elementary classical functions
linear algebra
It is not claimed, or even suggested, that the proposed set of elements is complete for these areas, but the provision for author extensibility greatly alleviates any problem omissions from this finite list might cause.
The design of the MathML content elements are driven by the following principles:
The expression tree structure of a mathematical expression should be directly encoded by the MathML content elements.
The encoding of an expression tree should be explicit, and not dependent on the special parsing of PCDATA or on additional processing such as operator precedence parsing.
The basic set of mathematical content constructs that are provided should have default mathematical semantics.
There should be a mechanism for associating specific mathematical semantics with the constructs.
The primary goal of the content encoding is to establish explicit connections between mathematical structures and their mathematical meanings. The content elements correspond directly to parts of the underlying mathematical expression tree. Each structure has an associated default semantics and there is a mechanism for associating new mathematical definitions with new constructs.
Significant advantages to the introduction of content-specific tags include:
Usage of presentation elements is less constrained. When mathematical semantics are inferred from presentation markup, processing agents must either be quite sophisticated, or they run the risk of inferring incomplete or incorrect semantics when irregular constructions are used to achieve a particular aural or visual effect.
It is immediately clear which kind of information is being encoded simply by the kind of elements that are used.
Combinations of semantic and presentation elements can be used to convey both the appearance and its mathematical meaning much more effectively than simply trying to infer one from the other.
Expressions described in terms of content elements must still be rendered. For common expressions, default visual presentations are usually clear. "Take care of the sense and the sounds will take care of themselves" wrote Lewis Carroll [Carroll1871]. Default presentations are included in the detailed description of each element occurring in Section 4.4 The Content Markup Elements.
To accomplish these goals, the MathML content encoding is based on the concept of an expression tree. A content expression tree is constructed from a collection of more primitive objects, referred to herein as containers and operators. MathML possesses a rich set of predefined container and operator objects, as well as constructs for combining containers and operators in mathematically meaningful ways. The syntax and usage of these content elements and constructions is described in the next section.
Since the intent of MathML content markup is to encode mathematical expressions in such a way that the mathematical structure of the expression is clear, the syntax and usage of content markup must be consistent enough to facilitate automated semantic interpretation. There must be no doubt when, for example, an actual sum, product or function application is intended and if specific numbers are present, there must be enough information present to reconstruct the correct number for purposes of computation. Of course, it is still up to a MathMLJ processor to decide what is to be done with such a content-based expression, and computation is only one of many options. A renderer or a structured editor might simply use the data and its own built-in knowledge of mathematical structure to render the object. Alternatively, it might manipulate the object to build a new mathematical object. A more computationally oriented system might attempt to carry out the indicated operation or function evaluation.
The purpose of this section is to describe the intended, consistent usage. The requirements involve more than just satisfying the syntactic structure specified by an XML DTD. Failure to conform to the usage as described below will result in a MathML error, even though the expression may be syntactically valid according to the DTD.
In addition to the usage information contained in this section, Section 4.4 The Content Markup Elements gives a complete listing of each content element, providing reference information about their attributes, syntax, examples and suggested default semantics and renderings. The rules for using presentation markup within content markup are explained in Section 5.2.3 Presentation Markup Contained in Content Markup. An informal EBNF grammar describing the syntax for the content markup is given in Appendix B Content Markup Validation Grammar.
MathML content encoding is based on the concept of an expression tree. As a general rule, the terminal nodes in the tree represent basic mathematical objects, such as numbers, variables, arithmetic operations and so on. The internal nodes in the tree generally represent some kind of function application or other mathematical construction that builds up a compound object. Function application provides the most important example; an internal node might represent the application of a function to several arguments, which are themselves represented by the terminal nodes underneath the internal node.
The MathML content elements can be grouped into the following categories based on their usage:
constants and symbols
operators and functions
semantic mappings
These are the building blocks out of which MathML content expressions are constructed. Each category is discussed in a separate section below. In the remainder of this section, we will briefly introduce some of the most common elements of each type, and consider the general constructions for combining them in mathematically meaningful ways.
Content expression trees are built up from basic mathematical objects. At the lowest level,
leaf nodes are encapsulated in non-empty elements that define their type. Numbers and symbols are marked by the
token elements
. More elaborate constructs such as sets, vectors and matrices are also marked using elements to denote their types, but rather
than containing data directly, these
container elements are constructed out of other elements. Elements are used in order to clearly identify the underlying objects. In
this way, standard XML parsing can be used and attributes can be used to specify global properties of the objects.
The containers such as
<csymbol definitionURL="mySymbol.htm" encoding="text">S</csymbol>
represent mathematical numbers , identifiers and externally defined symbols. Below, we will look at
operator elements such as
, which provide access to the basic mathematical operations and functions applicable to those objects. Additional containers
such as
for sets, and
for matrices are provided for representing a variety of common compound objects.
For example, the number 12345 is encoded as
The attributes and
PCDATA content together provide the data necessary for an application to parse the number. For example, a default base of 10 is
assumed, but to communicate that the underlying data was actually written in base 8, simply set the
attribute to 8 as in
<cn base="8">12345</cn>
while the complex number 3 + 4i can be encoded as
<cn type="complex-cartesian">3<sep/>4</cn>
Such information makes it possible for another application to easily parse this into the correct number.
As another example, the scalar symbol v is encoded as
By default,
elements represent elements from a commutative field (see
Appendix C Content Element Definitions). If a vector is intended then this fact can be encoded as
<ci type="vector">v</ci>
This invokes default semantics associated with the
element, namely an arbitrary element of a finite-dimensional vector space.
By using the
elements we have made clear that we are referring to a mathematical identifier or symbol but this does not say anything about
how it should be rendered. By default a symbol is rendered as if the
element were actually the presentation element
Section 3.2.3 Identifier (mi)). The actual rendering of a mathematical symbol can be made as elaborate as necessary simply by using the more elaborate
presentational constructs (as described in
Chapter 3 Presentation Markup) in the body of the
The default rendering of a simple
-tagged object is the same as for the presentation element
with some provision for overriding the presentation of the
PCDATA by providing explicit
tags. This is described in detail in
Section 4.4 The Content Markup Elements.
The issues for compound objects such as sets, vectors and matrices are all similar to those outlined above for numbers and
symbols. Each such object has global properties as a mathematical object that impact how it is to be parsed.
This may affect everything from the interpretation of operations that are applied to it to how to render
the symbols representing it. These mathematical properties are captured by setting attribute values
or by associating the properties with the object through the use of the semantics
The notion of constructing a general expression tree is essentially that of applying an operator to sub-objects. For example,
the sum
a +
b can be thought of as an application of the addition operator to two arguments
a and
b. In MathML, elements are used for operators for much the same reason that elements are used to contain objects. They are
recognized at the level of XML parsing, and their attributes can be used to record or modify the intended semantics. For example,
with the MathML
element, setting the
attributes as in
<plus definitionURL="" encoding="text"/>
can communicate that the intended operation is vector-based.
There is also another reason for using elements to denote operators. There is a crucial semantic distinction between the function
itself and the expression resulting from applying that function to zero or more arguments which must be captured. This is
addressed by making the functions self-contained objects with their own properties and providing an explicit
construct corresponding to function application. We will consider the
construct in the next section.
MathML contains many pre-defined operator elements, covering a range of mathematical subjects. However, an important class
of expressions involve unknown or user-defined functions and symbols. For these situations, MathML provides a general
element, which is discussed below.
The most fundamental way of building up a mathematical expression in MathML content markup is the
construct. An
element typically applies an operator to its arguments. It corresponds to a complete mathematical expression. Roughly speaking,
this means a piece of mathematics that could be surrounded by parentheses or
"logical brackets" without changing its meaning.
For example, (x + y) might be encoded as
<apply> <plus/> <ci> x </ci> <ci> y </ci> </apply>
The opening and closing tags of
specify exactly the scope of any operator or function. The most typical way of using
is simple and recursive. Symbolically, the content model can be described as:
<apply> op a b </apply>
where the
operands a and b are containers or other content-based elements themselves, and
op is an operator or function. Note that since
is a container, this allows
constructs to be nested to arbitrary depth.
may in principle have any number of operands:
<apply> op a b [c...] <apply>
For example, (x + y + z) can be encoded as
<apply> <plus/> <ci> x </ci> <ci> y </ci> <ci> z </ci> </apply>
Mathematical expressions involving a mixture of operations result in nested occurrences of
. For example,
x +
b would be encoded as
<apply> <plus/> <apply> <times/> <ci> a </ci> <ci> x </ci> </apply> <ci> b </ci> </apply>
There is no need to introduce parentheses or to resort to operator precedence in order to parse the expression correctly.
tags provide the proper grouping for the re-use of the expressions within other constructs. Any expression enclosed by an
element is viewed as a single coherent object.
An expression such as (F + G)(x) might be a product, as in
<apply> <times/> <apply> <plus/> <ci> F </ci> <ci> G </ci> </apply> <ci> x </ci> </apply>
or it might indicate the application of the function F + G to the argument x. This is indicated by constructing the sum
<apply> <plus/> <ci> F </ci> <ci> G </ci> </apply>
and applying it to the argument x as in
<apply> <apply> <plus/> <ci> F </ci> <ci> G </ci> </apply> <ci> x </ci> </apply>
Both the function and the arguments may be simple identifiers or more complicated expressions.
In MathML 1.0 , another construction closely related to the use of the
element with operators and arguments was the
element. The
element was used to denote that a mathematical relation holds between its arguments, as opposed to applying an operator.
Thus, the MathML markup for the expression
x <
y was given in MathML 1.0 by:
<reln> <lt/> <ci> x </ci> <ci> y </ci> </reln>
In MathML 2.0, the
construct is used with all operators, including logical operators. The expression above becomes
<apply> <lt/> <ci> x </ci> <ci> y </ci> </apply>
in MathML 2.0. The use of
with relational operators is supported
for reasons of backwards compatibility, but deprecated. Authors creating new content are
encouraged to use
in all cases.
The most common operations and functions such as
have been predefined explicitly as empty elements (see
Section 4.4 The Content Markup Elements).
The definitionURL
attribute can be used by the author to record
that a different sort of algebraic operation is intended. This allows essentially the same notation to be re-used for a
discussion taking place in a different algebraic domain.
Due to the nature of mathematics the notation must be extensible. The key to extensibility is the ability of the user to define new functions and other symbols to expand the terrain of mathematical discourse.
It is always possible to create arbitrary expressions, and then to use them as symbols in the language. Their properties can
then be inferred directly from that usage as was done in the previous section. However, such an approach would preclude being
able to encode the fact that the construct was a known symbol, or to record its mathematical properties except by actually
using it. The
element is used as a container to construct a new symbol in much the same way that
is used to construct an identifier. (Note that
"symbol" is used here in the abstract sense and has no connection with any presentation of the construct on screen or paper).
The difference in usage is that
should refer to some mathematically defined concept with an external definition referenced via the
attribute, whereas
is used for identifiers that are essentially
"local" to the MathML expression
and do not use any external definition mechanismJ. The target of the
attribute on the
element may encode the definition in any format; the particular encoding in use is given by the encoding
In contrast, the definitionURL
attribute on a
element might be used to associate an identifier with another
sub-expression by referring to its id
This approach can be used, for example to indicate clearly that a particular
element is an instance of a ci
element that has been declared to have some properties using the declare
construct (see Section Declare (declare))
or that it is an instance of a specific bound variable as declared
by a use of the bvar
(see Section Bound variable (bvar)) element.J
To use
to describe a completely new function, we write for example
<csymbol definitionURL="" encoding="text"> Christoffel </csymbol>
attribute specifies a URI that provides a written definition for the
Christoffel symbol. Suggested default definitions for the content elements of MathML appear in
Appendix C Content Element Definitions in a format based on OpenMath, although there is no requirement that a particular format be used. The role of the
attribute is very similar to the role of definitions included at the beginning of many mathematical papers, and which often
just refer to a definition used by a particular book.
MathML 1.0 supported the use of the fn to encode the fact that a construct is explicitly being used as a function or operator. To record the fact that F+ G is being used semantically as if it were a function, it was encoded as:
<fn> <apply> <plus/> <ci>F</ci> <ci>G</ci> </apply> </fn>
This usage, although allowed in MathML 2.0 for reasons of backwards compatibility,
is now deprecated.
The fact that a construct is being used as an operator is clear from the position of the construct as the
first child of the
. If it is required to add additional information to the construct, it should be wrapped in a
element, for example:
<semantics definitionURL="" encoding="Mathematica"> <apply> <plus/> <ci>F</ci> <ci>G</ci> </apply> </semantics>
MathML 1.0 supported the use of
fn to refer to external definitions for user-defined
functions. This usage, although allowed for reasons of backwards
compatibility, is deprecated in
MathML 2.0 in favor of using
to define the function, and then
to link the function to its arguments. For example:
<apply> <csymbol definitionURL="" encoding="text"> BigK </csymbol> <ci>x</ci> <ci>y</ci> </apply>
Given functions, it is natural to have functional inverses. This is handled by the
Functional inverses can be problematic from a mathematical point of view in that they implicitly involve the definition of an inverse for an arbitrary function F. Even at the K-through-12 level the concept of an inverse F -1 of many common functions F is not used in a uniform way. For example, the definitions used for the inverse trigonometric functions may differ slightly depending on the choice of domain and/or branch cuts.
MathML adopts the view: if F is a function from a domain D to D', then the inverse G of F is a function over D' such that G(F(x)) = x for x in D. This definition does not assert that such an inverse exists for all or indeed any x in D, or that it is single-valued anywhere. Also, depending on the functions involved, additional properties such as F(G(y)) = y for y in D' may hold.
element is applied to a function whenever an inverse is required. For example, application of the inverse sine function to
x, i.e. sin-1 (x), is encoded as:
<apply> <apply> <inverse/> <sin/> </apply> <ci> x </ci> </apply>
is one of the predefined MathML functions, an explicit reference to sin-1(x) might occur in a document discussing possible definitions of
Consider a document discussing the vectors
A = (a, b,
c) and
B = (d, e,
f), and later including the expression
V =
A +
B. It is important to be able to communicate the fact that wherever
A and
B are used they represent a particular vector. The properties of that vector may determine aspects of operators such as
The simple fact that A is a vector can be communicated by using the markup
<ci type="vector">A</ci>
but this still does not communicate, for example, which vector is involved or its dimensions.
The declare
construct is used to associate
specific properties or meanings with an object. The actual declaration
itself is not rendered visually (or in any other form). However, it
indirectly impacts the semantics of all affected uses of the declared
Declarations must occur at the beginning of a math
element. The scope of a declaration is the entire
element in which the declaration is made.
The scope
attribute of a declare
may be included but has no effect since the two possible values of
"local" or "global"
now have the same meaning. The "global" attribute value
is still allowed for backwards compatibility with MathML 1.0.,
but is deprecated in MathML 2.0.
The uses of the declare
element range from
resetting default attribute values to associating an expression with a
particular instance of a more elaborate structure. Subsequent uses of the
original expression (within the scope of the declare
) play the same semantic role as would the
paired object.
For example, the declaration
<declare> <ci> A </ci> <vector> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> <ci> c </ci> </vector> </declare>
specifies that A stands for the particular vector (a,
b, c) so that subsequent uses of A as in
V = A + B can take this into account. When declare
is used in this way, the actual encoding
<apply> <eq/> <ci> V </ci> <apply> <plus/> <ci> A </ci> <ci> B </ci> </apply> </apply>
remains unchanged but the expression can be interpreted properly as vector addition.
There is no requirement to declare an expression to stand for a specific object. For example, the declaration
<declare type="vector"> <ci> A </ci> </declare>
specifies that
A is a vector without indicating the number of components or the values of specific components.
The possible values for the
attribute include all the predefined container element names such as
(see Section
Any attribute which is valid for the target element can be assigned in this way,
with the possible values being the same as would ordinarily be assigned to such an object.J
The lambda calculus allows a user to construct a function from a variable and an expression. For example, the lambda construct underlies the common mathematical idiom illustrated here:
Let f be the function taking x to x2 + 2
There are various notations for this concept in mathematical literature, such as
F(x)) = F or
[F]) =F, where x is a free variable in F.
This concept is implemented in MathML with the lambda
element. A lambda construct with n
(possibly 0) internal variables is encoded by a lambda
element, where the first n children are bvar
containing the identifiers of the internal variables. This is followed by an
optional domainofapplication
qualifier (see Section Operators taking Qualifiers) and an expression defining the
function. The defining expression is typically an apply
, but can also be
any expression.J
The following constructs
(x, sin(x+1)):
<lambda> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <apply> <sin/> <apply> <plus/> <ci> x </ci> <cn> 1 </cn> </apply> </apply> </lambda>
To use
to construct the function
f for which
x) =
x2 +
x + 3 use:
<declare type="function"J>
<ci> f </ci>
<bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar>
<ci> x </ci>
<cn> 2 </cn>
<ci> x </ci>
<cn> 3 </cn>
The following markup declares and constructs the function J such that J(x, y) is the integral from x to y of t4 with respect to t.
<declare type="function"J>
<ci> J </ci>
<bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar>
<bvar><ci> y </ci></bvar>
<apply> <int/>
<bvar><ci> t </ci></bvar>
<lowlimit><ci> x </ci></lowlimit>
<uplimit><ci> y </ci></uplimit>
The function J can then in turn be applied to an argument pair.
The last example of the preceding section illustrates the use of
qualifier elements
, and
usedJin conjunction with the
element. A number of common mathematical constructions involve additional data that is either
implicit in conventional notation, such as a bound variable, or thought of as part of the operator
rather than an argument, as is the case with the limits of a definite integral.
Content markup uses qualifier elements in conjunction with a number of operators, including integrals,
sums, series, and certain differential operators.
They may also be used by user defined functions such
as those added by making use of the csymbol
element, or by use of lambda expressions.J
Qualifier elements appear in the same
element with one of these operators. In general, they must appear in a
certain order, and their precise meaning depends on the operators being used. For details
about the use of qualifiers with the predefined operatorsJ see
Section Operators taking Qualifiers. The role of qualifiers for
user defined functions is determined solely by the definition of each function.J
A typical use of a qualifier is to identify a bound variable through use of
the bvar
element, or to
restrict the values of the bound variable to a particular domain of application or in
some other way. For example, a domain of application can be given explicitly using
the domainofapplication
element or by restricting the values of the
bound variable represented by the bvar
to an interval
or by conditions. A
element can be used to place restrictions directly on the bound variable.J
This allows MathML to define sets by rule, rather than enumeration, for exampleJ.
The following markup, for instance, encodes the set {x |
x < 1}:
<bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar>
<ci> x </ci>
<cn> 1 </cn>
<ci> x </ci>J
Another typical use is the "lifting" of n-ary operators to "big operators", for instance the n-ary union operator to the union operator over sets, as the union of the U-complements over a family F of sets in this construction
<apply> <union/> <bvar><ci>S</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><in/><ci>S</ci><ci>F</ci></apply> </condition> <apply><setdiff/><ci>U</ci><ci>S</ci></apply> </apply>
or this representation of the harmonic series:
<apply> <plus/> <domainofapplication><naturalnumbers/></domainofapplication> <lambda> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <apply><quotient/><cn>1</cn><ci>x</ci></apply> </lambda> </apply>
This general construction gives natural lifted versions of the many
n-ary operators (including csymbol
) as described
in Section Operators taking Qualifiers.
The meaning of an expression of
the first form is that the operator is applied to the values of the
expression in the last child (where the bound variables vary as specified
in the qualifiers).
The meaning of a construction of the second form is that
the operator is applied to the set of values obtained by applying the last
child as a function to the elements of the set specified by
the domainofapplication
While the primary role of the MathML content element set is to directly encode the mathematical structure of expressions independent of the notation used to present the objects, rendering issues cannot be ignored. Each content element has a default rendering, given in Section 4.4 The Content Markup Elements, and several mechanisms (including Section General Attributes) are provided for associating a particular rendering with an object.
Containers provide a means for the construction of mathematical objects of a given type.
Tokens |
ci ,
cn ,
csymbol |
Constructors |
interval ,
list ,
matrix ,
matrixrow ,
set ,
vector ,
apply ,
reln (deprecated)J,
fn (deprecated)J,
lambda ,
piecewise , piece , otherwise
Specials |
declare |
Token elements are typically the leaves of the MathML expression tree. Token elements are used to indicate mathematical identifiers, numbers and symbols.
It is also possible for the canonically empty operator elements such as
to be leaves in an expression tree. The usage of operator elements is described in
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers.
element is the MathML token element used to represent numbers. The supported types of numbers include:
"complex-cartesian", and
"complex-polar", with
"real" being the default type. An attribute
(with default value
"10") is used to help specify how the content is to be parsed. The content itself is essentially
PCDATA, separated by
when two parts are needed in order to fully describe a number. For example, the real number 3 is constructed by
<cn type="real"> 3 </cn>
, while the rational number 3/4 is constructed as
<cn type="rational"> 3<sep/>4 </cn>
. The detailed structure and specifications are provided in
Section Number (cn).
element, or
"content identifier" is used to construct a variable, or an identifier. A
attribute indicates the type of object the symbol represents. Typically,
represents a real scalar, but no default is specified. The content is either
PCDATA or a general presentation construct (see
Section 3.1.6 Summary of Presentation Elements). For example,
<ci> <msub> <mi>c</mi> <mn>1</mn> </msub> </ci>
encodes an atomic symbol that displays visually as
which, for purposes of content, is treated as a single symbol representing a real number.
The definitionURL
attribute can be used to
identify special properties or to refer to
a defining instance of (for example) a bound variable.J
The detailed structure and specifications are provided in
Section Identifier (ci).
element, or
"content symbol" is used to construct a symbol whose semantics are not part of the core content elements provided by MathML,
but defined
outside of the MathML specification.J
does not make any attempt to describe how to map the arguments occurring in any application of the function into a new MathML
expression. Instead, it depends on its
attribute to point to a particular meaning, and the
attribute to give the syntax of this definition. The content of a
is either
PCDATA or a general presentation construct (see
Section 3.1.6 Summary of Presentation Elements). For example,
<csymbol definitionURL="" encoding="text"> <msup> <mi>C</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msup> </csymbol>
encodes an atomic symbol that displays visually as C2 and that, for purposes of content, is treated as a single symbol representing the space of twice-differentiable continuous functions. The detailed structure and specifications are provided in Section Externally defined symbol (csymbol).
MathML provides a number of elements for combining elements into familiar compound objects. The compound objects include things like lists and sets. Each constructor produces a new type of object.
element is described in detail in
Section Interval (interval). It denotes an interval on the real line with the values represented by its children as end points. The
attribute is used to qualify the type of interval being represented. For example,
<interval closure="open-closed"> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> </interval>
represents the open-closed interval often written (a, b].
elements are described in detail in
Section Set (set) and
Section List (list). Typically, the child elements of a possibly empty
element are the actual components of an ordered
list. For example, an ordered list of the three symbols
b, and
c is encoded as
<list> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> <ci> c </ci> </list>
Sets and lists can also be constructed by evaluating a function over a domain of
application, each evaluation corresponding to a term of the set or list. In the most
general form a domain is explicitly specified by
a domainofapplication
element together with optional bvar
Qualifications involving a domainofapplication
element can be abbreviated
in several ways as described in Section Operators taking Qualifiers. For example,J a bvar
and a
element can be used to define lists
where membership depends on satisfying certain conditions.
attribute can be used to specify what ordering is to be used. When the nature of the child elements permits, the ordering
defaults to a numeric or lexicographic ordering.
Sets are structured much the same as lists except that there is no implied ordering and the
of set may be
"normal" or
"multiset" with
"multiset" indicating that repetitions are allowed.
For both sets and lists, the child elements must be valid MathML content elements. The type of the child elements is not restricted. For example, one might construct a list of equations, or of inequalities.
element is used to represent mathematical matrices. It is described in detail in
Section Matrix (matrix). It has zero or more child elements, all of which are
elements. These in turn expect zero or more child elements that evaluate to algebraic expressions or numbers. These sub-elements
are often real numbers, or symbols as in
<matrix> <matrixrow> <cn> 1 </cn> <cn> 2 </cn> </matrixrow> <matrixrow> <cn> 3 </cn> <cn> 4 </cn> </matrixrow> </matrix>
elements must always be contained inside of a matrix, and all rows in a given matrix must have the same number of elements.
Note that the behavior of the
elements is substantially different from the
presentation elements.
A matrix can also be constructed by evaluating a bivariate function over a specific domain of
application, each evaluation corresponding to an entry in the matrix. In its most
general form a domain of application is explicitly specified by
a domainofapplication
element and a function which when evaluated at points of the domain
produces entries in the matrix. Optionally the domainofapplication
can be augmented by bvar
elements and an
algebraic expression expressed in terms of them.
Qualifications defined by a domainofapplication
element can be abbreviated
in several ways as described in Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers.
element is described in detail in
Section Vector (vector). It constructs vectors from an
n-dimensional vector space so that its
n child elements typically represent real or complex valued scalars as in the three-element vector
<vector> <apply> <plus/> <ci> x </ci> <ci> y </ci> </apply> <cn> 3 </cn> <cn> 7 </cn> </vector>
A vector can also be constructed by evaluating a function over a specific domain of
application, each evaluation corresponding to an entry in the vector. In its most
general form a domain is explicitly specified by
a domainofapplication
element and a function. Optionally the domainofapplication
can be augmented by a bvar
element and an
algebraic expression expressed in terms of it.
Qualifications defined by a domainofapplication
element can be abbreviated
in several ways as described in Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers.
element is described in detail in
Section Apply (apply). Its purpose is to apply a function or operator to its arguments to produce an expression representing an element of the
codomain of the function. It is involved in everything from forming sums such as
a +
b as in
<apply> <plus/> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> </apply>
through to using the sine function to construct sin(a) as in
<apply> <sin/> <ci> a </ci> </apply>
or constructing integrals. Its usage in any particular setting is determined largely by the properties of the function (the first child element) and as such its detailed usage is covered together with the functions and operators in Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers.
element is described in detail in
Section Relation (reln). It was used in MathML 1.0 to construct an expression such as
a =
b, as in
<reln><eq/> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> </reln>
indicating an intended comparison between two mathematical values.
MathML 2.0 takes the view that this should be regarded as the application of a Boolean function, and as such could be constructed
. The use of
with logical operators is supported
for reasons of backwards compatibility, but deprecated in favor of
element was used in MathML 1.0 to make
explicit the fact that an expression is being used as a function or
operator. This is allowed in MathML 2.0 for backwards compatibility,
but is deprecated, as the use of
an expression as a function or operator is clear from its position as
the first child of an
is discussed in detail in
Section Function (fn).
The lambda
element is used to construct a user-defined function from an expression.
The last child is an expression defining the function in terms of the bound variables
declared by the bvar
and any domainofapplication
(see Section Operators taking Qualifiers)
elements coming before it. The last element is typically an
element, but can also be any container element.
The following constructs
(x, sin
<lambda> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <apply> <sin/> <ci> x </ci> </apply> </lambda>
The following constructs the constant function
(x, 3)
<lambda> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <cn> 3 </cn> </lambda>
elements are used to support "piecewise" declarations of the form "
H(x) = 0 if x less than 0,
H(x) = xJ otherwise".
<piecewise> <piece> <cn> 0 </cn> <apply><lt/><ci> x </ci> <cn> 0 </cn></apply> </piece> <otherwise> <ci> x </ci> </otherwise> </piecewise>
The piecewise
elements are discussed in detail in
Section Piecewise declaration
(piecewise, piece,
construct is described in detail in
Section Declare (declare). It is special in that its entire purpose is to modify
the semantics of other objects. It is not rendered visually or aurally.
The need for declarations arises any time a symbol (including more general presentations) is being used to represent an instance of an object of a particular type. For example, you may wish to declare that the symbolic identifier V represents a vector. The single argument form can be used to set properties of objects by setting the default values of implied attribute values to specific values.
The declaration
<declare type="vector"><ci>V</ci></declare>
resets the default type attribute of
"vector" for all affected occurrences of
. This avoids having to write
<ci type="vector">V</ci>
every time you use the symbol.
More generally,
can be used to associate expressions with specific content. For example, the declaration
<declare> <ci>F</ci> <lambda> <bvar><ci> U </ci></bvar> <apply> <int/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <lowlimit><cn> 0 </cn></lowlimit> <uplimit><ci> a </ci></uplimit> <ci> U </ci> </apply> </lambda> </declare>
associates the symbol
F with a new function defined by the
construct. Within the scope where the declaration is in effect, the expression
<apply> <ci>F</ci> <ci> U </ci> </apply>
stands for the integral of U from 0 to a.
element can also be used to change the definition of a function or operator. For example, if the URL
described a non-commutative plus operation encoded in Maple syntax, then the declaration
<declare definitionURL="http://.../MathML:noncommutplus" encoding="Maple"> <plus/> </declare>
would indicate that all affected uses of
are to be interpreted as having that definition of
The operators and functions defined by MathML can be divided into categories as shown in the table below.
unary arithmetic |
factorial ,
minus ,
abs ,
conjugate ,
arg ,
real ,
imaginary ,
floor ,
unary logical |
not |
unary functional |
inverse ,
ident ,
domain ,
codomain ,
unary elementary classical functions |
sin ,
cos ,
tan ,
sec ,
csc ,
cot ,
sinh ,
cosh ,
tanh ,
sech ,
csch ,
coth ,
arcsin ,
arccos ,
arctan ,
arccosh ,
arccot ,
arccoth ,
arccsc ,
arccsch ,
arcsec ,
arcsech ,
arcsinh ,
arctanh ,
exp ,
ln ,
log |
unary linear algebra |
determinant ,
transpose |
unary calculus and vector calculus |
divergence ,
grad ,
curl ,
laplacian |
unary set-theoretic |
card |
binary arithmetic |
quotient ,
divide ,
minus ,
power ,
rem |
binary logical |
implies ,
equivalent ,
approx |
binary set operators |
setdiff |
binary linear algebra |
vectorproduct ,
scalarproduct ,
outerproduct |
n-ary arithmetic |
plus ,
times ,
max ,
min ,
gcd ,
n-ary statistical |
mean ,
sdev ,
variance ,
median ,
mode |
n-ary logical |
and ,
or ,
xor |
n-ary linear algebra |
selector |
n-ary set operator |
union ,
intersect ,
n-ary functional |
fn (deprecated)J,
compose |
integral, sum, product operators |
int ,
sum ,
product |
differential operator |
diff ,
partialdiff |
quantifier |
forall ,
exists |
From the point of view of usage, MathML regards functions (for example
) and operators (for example
) in the same way. MathML predefined functions and operators are all canonically empty elements.
Note that the
element can be used to construct a user-defined symbol that can be used as a function or operator.
MathML functions can be used in two ways. They can be used as the operator within an
element, in which case they refer to a function evaluated at a specific value. For example,
<apply> <sin/> <cn>5</cn> </apply>
denotes a real number, namely sin(5).
MathML functions can also be used as arguments to other operators, for example
<apply> <plus/><sin/><cos/> </apply>
denotes a function, namely the result of adding the sine and cosine functions in some function space. (The default semantic
definition of
is such that it infers what kind of operation is intended from the type of its arguments.)
The number of child elements in the apply
is defined by the element in the first (i.e. operator) position after taking into account the use
of qualifiers as described in Section Operators taking QualifiersJ.
Unary operators are followed by exactly one other child element within the
Binary operators are followed by exactly two child elements.
N-ary operators are followed by any number of J child elements. Alternatively, their operands may be generated by allowing a function or expression to vary over a domain of application.J
Some operators have multiple classifications depending on how they are used. For example the
operator can be both unary and binary.
The one exception to these rules is that
elements may be inserted in any position except the first.
elements are not counted when satisfying the child element count for an
containing a unary or binary operator element.
Integral, sum, product and differential operators are discussed below in Section Operators taking Qualifiers.
The table below contains the qualifiers and the predefinedJ operators defined as taking qualifiers in MathML.
qualifiers |
lowlimit ,
uplimit ,
bvar ,
degree ,
logbase ,
interval ,
condition ,
domainofapplication ,
operators |
int ,
sum ,
product ,
root ,
diff ,
partialdiff ,
limit ,
log ,
min ,
max ,
forall ,
n-ary operatorsJ |
plus ,
times ,
max ,
min ,
gcd ,
lcm ,
mean ,
sdev ,
variance ,
median ,
mode ,
and ,
or ,
xor ,
union ,
intersect ,
cartesianproduct ,
compose ,
eq ,
leq ,
lt ,
geq ,
user defined operatorsJ |
csymbol ,
Operators taking qualifiers are canonically empty functions that differ from ordinary empty functions only in that
they support the use of special qualifier elements to specify their meaning more fully.
Qualifiers always follow the operator and precede any arguments that are present.J
If more than one qualifier is present, they appear in the order
. A typical example is:
J <apply><power/><ci>x</ci><cn>2</cn></apply>
The (lowlimit
) pair, the interval
and the condition
are all shorthand notations
specifying a particular domain of application and should not be used if domainofapplication
is used.
These shorthand notations are provided as they correspond to common usage cases and map more easily to familiar presentations.
For example, the lowlimit
, uplimit
pair can be used where explicit upper and
lower limits and a bound variable are all known, while an interval
can be used in the same situation
but without an explicit bound variable as in:
<apply> <int/> <interval><cn>0</cn><cn>1</cn></interval> <sin/> </apply>J
The condition
qualifier corresponds to situations where the domain of application is a set described by
simple conditions placed directly on the bound variable(s). (Such conditions are often displayed in place of a lower bound.)
An example of the use of condition
<apply> <int/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><in/><ci>x</ci><ci type="set">C</ci></apply> </condition> <apply><sin/><ci>x</ci></apply> </apply>J
The most general domain qualifier is the domainofapplication
It is used to provide the name of or a description of
the set over which the operation is to take place and should be used explicitly whenever there is
danger of confusing the role of one of the short forms such as in an expression with
multiple interval
elements. It can be used to write an expression for the integral a function over a named set
as in
<apply> <int/> <domainofapplication> <ci type="set">C</ci> </domainofapplication> <ci type="function">f</ci> </apply>
The domainofapplication
element can also be used with bound variables so that
<apply> <int/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <lowlimit><cn>0</cn></lowlimit> <uplimit><cn>1</cn></uplimit> <apply><power/><ci>x</ci><cn>2</cn></apply> </apply>
can be written as:
<apply> <int/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <domainofapplication> <set> <bvar><ci>t</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply> <and/> <apply><leq/><cn>0</cn><ci>t</ci></apply> <apply><leq/><ci>t</ci><cn>1</cn></apply> </apply> </condition> <ci>t</ci> </set> </domainofapplication> <apply><power/><ci>x</ci><cn>2</cn></apply> </apply>J
This use extends to multivariate domains by using extra bound variables and a domain corresponding to a cartesian product as in
<apply> <int/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <bvar><ci>y</ci></bvar> <domainofapplication> <set> <bvar><ci>t</ci></bvar> <bvar><ci>u</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply> <and/> <apply><leq/><cn>0</cn><ci>t</ci></apply> <apply><leq/><ci>t</ci><cn>1</cn></apply> <apply><leq/><cn>0</cn><ci>u</ci></apply> <apply><leq/><ci>u</ci><cn>1</cn></apply> </apply> </condition> <list><ci>t</ci><ci>u</ci></list> </set> </domainofapplication> <apply> <times/> <apply><power/><ci>x</ci><cn>2</cn></apply> <apply><power/><ci>y</ci><cn>3</cn></apply> </apply> </apply>
Note that the order of bound variables of the integral must correspond to the order
in the list
used by the set
constructor in the domainofapplication
By using the deprecated fn
element, it was possible to associate a qualifier schema with a function
before it wasJ applied to an argument. For example, a function acting on integrable functions on the interval [0,1]
could have been written:
This same function can be constructed without using the deprecated fn
by making use of a lambda
expression as in:
<lambda> <bvar><ci>f</ci></bvar> <apply> <int/> <interval><cn>0</cn><cn>1</cn></interval> <ci>f</ci> </apply> </lambda>
This second form has the advantage of making the intended meaning explicit.
JThe meaning and usage of qualifier schemataJ varies from function to function. The following list summarizes the usage of qualifier schemataJ with the MathML functions that normally takeJ qualifiers.
In addition to the defined usage in MathML, qualifier schemata may be used with
any user-defined symbol (e.g. using csymbol
) or construct such as an apply
In this context bvar
and domainofapplication
and its
various alternate forms have their usual interpretation and structure, but
other qualifiers and arguments are not defined by MathML; they
would normally be user-defined using the definitionURL
In the absence of specific alternatives, it is recommended that
the default rendering of an arbitrary function with domain of application qualifiers or its short forms
mimic the rendering for sum
by decorating a larger form of some operator - the function name.
For other qualifiers, or in the absence of a suitable larger form of the operator, use of a functional notation
to record the function, its qualifiers and its arguments may be most appropriate.
function accepts the
schemata. If both
schemata are present, they denote the limits of a definite integral. The domain of integration may alternatively be specified
. The
schema signifies the variable of integration. When used with
, each qualifier schema is expected to contain a single child schema; otherwise an error is generated.J
function accepts the
schema. The
schema specifies with respect to which variable the derivative is being taken. The
may itself contain a
schema that is used to specify the order of the derivative, i.e. a first derivative, a second derivative, etc. For example,
the second derivative of
f with respect to
x is:
<apply> <diff/> <bvar> <ci> x </ci> <degree><cn> 2 </cn></degree> </bvar> <apply><fn><ci>f</ci></fn> <ci> x </ci> </apply> </apply>
operator accepts zero or more
schemata, and an optional degree
qualifier schema. The
schema specify, in order, the variables with respect to which the derivative is being taken. Each
element may contain a
schema which is used to specify the order of the derivative being taken with respect to that
variable. The optional degree
schema qualifier associated with the
element itself (that is, appearing as a child of the enclosing
element rather than of one of the bvar
qualifiers) is used to represent
the total degree of the differentiation. Each
schema used with partialdiff
is expected
to contain a single child schema. For example,
<apply> <partialdiff/> <bvar> <degree><cn>2</cn></degree> <ci>x</ci> </bvar> <bvar><ci>y</ci></bvar> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <degree><cn>4</cn></degree> <ci type="function">f</ci> </apply>
denotes the mixed partial derivative ( d4 / d2x dy dx ) f.
functions accept the
schemata. If both
schemata are present, they denote the limits of the sum or product. The limits may alternatively be specified using the
schema. The
schema signifies the internal variable in the sum or product. A typical example might be:
<apply> <sum/> <bvar><ci>i</ci></bvar> <lowlimit><cn>0</cn></lowlimit> <uplimit><cn>100</cn></uplimit> <apply> <power/> <ci>x</ci> <ci>i</ci> </apply> </apply>
When used with
, each qualifier schema is expected to contain a single child schema; otherwise an error is generated.
function accepts zero or more
schemata, and optional
schemata. A
may be used to place constraints on the
. The
schema denotes the variable with respect to which the limit is being taken. The
schema denotes the limit point. When used with
, the
schemata are expected to contain a single child schema; otherwise an error is generated.
function accepts only the
schema. If present, the
schema denotes the base with respect to which the logarithm is being taken. Otherwise, the log is assumed to be base 10.
When used with
, the
schema is expected to contain a single child schema; otherwise an error is generated.
function accepts the
and momentabout
schema. If present, the
schema denotes the order of the moment. Otherwise, the moment is assumed to be the first order moment. When used with
, the
schema is expected to contain a single child schema; otherwise an error is generated. If present, the
schema denotes the point about which the moment is taken. Otherwise, the moment is assumed to be the moment about zero.
The min
and max
operators are n-ary operators may use the domain of application
qualifiers as described in [n-ary operators]. For example, the J
functions accept a
schema in cases where the maximum or minimum is being taken over a set of values specified by a
schema together with an expression to be evaluated on that set.
In MathML1.0, the
element was optional when using a
; if a
element containing a single variable was given by itself following a
operator, the variable was implicitly
assumed to be bound, and the expression to be maximized or minimized
(if absent) was assumed to be the single bound variable. This usage
is deprecated in MathML 2.0 in
favor of explicitly stating the bound variable(s) and the expression
to be maximized or minimized in all cases.
elements may also be applied to a list of values in which case no qualifier schemata are used. For examples of all three
usages, see
Section Maximum and minimum (max,
The universal and existential quantifier operators
are used in conjunction with one or more
schemata to represent simple logical assertions. There are two main main J ways of
using the logical quantifier operators. The first usage is for representing a simple, quantified assertion.
For example, the statement "there exists x < 9" would be represented as:
<apply> <exists/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <apply><lt/> <ci> x </ci><cn> 9 </cn> </apply> </apply>
The second usage is for representing implications. Hypotheses are given by a
element following the bound variables. For example the statement
"for all
x < 9,
x < 10" would be represented as:
<apply> <forall/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><lt/> <ci> x </ci><cn> 9 </cn> </apply> </condition> <apply><lt/> <ci> x </ci><cn> 10 </cn> </apply> </apply>
Note that in both these usages one or more
qualifiers are mandatory.
Expressions involving quantifiers may also be constructed using a function and a domain of application as described in [n-ary operators].
Jn-ary operators accept the bvar
schemata (and the
abbreviated forms of domainofapplication
: lowlimit
, uplimit
and condition
If qualifiers are used, they
should be followed by a single child element representing a function or
an expression in the bound variables specified in the bvar
Mathematically the operation is then taken to be over the arguments generated by this function ranging over the specified domain of application, rather than over an explicit list of arguments as is the case when qualifier schemata are not used.
The default presentation in such a case should be modelled as
a prefix operator similar to the layout used for
even if the operator when used without qualifiers
has a default presentation as an infix operator.
binary relation |
neq ,
equivalent ,
approx ,
binary logical relation |
implies |
binary set relation |
in ,
notin ,
notsubset ,
notprsubset |
binary series relation |
tendsto |
n-ary relation |
eq ,
leq ,
lt ,
geq ,
gt |
n-ary set relation |
subset ,
prsubset |
The MathML content tags include a number of canonically empty elements which denote arithmetic and logical relations. Relations are characterized by the fact that, if an external application were to evaluate them (MathML does not specify how to evaluate expressions), they would typically return a truth value. By contrast, operators generally return a value of the same type as the operands. For example, the result of evaluating a < b is either true or false (by contrast, 1 + 2 is again a number).
Relations are bracketed with their arguments using the
element in the same way as other functions. In MathML 1.0, relational operators were bracketed using
. This usage, although still supported,
is now deprecated in favor of
. The element for the relational operator is the first child element of the
. Thus, the example from the preceding paragraph is properly marked up as:
<apply> <lt/> <ci>a</ci> <ci>b</ci> </apply>
It is an error to enclose a relation in an element other than
The number of child elements in the
is defined by the element in the first (i.e. relation) position.
Unary relations are followed by exactly one other child element within the
Binary relations are followed by exactly two child elements.
N-ary relations are followed by zero or more child elements.
Some elements have more than one such classification. For example,
the minus
element is both unary and binary.
The one exception to these rules is that
elements may be inserted in any position except the first.
elements are not counted when satisfying the child element count for an
containing a unary or binary relation element.
condition |
condition |
The condition
element is used to
define the
"such that" construct in mathematical expressions. Condition elements are used in a number of contexts in MathML. They are
used to construct objects like sets and lists by rule instead of by enumeration. They can be used with the
operators to form logical expressions. And finally, they can be used in various ways in
conjunction with certain operators. For example, they can be used with an
element to specify domains of integration, or to specify argument lists for operators like
The condition
element is used to assert that a Boolean valued expression should be true.
When used in an an apply
element to place a condition on a bound variable, it forms a
shorthand notation for specifying a domain of application (see Section Domain of Application (domainofapplication))
since it restricts the permissible values for that bound variable.
In the context of quantifier operators, this corresponds to the "such that" construct used
in mathematical expressions. As a shorthand for domainofapplication
it is used
in conjunction with operators like int
and sum
, or to specify argument lists
for operators like min
and max
A condition element contains a single child that is either an
, orJ a
element (deprecated), or a set (deprecated)
indicating membership in that set.J
Compound conditions are indicated by applying relations such as and
inside the child of the condition.
The following encodes "there exists x such that x5 < 3".
<bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar>
The next example encodes "for all x in N there exist prime numbers p, q such that p+q = 2x".
<apply> <forall/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><in/> <ci>x</ci> <csymbol encoding="OpenMath" definitionURL="">J N </csymbol> </apply> </condition> <apply><exists/> <bvar><ci>p</ci></bvar> <bvar><ci>q</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><and/> <apply><in/><ci>p</ci> <csymbol encoding="OpenMath" definitionURL="">J P </csymbol> </apply> <apply><in/><ci>q</ci> <csymbol encoding="OpenMath" definitionURL="">J P </csymbol> </apply> </apply> </condition> <apply><eq/> <apply><plus/><ci>p</ci><ci>q</ci></apply> <apply><times/><cn>2</cn><ci>x</ci></apply> </apply> </apply> </apply>
A third example shows the use of quantifiers with
. The following markup encodes
"there exists
x < 3 such that
x2 = 4".
<apply> <exists/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><lt/><ci>x</ci><cn>3</cn></apply> </condition> <apply> <eq/> <apply> <power/><ci>x</ci><cn>2</cn> </apply> <cn>4</cn> </apply> </apply>
mappings |
semantics ,
annotation ,
annotation-xml |
The use of content markup rather than presentation markup for mathematics is sometimes referred to as semantic tagging [Buswell1996]. The parse-tree of a valid element structure using MathML content elements corresponds directly to the expression tree of the underlying mathematical expression. We therefore regard the content tagging itself as encoding the syntax of the mathematical expression. This is, in general, sufficient to obtain some rendering and even some symbolic manipulation (e.g. polynomial factorization).
However, even in such apparently simple expressions as
X +
Y, some additional information may be required for applications such as computer algebra. Are
X and
Y integers, or functions, etc.?
"Plus" represents addition over which field? This additional information is referred to as
semantic mapping. In MathML, this mapping is provided by the
element is the container element for the MathML expression together with its semantic mappings.
expects a variable number of child elements. The first is the element (which may itself be a complex element structure) for
which this additional semantic information is being defined. The second and subsequent children, if any, are instances of
the elements
element also accepts the
attributes for use by external processing applications. One use might be a URI for a semantic content dictionary, for example.
Since the semantic mapping information might in some cases be provided entirely by the
attribute, the
elements are optional.
element is a container for arbitrary data. This data may be in the form of text, computer algebra encodings, C programs,
or whatever a processing application expects.
has an attribute
"encoding" defining the form in use. Note that the content model of
PCDATA, so care must be taken that the particular encoding does not conflict with XML parsing rules.
element is a container for semantic information in well-formed XML. For example, an XML form of the OpenMath semantics could
be given. Another possible use here is to embed, for example, the presentation tag form of a construct given in content tag
form in the first child element of
(or vice versa).
has an attribute
"encoding" defining the form in use.
For example:
<semantics> <apply> <divide/> <cn>123</cn> <cn>456</cn> </apply> <annotation encoding="Mathematica"> N[123/456, 39] </annotation> <annotation encoding="TeX"> $0.269736842105263157894736842105263157894\ldots$ </annotation> <annotation encoding="Maple"> evalf(123/456, 39); </annotation> <annotation-xml encoding="MathML-Presentation"> <mrow> <mn> 0.269736842105263157894 </mn> <mover accent='true'> <mn> 736842105263157894 </mn> <mo> ‾ </mo> </mover> </mrow> </annotation-xml> <annotation-xml encoding="OpenMath"> <OMA xmlns=""> <OMS cd="arith1" name="divide"/> <OMI>123</OMI> <OMI>456</OMI> </OMA> </annotation-xml> </semantics>
is the element defining the additional semantic information.
Of course, providing an explicit semantic mapping at all is optional, and in general would only be provided where there is some requirement to process or manipulate the underlying mathematics.
Although semantic mappings can easily be provided by various proprietary, or highly specialized encodings, there are no widely
available, non-proprietary standard schemes for semantic mapping. In part to address this need, the goal of the OpenMath effort
is to provide a platform-independent, vendor-neutral standard for the exchange of mathematical objects between applications.
Such mathematical objects include semantic mapping information. The OpenMath group has defined an XML syntax for the encoding
of this information
[OpenMath2000]. This element set could provide the basis of one
element set.
An attractive side of this mechanism is that the OpenMath syntax is specified in XML, so that a MathML expression together with its semantic annotations can be validated using XML parsers.
MathML provides a collection of predefined constants and symbols which represent frequently-encountered concepts in K-12 mathematics.
These include symbols for well-known sets, such as
, and also some widely known constant symbols such as
MathML functions, operators and relations can all be thought of as mathematical functions if viewed in a sufficiently abstract way. For example, the standard addition operator can be regarded as a function mapping pairs of real numbers to real numbers. Similarly, a relation can be thought of as a function from some space of ordered pairs into the set of values {true, false}. To be mathematically meaningful, the domain and codomain of a function must be precisely specified. In practical terms, this means that functions only make sense when applied to certain kinds of operands. For example, thinking of the standard addition operator, it makes no sense to speak of "adding" a set to a function. Since MathML content markup seeks to encode mathematical expressions in a way that can be unambiguously evaluated, it is no surprise that the types of operands is an issue.
MathML specifies the types of arguments in two ways. The first way is by providing precise instructions for processing applications
about the kinds of arguments expected by the MathML content elements denoting functions, operators and relations. These operand
types are defined in a dictionary of default semantic bindings for content elements, which is given in
Appendix C Content Element Definitions. For example, the MathML content dictionary specifies that for real scalar arguments the plus operator is the standard commutative
addition operator over a field. The elements
has a
attribute with a default value of
"real". Thus some processors will be able to use this information to verify the validity of the indicated operations.
Although MathML specifies the types of arguments for functions, operators and relations, and provides a mechanism for typing arguments, a MathMLJ processor is not required to do any type checking. In other words, a MathML processor will not generate errors if argument types are incorrect. If the processor is a computer algebra system, it may be unable to evaluate an expression, but no MathML error is generated.
Content element attributes are all of the type CDATA, that is, any character string will be accepted as valid. In addition, each attribute has a list of predefined values, which a content processor is expected to recognize and process. The reason that the attribute values are not formally restricted to the list of predefined values is to allow for extension. A processor encountering a value (not in the predefined list) which it does not recognize may validly process it as the default value for that attribute.
Each attribute is followed by the elements to which it can be applied.
indicates numerical base of the number. Predefined values: any numeric string.
The default value is "10"
indicates closure of the interval. Predefined values: "open", "closed", "open-closed", "closed-open".
The default value is "closed"
points to an external definition of the semantics of the symbol or construct being declared. The value is a URL or URI that should point to some kind of definition. This definition overrides the MathML default semantics.
At present, MathML does not specify the format in which external semantic definitions should be given. In particular, there is no requirement that the target of the URI be loadable and parseable. An external definition could, for example, define the semantics in human-readable form.
Ideally, in most situations the definition pointed to by the
attribute would be some standard, machine-readable format. However, there are reasons why MathML does not require such a
No such format currently exists. There are several projects underway
to develop and implement standard semantic encoding formats,
most notably the OpenMath effort.
By nature, the development of a comprehensive system of semantic encoding
is a very large enterprise, and while much work has been done, much
additional work remains. Even though the
is designed and intended for use
with a formal semantic encoding language such as OpenMath, it is premature
to require any one particular format.
There will always be situations where some non-standard format is preferable.
This is particularly true in situations where authors are describing new
It is anticipated that in the near term, there will be a variety
of renderer-dependent implementations of the
A translation tool might simply prompt the user with the specified definition in situations where the proper semantics have been overridden, and in this case, human-readable definitions will be most useful.
Other software may utilize OpenMath encodings.
Still other software may use proprietary encodings, or look for definitions in any of several formats.
As a consequence, authors need to be aware that there is no guarantee a generic renderer will be able to take advantage of
information pointed to by the
attribute. Of course, when widely-accepted standardized semantic encodings are available, the definitions pointed to can
be replaced without modifying the original document. However, this is likely to be labor intensive.
There is no default value for the
attribute, i.e. the semantics are defined
within the MathML fragment, and/or by the MathML default semantics.
indicates the encoding of the annotation, or in the case of
and operator elements, the syntax of the target referred to by
. Predefined values are
"MathML-Content". Other typical values:
"OpenMath". Note that this is unrelated to the text
encoding of the document as specified for example in the encoding
pseudo-attribute of an XML declaration.J
The default value is "", i.e. unspecified.
indicates number of arguments for function declarations. Pre-defined values: "nary", or any numeric string.
The default value is "1".
indicates occurrence for operator declarations. Pre-defined values: "prefix", "infix", "function-model".
The default value is "function-model".
indicates ordering on the list. Predefined values: "lexicographic", "numeric".
The default value is "numeric".
indicates scope of applicability of the declaration. Pre-defined values: "local", "global" (deprecated).
"local" means the containing MathML element.
"global" means the containing math
In MathML 2.0, a declare has been restricted to occur only at the beginning of a
element. Thus, there is no difference between
the two possible scope
values and the scope attribute may be
safely ignored.
The "global" attribute value has been
deprecated for this role
as "local" better represents the concept.
Ideally, one would like to make document-wide declarations by setting the value of the
attribute to be
"global-document". However, the proper mechanism for document-wide declarations very much depends on details of the way in
which XML will be embedded in HTML, future XML style sheet mechanisms, and the underlying Document Object Model.
Since these supporting technologies are still in flux at present, the MathML specification does not include
"global-document" as a pre-defined value of the
attribute. It is anticipated, however, that this issue will be revisited in future revisions of MathML as supporting technologies
stabilize. In the near term, MathML implementors that wish to simulate the effect of a document-wide declaration are encouraged
to pre-process documents in order to distribute document-wide declarations to each individual
element in the document.
indicates type of the number. Predefined values: "e-notation", "integer", "rational", "real", "float,"J "complex-polar", "complex-cartesian", "constant".
The default value is "real".
Note: Each data type implies that the data adheres to certain formatting conventions, detailed below. If the data fails to conform to the expected format, an error is generated. Details of the individual formats are:
A real number is presented in decimal notation. Decimal notation consists of an optional sign
("+" or
"-") followed by a string of digits possibly separated into an integer and a fractional part by a
"decimal point". Some examples are 0.3, 1, and -31.56. If a different
is specified, then the digits are interpreted as being digits computed to that base.
A real number may also be presented in scientific notation. Such numbers have two parts (a mantissa and an exponent) separated
J. The first part is a real number, while the second part is an integer exponent indicating a power of the base.
For example, 12.3<sep/>
J5 represents
12.3 times 105.
The default presentation of this example is 12.3e5.J
An integer is represented by an optional sign followed by a string of 1 or more
"digits". What a
"digit" is depends on the
attribute. If
is present, it specifies the base for the digit encoding, and it specifies it base 10. Thus
='16' specifies a hex encoding. When
> 10, letters are added in alphabetical order as digits. The legitimate values for
are therefore between 2 and 36.
A rational number is two integers separated by
. If
is present, it specifies the base used for the digit encoding of both integers.
A complex number is of the form two real point numbers separated by
A complex number is specified in the form of a magnitude and an angle (in radians). The raw data is in the form of two real
numbers separated by
"constant" type is used to denote named constants. Several important constants such as
have been included explicitly in MathML 2.0 as empty elements.
This use of the cn
is discouraged in favor of the defined constants, or the use of
with an appropriate value for the definitionURL.
For example, instead of using the pi
element, an instance of
<cn type="constant">π</cn>
could be used. This J
should be interpreted as having the semantics of the mathematical constant Pi. The data for a constant
tag may be one of the following common constants:
Symbol | Value |
π |
The usual
π of trigonometry: approximately 3.141592653...
ⅇ (or
ⅇ )
The base for natural logarithms: approximately 2.718281828... |
ⅈ (or
ⅈ )
Square root of -1 |
γ |
Euler's constant: approximately 0.5772156649... |
∞ (or
&infty; )
Infinity. Proper interpretation varies with context |
&true; |
the logical constant true |
&false; |
the logical constant false |
&NotANumber; (or
&NaN; )
represents the result of an ill-defined floating point division |
indicates type of the identifier. Predefined values:
"function"J or the name of any content element. The meanings of the attribute values shared with
are the same as those listed for the cn
The attribute value "complex" is intended for use when an identifier
represents a complex number but the particular representation (such as polar or cartesian) is
either not known or is irrelevant.
The default value is "", i.e. unspecified.
indicates a type value that is to be attached to the first child of the declare
The first child of the declare
must accept a type
attribute and the attribute value provided must be appropriate for that element. For example, if the first child is a ci
element then the attribute value must be valid for a ci
indicates type of the identifier being declared. Predefined values: any content element name.
JThe default value is unspecified.
Jindicates type of the set. Predefined values: "normal", "multiset". "multiset" indicates that repetitions are allowed.
The default value is "normal".
is used to capture the notion of one quantity approaching another. It occurs as a container so that it can more easily be used in the construction of a limit expression. Predefined values: "above", "below", "two-sided".
The default value is "two-sided"J.
attribute, in addition to conveying semantic information, can be interpreted to provide rendering information. For example
<ci type="vector">V</ci>
a renderer could display a bold V for the vector.
All content elements support the following general attributes that can be used to modify the rendering of the markup.
The "class", "style" and "id" attributes are intended for compatibility with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), as described in Section 2.4.5 Attributes Shared by all MathML Elements.
Content or semantic tagging goes along with the (frequently implicit) premise that, if you know the semantics, you can always work out a presentation form. When an author's main goal is to mark up re-usable, evaluatableJ mathematical expressions that can be evaluatedJ, the exact rendering of the expression is probably not critical, provided that it is easily understandable. However, when an author's goal is more along the lines of providing enough additional semantic information to make a document more accessible by facilitating better visual rendering, voice rendering, or specialized processing, controlling the exact notation used becomes more of an issue.
MathML elements accept an attribute
Section 7.2.3 Attributes for unspecified data), which can be used to specify things not specifically documented in MathML. On content tags, this attribute can be used
by an author to express a
preference between equivalent forms for a particular content element construct, where the selection of the presentation has nothing
to do with the semantics. Examples might be
inline or displayed equations
script-style fractions
use of x with a dot for a derivative over dx/dt
Thus, if a particular renderer recognized a display attribute to select between script-style and display-style fractions, an author might write
<apply other='display="scriptstyle"'> <divide/> <cnJ> 1 </cnJ> <ciJ> x </ciJ> </apply>
to indicate that the rendering 1/x is preferred.
The information provided in the
attribute is intended for use by specific renderers or processors, and therefore, the permitted values are determined by
the renderer being used. It is legal for a renderer to ignore this information. This might be intentional, as in the case
of a publisher imposing a house style, or simply because the renderer does not understand them, or is unable to carry them
This section provides detailed descriptions of the MathML content tags. They are grouped in categories that broadly reflect the area of mathematics from which they come, and also the grouping in the MathML DTD. There is no linguistic difference in MathML between operators and functions. Their separation here and in the DTD is for reasons of historical usage.
When working with the content elements, it can be useful to keep in mind the following.
The role of the content elements is analogous to data entry in a mathematical system. The information that is provided is there to facilitate the successful parsing of an expression as the intended mathematical object by a receiving application.
MathML content elements do not by themselves "perform" any mathematical evaluations or operations. They do not "evaluate" in a browser and any "action" that is ultimately taken on those objects is determined entirely by the receiving mathematical application. For example, editing programs and applications geared to computation for the lower grades would typically leave 3 + 4 as is, whereas computational systems targeting a more advanced audience might evaluate this as 7. Similarly, some computational systems might evaluate sin(0) to 0, whereas others would leave it unevaluated. Yet other computational systems might be unable to deal with pure symbolic expressions like sin(x) and may even regard them as data entry errors. None of this has any bearing on the correctness of the original MathML representation. Where evaluation is mentioned at all in the descriptions below, it is merely to help clarify the meaning of the underlying operation.
Apart from the instances where there is an explicit interaction with presentation tagging, there is no required rendering (visual or aural) - only a suggested default. As such, the presentations that are included in this section are merely to help communicate to the reader the intended mathematical meaning by association with the same expression written in a more traditional notation.
The available content elements are:
token elements
basic content elements
arithmetic, algebra and logic
calculus and vector calculus
theory of sets
sequences and series
elementary classical functions
linear algebra
(MathML 2.0)
(MathML 2.0)
(MathML 2.0)
semantic mapping elements
constant and symbol elements
The cn
element is used to specify actual
numerical constants. The content model must provide sufficient information
that a number may be entered as data into a computational system. By
default, it represents a signed real number in base 10. Thus, the content
normally consists of PCDATA restricted to a sign, a string of
decimal digits and possibly a decimal point, or alternatively one of the
predefined symbolic constants such as π
The cn
element uses the attribute type
to represent other types of numbers such as, for
example, integer, rational, real or complex, and uses the attribute base
to specify the numerical base.
In addition to simple PCDATA, cn
accepts as content PCDATA separated by the (empty) element sep
. This determines the different parts needed to
construct a rational or complex-cartesian number.
The cn
element may also contain arbitrary
presentation markup in its content (see Chapter 3 Presentation Markup) so that its
presentation can be very elaborate.
Alternative input notations for numbers are possible, but must be
explicitly defined by using the definitionURL
attributes, to refer to a written
specification of how a sequence of real numbers separated by <sep/>
should be interpreted.
All attributes are CDATA:
Allowed values are "real", "integer", "rational", "complex-cartesian", "complex-polar", "constant"
Number (CDATA for XML DTD) between 2 and 36.
URL or URI pointing to an alternative definition.
Syntax of the alternative definition.
<cn type="real"> 12345.7 </cn>
<cn type="integer"> 12345 </cn>
<cn type="integer" base="16"> AB3 </cn>
<cn type="rational"> 12342 <sep/> 2342342 </cn>
<cn type="complex-cartesian"> 12.3 <sep/> 5 </cn>
<cn type="complex-polar"> 2 <sep/> 3.1415 </cn>
<cn type="constant"> τ </cn>J
By default, a contiguous block of
PCDATA contained in a
element should render as if it were wrapped in an
presentation element.
If an application supports bidirectional text rendering, then the
rendering within a cn
element follows the Unicode
bidirectional rendering rules just as if it were wrapped in an
presentation element.
Similarly, presentation markup contained in a
element should render as it normally would. A mixture of
PCDATA and presentation markup should render as if it were wrapped in an
element, with contiguous blocks of
PCDATA wrapped in
However, not all mathematical systems that encounter content based tagging do visual or aural rendering. The receiving applications are free to make use of a number in the manner in which they normally handle numerical data. Some systems might simplify the rational number 12342/2342342 to 6171/1171171 while pure floating point based systems might approximate this as 0.5269085385e-2. All numbers might be re-expressed in base 10. The role of MathML is simply to record enough information about the mathematical object and its structure so that it may be properly parsed.
The following renderings of the above MathML expressions are included both to help clarify the meaning of the corresponding MathML encoding and as suggestions for authors of rendering applications. In each case, no mathematical evaluation is intended or implied.
12342 / 2342342
12.3 + 5 i
Polar( 2 , 3.1415 )
element is used to name an identifier in a MathML expression (for example a variable). Such names are used to identify mathematical
objects. By default they are assumed to represent complex scalars. The
element may contain arbitrary presentation markup in its content (see
Chapter 3 Presentation Markup) so that its presentation as a symbol can be very elaborate.
element uses the
attribute to specify the basic type of object that it represents. While any CDATA string
is a valid type, the predefined types includeJ
"constant", "function"J and more generally, any of the names of the MathML container elements (e.g.
) or their type values.
For a more advanced treatment of types, the type
attribute is inappropriate. Advanced types require
significant structure of their own (for example, vector(complex)) and are probably best constructed as
mathematical objects and then associated with a MathML expression through use of the semantics
element. Additional
information on this topic is planned. See the MathML Web siteJ for more information.J
A more advanced treatment of mathematical types can be handled.
attributes can be used to extend the definition of
to include other types. For example, a more advanced use might require a
The definitionURL
attribute can be used to associate additional properties with a ci
See the discussion of bound variables (Section Bound variable (bvar)) for a discussion of an important instance of this.
When used as an operator it may make use of qualifiers as described in Section Operators taking Qualifiers.
<ci> x </ci>
<ci type="vector"> V </ci>
<ci> <msub> <mi>x</mi> <mi>i</mi> </msub> </ci>
If the content of a
element is tagged using presentation tags, that presentation is used. If no such tagging is supplied then the
PCDATA content isJ rendered as if it were the content of an
If an application supports bidirectional text rendering, then the
rendering within a ci
element follows the Unicode
bidirectional rendering rules just as if it were wrapped in an
presentation element.
A renderer may wish to make use of the value of the type attribute to improve on this. For example, a symbol of type
might be rendered using a bold face. Typical renderings of the above symbols are:
element allows a writer to create an element in MathML whose semantics are externally
defined (i.e. not in the core MathML content). The element can then be used in a MathML expression as for example an
operator or constant. Attributes are used to give the syntax and location of the external definition of the symbol semantics.
When used as an operator it may make use of qualifiers as described in Section Operators taking Qualifiers.J
Use of
for referencing external semantics can be contrasted with use of the
to attach additional information in-line (i.e. within the MathML fragment) to a MathML construct. See
Section 4.2.6 Syntax and Semantics.
All attributes are CDATA:
Pointer to external definition of the semantics of the symbol. MathML does not specify a particular syntax in which this definition should be written.
Gives the syntax of the definition pointed to by definitionURL. An application can then test the value of this attribute to
determine whether it is able to process the target of the
. This syntax might be text, or a formal syntax such as OpenMath.
<!-- reference to OpenMath formal syntax definition of Bessel function -->
<csymbol encoding="OpenMath"
<!-- reference to human readable text description of Boltzmann's constant -->
<csymbol encoding="text"
JBy default, a contiguous block of
PCDATA contained in a
element should render as if it were wrapped in an
presentation element.
If an application supports bidirectional text rendering, then the
rendering within a csymbol
element follows the Unicode
bidirectional rendering rules just as if it were wrapped in an
presentation element.
Similarly, presentation markup contained in a
element should render as it normally would. A mixture of
PCDATA and presentation markup should render as if it were contained wrapped in an
element, with contiguous blocks of
PCDATA wrapped in
elements. The examples above would render by default as
is used to support reference to externally defined semantics, it is a MathML error to have embedded content MathML elements
within the
element allows a function or operator to be applied to its arguments. Nearly all expression construction in MathML content
markup is carried out by applying operators or functions to arguments. The first child of
is the operator to be applied, with the other child elements as arguments or qualifiers.
element is conceptually necessary in order to distinguish between a function or operator, and an instance of its use. The
expression constructed by applying a function to 0 or more arguments is always an element from the codomain of the function.
Proper usage depends on the operator that is being applied. For example, the
operator may have zero or more arguments, while the
operator requires one or two arguments to be properly formed.
If the object being applied as a function is not already one of the elements known to be a function (such as
) then it is treated as if it were a functionJ.
Some operators such as user defined functions defined using the declare
or csymbol
make use of
"named" arguments. These special arguments are elements that appear as children of the
element and identify
"parameters" such as the variable of differentiation or the domain of integration. These elements are discussed further in
Section Operators taking Qualifiers.
<apply> <factorial/> <cn>3</cn> </apply>
<apply> <plus/> <cn>3</cn> <cn>4</cn> </apply>
<apply> <sin/> <ci>x</ci> </apply>
A mathematical system that has been passed an
element is free to do with it whatever it normally does with such mathematical data. It may be that no rendering is involved
(e.g. a syntax validator), or that the
"function application" is evaluated and that only the result is rendered (e.g. sin(0)
When an unevaluated
"function application" is rendered there are a wide variety of appropriate renderings. The choice often depends on the function
or operator being applied. Applications of basic operations such as
are generally presented using an infix notation while applications of
would use a more traditional functional notation such as sin(x). Consult the default rendering for the operator being applied.
Applications of user-defined functions (see
) that are not evaluated by the receiving or rendering application would typically render using a traditional functional notation
unless an alternative presentation is specified using the
element was used in MathML 1.0 to construct an equation or relation. Relations were constructed in a manner exactly analogous
to the use of
. This usage is deprecated in MathML 2.0 in favor of the more generally usable
The first child of
is the relational operator to be applied, with the other child elements acting as arguments. See
Section 4.2.4 Relations for further details.
element makes explicit the fact that a more general (possibly constructed) MathML object is being used in the same manner
as if it were a pre-defined function such as
has exactly one child element, used to give the name (or presentation form) of the function. When
is used as the first child of an apply, the number of following arguments is determined by the contents of the
In MathML 1.0,
was also the primary mechanism used to extend the collection of
"known" mathematical functions. The fn
element has been deprecated. To extend the collection
of known mathematical functions without using the fn
element, use the more generally applicable
element or use a declare
in conjunction with a
The interval
element is used to represent simple mathematical intervals of the real number line.
It takes an attribute
, which can take on any of the values
"open-closed", or
"closed-open", with a default value of
A single interval
element occuring as the second child of an apply
and preceded by one of the pre-defined n-ary operators is interpreted as a shorthand notation for
a domainofapplication
. All other uses of an interval
element as a child of an
apply should be interpreted as ordinary function arguments unless otherwise dictated by the
function definition.
More general domains should be constructed using a domainofapplication
element or one of the other shortcut notations described in Section Operators taking Qualifiers.
element expects
eitherJ two child elements that evaluate to real numbers.
or one or more bvar
elements and a child element that is a
defining the
element is applied to a function in order to construct a generic expression for the functional inverse of that function.
(See also the discussion of
Section The inverse construct). As with other MathML functions,
may either be applied to arguments, or it may appear alone, in which case it represents an abstract inversion operator acting
on other functions.
A typical use of the
element is in an HTML document discussing a number of alternative definitions for a particular function so that there is
a need to write and define
f(-1)(x). To associate a particular definition with
f(-1), use the
The sep
element is used to separate PCDATA
into separate tokens for parsing the contents of the various specialized
forms of the cn
elements. For example, sep
is used when specifying the real and imaginary
parts of a complex number (see Section 4.4.1 Token Elements). If it
occurs between MathML elements, it is a MathML error.
The sep
element is not directly rendered (see
Section 4.4.1 Token Elements).
The condition
element is used to assert
that a Boolean valued expression should be true.J
The conditions may be specified in terms of relations that are
to be satisfied by any variablesJ,
including general relationships such as set membership.
When used in conjunction with the bound variables of
an apply
element, it serves as a shorthand notation for
the domainofapplication
defined by having
n-tuples of values of the bound variables of the surrounding apply
included in the domain when the conditions placed on them
in this way are satisfied and excluded otherwise.J
It is used to define general sets and lists in situations where the
elements cannot be explicitly enumerated. Condition contains either a
single apply
or reln
element (deprecated);
the apply
is used to construct compound conditions. For example, it is used below to
describe the set of all x such that x < 5. See the
discussion on sets in Section 4.4.6 Theory of Sets. See Section 4.2.5 Conditions for further details.
<condition> <apply><in/><ci> x </ci><ci type="set"> A </ci></apply> </condition>
<condition> <apply> <and/> <apply><gt/><ci> x </ci><cn> 0 </cn></apply> <apply><lt/><ci> x </ci><cn> 1 </cn></apply> </apply> </condition>
<apply> <max/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <condition> <apply> <and/> <apply><gt/><ci> x </ci><cn> 0 </cn></apply> <apply><lt/><ci> x </ci><cn> 1 </cn></apply> </apply> </condition> <apply> <minus/> <ci> x </ci> <apply> <sin/> <ci> x </ci> </apply> </apply> </apply>
construct has two primary roles. The first is to change or set the default attribute values for a specific mathematical object.
The second is to establish an association between a
"name" and an object. Once a declaration is in effect, the
"name" object acquires the new attribute settings, and (if the second object is present) all the properties of the associated
The various attributes of the
element assign properties to the object being declared or determine where the declaration is in effect.
The list of allowed attributes varies depending on the object involved as it always includes the
attributes associated with that object.J
All declare
elements must occur at the beginning of a math
The scope of a declaration is "local" to the surrounding
J element.
The scope
attribute can only be assigned to
"local", but is intended to support future extensions.
As discussed in
scope, MathML contains no provision for making document-wide declarations at present, though it is anticipated that this capability
will be added in future revisions of MathML, when supporting technologies become available.
takes one or two children. The first child, which
is mandatory, is the object affected by the declaration.
This is usually a ci
providing the identifier that is being declared as in:
<declare type="vector"> <ci> V </ci> </declare>
The second child, which is optional, is a constructor initializing the variable:
<declare type="vector"> <ci> V </ci> <vector> <cn> 1 </cn><cn> 2 </cn><cn> 3 </cn> </vector> </declare>
The constructor type and the type of the element declared must agree. For example, if the type attribute of the declaration
J, the second child (constructor) must be an element that can serve as a function.J
equivalent to an fn
element.J (This would typically be something like a
element, a ci
a lambda
element, or any of the defined functions in the basic set of content tags.)J If no type is specified in the declaration then the type attribute of the declared name is set to the type of the constructor
(second child) of the declaration. The type attribute of the declaration can be especially useful in the special case of the second element being a semantic
An important case is when the first child is an identifier, and the second child is a semantics tag enclosing that identifier.
In this case all uses of the identifier acquire the associations implied by the use of the semantics
without having to write out the full semantics element for every use.
The actual instances of a declared ci
element are normally recognized
by comparing their content with that of the declared element.
Equality of two elements is determined by comparing the XML information set
of the two expressions after XML space normalization
(see [XPath]).
When the content is more complex, semantics elements are involved, or the author
simply wants to use multiple presentations for emphasis
without losing track of the relationship to the declared
instance the author may choose to make the correspondence explicit by placing
an id
attribute on a declared instance and referring back to it using a
attribute on the matching instances of the ci
as in the following example.
<declare> <ci id="var-A"> A </ci> <vector> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> <ci> c </ci> </vector> </declare> <apply> <eq/> <ci> V </ci> <apply> <plus/> <ci definitionURL="#var-A"> A </ci> <ci> B </ci> </apply> </apply>J
All attributes are CDATA. Of special interest are:
defines the MathML element type of the identifier declared.
defines the scope of application of the declaration.
number of arguments for function declarations.
describes operator usage as "prefix", "infix" or "function-model" indications.
URI pointing to detailed semantics of the function.
syntax of the detailed semantics of the function.
The declaration
<declare type="function" nargs="2"> <ci> f </ci> <apply> <plus/> <ci> F </ci><ci> G </ci> </apply> </declare>
declares f to be a two-variable function with the property that f(x, y) = (F+ G)(x, y).
The declaration
<declare type="function"> <ci> J </ci> <lambda> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <apply><ln/> <ci> x </ci> </apply> </lambda> </declare>
associates the name
J with a one-variable function defined so that
J(y) = ln
y. (Note that because of the type attribute of the
element, the second argument must be something of function type
, namely a known function like
, or a
attribute on the declaration is only necessary if the type cannot be inferred from the type of the second argument.
Even when a declaration is in effect it is still possible to override attributes values selectively as in
<ci type="set"> S
. This capability is needed in order to write statements of the form
s be a member of
Since the
construct is not directly rendered, most declarations are likely to be invisible to a reader. However, declarations can produce
quite different effects in an application which evaluates or manipulates MathML content. While the declaration
<declare> <ci> v </ci> <vector> <cn> 1 </cn> <cn> 2 </cn> <cn> 3 </cn> </vector> </declare>
is active the symbol v acquires all the properties of the vector, and even its dimension and components have meaningful values. This may affect how v is rendered by some applications, as well as how it is treated mathematically.
The lambda
element is used to construct a user-defined function from
an expression, bound variables, and
qualifiersJ. In a lambda construct with n
(possibly 0) bound variables, the first n children are bvar
elements that identify the variables that are used as placeholders in the last
child for actual parameter values.J The bound variables
can be restricted by an optional domainofapplication
qualifier or one of
its shorthand notations. The
meaning of the lambda
construct is an n-ary function that
returns the expression in the last child where the bound variables are replaced
with the respective arguments.J
See Section Constructors for further details.
The first example presents a simple lambda construct.
<lambda> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <apply><sin/> <apply> <plus/> <ci> x </ci> <cn> 1 </cn> </apply> </apply> </lambda>
The next example constructs a one-argument function in which the argument b specifies the upper bound of a specific definite integral.
<lambda> <bvar><ci> b </ci></bvar> <apply> <int/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <lowlimit><ci> a </ci></lowlimit> <uplimit><ci> b </ci></uplimit> <apply> <fn><ci> f </ci></fn> <ci> x </ci> </apply> </apply> </lambda>
Such constructs are often used in conjunction with
to construct new functions.
The domainofapplication
child restricts the possible
values of the arguments of the constructed function. For instance, the
following two lambda
constructs are representations of a function on
the integers.
<lambda> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <domainofapplication><integers/></domainofapplication> <apply><sin/><ci> x </ci></apply> </lambda>
If a lambda
construct does not contain bound variables, then the
arity of the constructed function is unchanged, and the lambda
construct is redundant, unless it also contains a
construct that restricts existing functional
arguments, as in this example, which is a variant representation for the
function above.
<lambda> <domainofapplication><integers/></domainofapplication> <sin/> </lambda>
In particular, if the last child of a lambda
construct is not a
function, say a number, then the lambda
construct will not be a
function, but the same number. Of course, in this case a
does not make sense
The compose
element represents the function
composition operator. Note that MathML makes no assumption about the domain
and codomain of the constituent functions in a composition; the domain of the
resulting composition may be empty.
To override the default semantics for the compose
element, or to associate a more specific
definition for function composition, use the definitionURL
and encoding
The compose
element is an n-ary operator
(see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
As an n-ary operator, its operands may also be generated as described in
[n-ary operators] Therefore it may take qualifiers.
<apply> <compose/> <fn><ci> f </ci></fn> <fn><ci> g </ci></fn> </apply>
<apply> <compose/> <ci type="function"> f </ci> <ci type="function"> g </ci> <ci type="function"> h </ci> </apply>
<apply> <apply><compose/> <fn><ci> f </ci></fn> <fn><ci> g </ci></fn> </apply> <ci> x </ci> </apply>
<apply> <fn><ci> f </ci></fn> <apply> <fn><ci> g </ci></fn> <ci> x </ci> </apply> </apply>
The ident
element represents the identity
function. MathML makes no assumption about the function space in which the
identity function resides. That is, proper interpretation of the domain
(and hence codomain) of the identity function depends on the context in which
it is used.
To override the default semantics for the ident
element, or to associate a more specific
definition, use the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The domain
element denotes the domain of a given function, which is the set of
values over which it is defined.
To override the default semantics for the
element, or to associate a more specific
definition, use the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The codomain
element denotes the codomain of a given function, which is a set
containing all values taken by the function. It is not necessarily the case that every point in
the codomain is generated by the function applied to some point of the domain. (For example I may know
that a function is integer-valued, so its codomain is the integers, without knowing (or stating) which
subset of the integers is mapped to by the function.)
Codomain is sometimes also called Range.
To override the default semantics for the
element, or to associate a more specific
definition, use the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The image
element denotes the image of a given function, which is the set
of values taken by the function. Every point in
the image is generated by the function applied to some point of the domain.
To override the default semantics for the
element, or to associate a more specific
definition, use the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The domainofapplication
element is a qualifier whichJ denotes the domain over which a given function
is being applied. It is intended to be a more general alternative to specification of this
domain using such qualifier elements as bvar
, lowlimit
or condition
To override the default semantics for the
element, or to associate a more specific
definition, use the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
, piece
, and
elements are used to support "piecewise" declarations of the form "
H(x) = 0 if x less than 0,
H(x) = 1 otherwise".
The declaration is constructed using the piecewise
This contains zeroJ or more piece
elements, and optionally
one otherwise
element. Each piece
element contains exactly two children. The first child defines the value taken by the piecewise
expression when the condition specified in the associated second child of the piece
is true.
The degenerate case of no piece
elements and no otherwise
element is treated as
undefined for all values of the domain.J
allows the specification of a value to be taken by the
function when none of the conditions (second child elements of the
elements) is true, i.e. a default value.
It should be noted that no "order of execution" is implied by the ordering of the piece
child elements within piecewise
. It is the responsibility of the author
to ensure that the subsets of the function domain defined by the second children of the piece
elements are disjoint,
or that, where they overlap, the values of the corresponding first children of the piece
elements coincide. If this is not the case, the meaning of the expression is undefined.
The piecewise
elements are constructors
(see Section Constructors).
<piecewise> <piece> <cn> 0 </cn> <apply><lt/><ci> x </ci> <cn> 0 </cn></apply> </piece> <otherwise> <ci> x </ci> </otherwise> </piecewise>
The following might be a definition of abs (x)
<apply> <eq/> <apply> <abs/> <ci> x </ci> </apply> <piecewise> <piece> <apply><minus/><ci> x </ci></apply> <apply><lt/><ci> x </ci> <cn> 0 </cn></apply> </piece> <piece> <cn> 0 </cn> <apply><eq/><ci> x </ci> <cn> 0 </cn></apply> </piece> <piece> <ci> x </ci> <apply><gt/><ci> x </ci> <cn> 0 </cn></apply> </piece> </piecewise> </apply>
The quotient
element is the operator used for
division modulo a particular base. When the quotient
operator is applied to integer arguments
a and b, the result is the "quotient of
a divided by b". That is, quotient
returns the unique integer q such
that a = q b + r. (In common usage,
q is called the quotient and r is the remainder.)
The quotient
element takes the attribute definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The quotient
element is a binary
arithmetic operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The factorial
element is used to construct factorials.
The factorial
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The factorial
element is a
unary arithmetic operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The divide
element is the division operator.
The divide
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The divide
element is a
binary arithmetic operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
<apply> <divide/> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> </apply>
As a MathML expression, this does not evaluate. However, on receiving such an expression, some applications may attempt to evaluate and simplify the value. For example, when a=5 and b=2 some mathematical applications may evaluate this to 2.5 while others will treat is as a rational number.
The elements
are used to compare the values of their arguments. They return the maximum and minimum of these values respectively.
elements take the
attributes that can be used to override the default semantics.
elements are
n-ary arithmetic operators (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
As n-ary operators, their operands may be listed explicitly or constructed using
a domain of application as described in [n-ary operators].J
When the objects are to be compared explicitly they are listed as arguments to the function as in:
<apply> <max/> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> </apply>
The elements to be compared may also be described using bound variables with a
element and an expression to be maximized (or minimized), as in:
<apply> <min/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><notin/><ci> x </ci><ci type="set"> B </ci></apply> </condition> <apply> <power/> <ci> x </ci> <cn> 2 </cn> </apply> </apply>
Note that the bound variable must be stated even if it might be implicit in conventional notation. In MathML1.0, the bound variable and expression to be evaluated (x) could be omitted in the example below: this usage is deprecated in MathML2.0 in favor of explicitly stating the bound variable and expression in all cases:
<apply> <max/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><and/> <apply><in/><ci>x</ci><ci type="set">B</ci></apply> <apply><notin/><ci>x</ci><ci type="set">C</ci></apply> </apply> </condition> <ci>x</ci> </apply>
The minus
element is the subtraction operator.
The minus
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The minus
element can be used as a unary
arithmetic operator (e.g. to represent - x), or as a
binary arithmetic operator (e.g. to represent x-
The plus
element is the addition operator.
The plus
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The plus
element is an n-ary arithmetic
operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The operands are usually listed explicitly.
As an n-ary operator, the operands may in principle also be provided using
a domain of application as described in [n-ary operators].
However, such expressions can already be represented explicitly using Section Sum (sum)
so the plus
does not normally take qualifiers.J
The power
element is a generic exponentiation
operator. That is, when applied to arguments a and b, it
returns the value of "a to the power of
element takes the
attributes, which can be used to override the default semantics.
element is a
binary arithmetic operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The rem
element is the operator that returns the
"remainder" of a division modulo a particular base. When the
operator is applied to integer arguments
a and b, the result is the "remainder of
a divided by b". That is, rem
returns the unique integer, r such that
a = q b+ r, where r <
q. (In common usage, q is called the quotient and
r is the remainder.)
element takes the
attributes, which can be used to override the default semantics.
element is a
binary arithmetic operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
element is the n-ary multiplication operator.
The operands are usually listed explicitly.
As an n-ary operator, the operands may in principle also be provided using a
domain of application as described in [n-ary operators]. However, such expressions
can already be represented explicitly by using Section Product (product) so the times
not normally take qualifiers.J
takes the
attributes, which can be used to override the default semantics.
The root
element is used to construct roots. The
kind of root to be taken is specified by a degree
element, which should be given as the second child
of the apply
element enclosing the root
element. Thus, square roots correspond to the case
where degree
contains the value 2, cube roots
correspond to 3, and so on. If no degree
present, a default value of 2 is used.
The root
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The root
element is an
operator taking qualifiers (see
Section Operators taking Qualifiers).
The gcd
element is used to denote the greatest
common divisor of its arguments.
The gcd
takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The gcd
element is an
n-ary operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
As an n-ary operator, its operands may also be generated as described in
[n-ary operators] Therefore it may take qualifiers.J
The and
element is the Boolean
"and" operator.
element takes the
attributes, which can be used to override the default semantics.
The and
element is an n-ary operator
(see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
As an n-ary operator, its operands may also be generated as described in
[n-ary operators] Therefore it may take qualifiers.J
The or
element is the Boolean
"or" operator.
element takes the
attributes, which can be used to override the default semantics.
The or
element is an n-ary operator
(see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
As an n-ary operator, its operands may also be generated as described in
[n-ary operators] Therefore it may take qualifiers.J
The xor
element is the Boolean "exclusive
or" operator.
takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The xor
element is an
n-ary relation (see Section 4.2.4 Relations).
As an n-ary operator, its operands may also be generated as described in
[n-ary operators] Therefore it may take qualifiers.J
The not
operator is the Boolean
"not" operator.
element takes the attribute
attributes, which can be used to override the default semantics.
element is a
unary logical operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The implies
element is the Boolean relational operator
element takes the
attributes, which can be used to override the default semantics.
element is a
binary logical operator (see
Section 4.2.4 Relations).
element represents the universal quantifier of logic. It is usually usedJ
in conjunction with one or more bound variables, an optional
element, and an assertion.
It may also be used with a domain of application and function as described in Section Operators taking Qualifiers
in which case the assertion corresponds to applying the function to an element of the specified domain.
, which should take the form of an
In MathML 1.0, the
element was also permitted here: this usage is now deprecated.
element takes the
attributes, which can be used to override the default semantics.
element is a
quantifier (see
Section Operators taking Qualifiers).
The first example encodes a simple identity.
<apply> <forall/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <apply> <minus/><ci> x </ci><ci> x </ci> </apply> <cn>0</cn> </apply> </apply>
The next example is more involved, and makes use of an optional
<apply> <forall/> <bvar><ci> p </ci></bvar> <bvar><ci> q </ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><and/> <apply><in/><ci> p </ci><rationals/></apply> <apply><in/><ci> q </ci><rationals/></apply> <apply><lt/><ci> p </ci><ci> q </ci></apply> </apply> </condition> <apply><lt/> <ci> p </ci> <apply> <power/> <ci> q </ci> <cn> 2 </cn> </apply> </apply> </apply>
The final example uses both the
<apply> <forall/> <bvar><ci> n </ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><and/> <apply><gt/><ci> n </ci><cn> 0 </cn></apply> <apply><in/><ci> n </ci><integers/></apply> </apply> </condition> <apply> <exists/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <bvar><ci> y </ci></bvar> <bvar><ci> z </ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><and/> <apply><in/><ci> x </ci><integers/></apply> <apply><in/><ci> y </ci><integers/></apply> <apply><in/><ci> z </ci><integers/></apply> </apply> </condition> <apply> <eq/> <apply> <plus/> <apply><power/><ci> x </ci><ci> n </ci></apply> <apply><power/><ci> y </ci><ci> n </ci></apply> </apply> <apply><power/><ci> z </ci><ci> n </ci></apply> </apply> </apply> </apply>
The second and third examples in this section are correct MathML expressions of False mathematical statements.
The exists
element represents the existential
quantifier of logic. Typically, it is used J in conjunction with one or more bound
variables, an optional condition
element, and an
assertion, which may take the form of either an apply
or reln
The exists
element may also be used with a general domain of application and function
as described in Section Operators taking Qualifiers. For such uses
the assertion is obtained by applying the function to an element of the
specified domain.
The exists
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The exists
element is a
quantifier (see Section Operators taking Qualifiers).
The abs
element represents the absolute value of
a real quantity or the modulus of a complex quantity.
The abs
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The abs
element is a unary arithmetic
operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The conjugate
element represents the complex
conjugate of a complex quantity.
The conjugate
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The conjugate
element is a unary
arithmetic operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The arg
operator (introduced in MathML 2.0)
gives the "argument" of a complex number, which is the angle
(in radians) it makes with the positive real axis. Real negative numbers
have argument equal to + .
The arg
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The arg
element is a unary arithmetic
operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The real
operator (introduced in MathML 2.0)
gives the real part of a complex number, that is the x component in
x + i y
The real
element takes the attributes encoding
and definitionURL
that can be used to override the
default semantics.
The real
element is a unary arithmetic
operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The imaginary
operator (introduced in MathML
2.0) gives the imaginary part of a complex number, that is, the y component
in x + i y.
The imaginary
element takes the attributes encoding
and definitionURL
that can be used to override the
default semantics.
The imaginary
element is a unary
arithmetic operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
element (introduced in MathML 2.0) is used to denote the lowest common
multiple of its arguments.
takes the
attributes, which can be used to override the default semantics.
element is an
n-ary operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
As an n-ary operator, its operands may also be generated as described in
[n-ary operators] Therefore it may take qualifiers.J
element (introduced in MathML 2.0) is used to denote the
round-down (towards -infinity) operator.
takes the
attributes, which can be used to override the default semantics.
element is a
unary operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
<apply> <floor/> <ci> a </ci> </apply>
If this were evaluated at a = 15.015, it would yield 15.
<apply> <forall/> <bvar><ci> a </ci></bvar> <apply><and/> <apply><leq/> <apply><floor/> <ci>a</ci> </apply> <ci>a</ci> </apply> <apply><lt/> <ci>a</ci> <apply><plus/> <apply><floor/> <ci>a</ci> </apply> <cn>1</cn> </apply> </apply> </apply> </apply>
element (introduced in MathML 2.0) is used to denote the
round-up (towards +infinity) operator.
takes the
attributes, which can be used to override the default semantics.
element is a
unary operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
<apply> <ceiling/> <ci> a </ci> </apply>
If this were evaluated at a = 15.015, it would yield 16.
<apply> <forall/> <bvar><ci> a </ci></bvar> <apply><and/> <apply><lt/> <apply><minus/> <apply><ceiling/> <ci>a</ci> </apply> <cn>1</cn> </apply> <ci>a</ci> </apply> <apply><leq/> <ci>a</ci> <apply><ceiling/> <ci>a</ci> </apply> </apply> </apply> </apply>
The eq
element is the relational operator
element takes the
attributes, which can be used to override the default semantics.
element is an
n-ary operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
As an n-ary operator, its operands may also be generated as described in
[n-ary operators] Therefore it may take qualifiers.J
The neq
element is the "not equal
to" relational operator.
takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The neq
element is a binary
relation (see Section 4.2.4 Relations).
The gt
element is the "greater
than" relational operator.
The gt
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
element is an
n-ary relation (see Section 4.2.4 Relations).
As an n-ary operator, its operands may also be generated as described in
[n-ary operators] Therefore it may take qualifiers.J
The lt
element is the "less than"
relational operator.
The lt
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The lt
element is an
n-ary relation (see Section 4.2.4 Relations).
As an n-ary operator, its operands may also be generated as described in
[n-ary operators] Therefore it may take qualifiers.J
The geq
element is the relational operator
"greater than or equal".
element takes the
attributes, which can be used to override the default semantics.
The geq
element is an
n-ary relation (see Section 4.2.4 Relations).
As an n-ary operator, its operands may also be generated as described in
[n-ary operators] Therefore it may take qualifiers.J
The leq
element is the relational operator
"less than or equal".
element takes the
attributes, which can be used to override the default semantics.
element is an
n-ary relation (see Section 4.2.4 Relations).
As an n-ary operator, its operands may also be generated as described in
[n-ary operators] Therefore it may take qualifiers.J
The equivalent
element is the
"equivalence" relational operator.
element takes the attributes
and definitionURL
that can be used to override the default semantics.
element is an
n-ary relation (see Section 4.2.4 Relations).
As special form of n-ary operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers), its operands may be
generated by allowing a function or expression to vary over a domain of application. Therefore it may
take qualifiers.J
The approx
element is the relational operator
"approximately equal". This is a generic relational operator and no specific arithmetic precision is implied
element takes the attributes
and definitionURL
that can be used to override the default semantics.
element is a
binary relation (see
Section Operators taking Qualifiers).
<cn type="rational"> 22 <sep/> 7 </cn>
The factorof
element is the relational operator
element on two integers a and b specifying whether
one is an integer factor of the other.
The factorof
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The factorof
element is an binary relational operator
(see Section 4.2.4 Relations).
The int
element is the operator element for an
integral. Optional bound variables serve as the integration
variables and definite integrals are indicated by providing a domain of integration.
This may be provided by an optional domainofapplication
element or one of the
shortcut representations of the domain of application (see Section Operators taking Qualifiers).J
For example, the integration variable and domain of application
can be given by the child elements lowlimit
, uplimit
and bvar
in the
enclosing apply
element. The integrand is also
specified as a child element of the enclosing apply
The domain of integration may be specified by using either an interval
element or a condition
element. In such cases, if a bound variable
of integration is intended, it must be specified explicitly. (The
condition may involve more than one symbol.)
The int
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The int
element is an operator taking
qualifiers (see Section Operators taking Qualifiers).
An indefinite integral can be represented with or without the explicit use of
a bound variable. To represent it without the use of a bound variable
apply the int
operator directly to a function as in
<apply> <eq/> <apply><int/><sin/></apply> <cos/> </apply>J
The next example specifies the integrand using an expression
involving a bound variable and makes it a definite integral by using the qualifiers
, uplimit
to place restrictions on the bound variable.
<apply> <int/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <lowlimit><cn> 0 </cn></lowlimit> <uplimit><ci> a </ci></uplimit> <apply> <ci> f </ci> <ci> x </ci> </apply> </apply>J
This example specifies an interval of the real line as the domain of integration with an
element. In this form the
integrand is provided as a function and no mention is made of a bound variable.J.
<apply> <int/> <interval> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> </interval> <cos/> </apply>J
The final example specifies the domain of integration with a bound variable and aJ
<bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar>
<ci> x </ci>
<ci type="set"> D </ci>
<apply><ci type="function"J> f </ci>
<ci> x </ci>
The diff
element is the differentiation operator
element for functions of a single variable. It may be applied directly to
an actual function such as sine or cosine, thereby denoting a function which is
the derivative of the original function, or it can be applied to an expression
involving a single variable such as sin(x), or cos(x). or a
polynomial in x. For the expression case the actual variable is
designated by a bvar
element that is a child of the
containing apply
element. The bvar
element may also contain a degree
element, which specifies the order of the
derivative to be taken.
The diff
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The diff
element is an operator taking
qualifiers (see Section Operators taking Qualifiers).
The derivative of a function f (often displayed as f') can be written as:
<apply> <diff/> <ci> f </ci> </apply>
The derivative with respect to x of an expression in x such as f (x) can be written as:
<bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar>
<apply><ci type="function"J> f </ci>
<ci> x </ci>
The partialdiff
element is the partial
differentiation operator element for functions or algebraic expressions in several
In the case of algebraic expressions, the bound variables are given by bvar
elements, which are children of the containing apply
element. The bvar
may also contain degree
element, which specify
the order of the partial derivative to be taken in that variable.
For the expression case the actual variable is
designated by a bvar
element that is a child of the
containing apply
element. The bvar
elements may also contain a degree
element, which specifies the order of the
derivative to be taken.
Where a total degree of differentiation must be specified, this is indicated by use of a
element at the top level, i.e. without any associated
, as a child
of the containing apply
For the case of partial differentiation of a function, the containing apply
two child elements: firstly a list of indices indicating by position
which coordinates are involved in
constructing the partial derivatives, and secondly the actual function to be partially differentiated.
The coordinates may be repeated.
The partialdiff
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The partialdiff
element is an operator taking
qualifiers (see Section Operators taking Qualifiers).
<apply><partialdiff/> <bvar><ci> x </ci><degree><ci> m </ci></degree></bvar> <bvar><ci> y </ci><degree><ci> n </ci></degree></bvar> <degree><ci> k </ci></degree> <apply><ci type="function"> f </ci> <ci> x </ci> <ci> y </ci> </apply> </apply>
<apply><partialdiff/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <bvar><ci> y </ci></bvar> <apply><ci type="function"> f </ci> <ci> x </ci> <ci> y </ci> </apply> </apply>
<apply><partialdiff/> <list><cn>1</cn><cn>1</cn><cn>3</cn></list> <ci type="function">f</ci> </apply>
The lowlimit
element is the container element
used to indicate the "lower limit" of an operator using
qualifiers. For example, in an integral, it can be used to specify the
lower limit of integration. Similarly, it can be used to specify the lower
limit of an index for a sum or product.
The meaning of the lowlimit
element depends on
the context it is being used in. For further details about how
qualifiers are used in conjunction with operators taking
qualifiers, consult Section Operators taking Qualifiers.
<apply> <int/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <lowlimit><ci> a </ci></lowlimit> <uplimit><ci> b </ci></uplimit> <apply> <ci type="function"> f </ci> <ci> x </ci> </apply> </apply>
The default rendering of the
element and its contents depends on the context. In the preceding example, it should be rendered as a subscript to the integral
Consult the descriptions of individual operators that make use of the
construct for default renderings.
The uplimit
element is the container element
used to indicate the "upper limit" of an operator using
qualifiers. For example, in an integral, it can be used to specify the
upper limit of integration. Similarly, it can be used to specify the upper
limit of an index for a sum or product.
The meaning of the uplimit
element depends on
the context it is being used in. For further details about how
qualifiers are used in conjunction with operators taking
qualifiers, consult Section Operators taking Qualifiers.
<apply> <int/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <lowlimit><ci> a </ci></lowlimit> <uplimit><ci> b </ci></uplimit> <apply> <ci type="function"> f </ci> <ci> x </ci> </apply> </apply>
The default rendering of the uplimit
element and
its contents depends on the context. In the preceding example, it should be
rendered as a superscript to the integral sign:
Consult the descriptions of individual operators that make use of the
construct for default renderings.
The bvar
element is the container element for
the "bound variable" of an operation. For example, in an
integral it specifies the variable of integration. In a derivative, it
indicates the variable with respect to which a function is being
differentiated. When the bvar
element is used to
qualify a derivative, itJthe bvar
elementJ may contain
a child degree
element that specifies the order of
the derivative with respect to that variable. The bvar
element is also used for the internal variable in
a number of operators taking qualifiers, including user defined operators, J
sums and products and for the bound variable used with the universal and
existential quantifiers forall
and exists
When a bvar
element has more than one
child element, the elements may appear in any order.J
Instances of the
bound variables are normally recognized by comparing the XML information
sets of the relevant ci
elements after first carrying out XML space
normalization. Such identification can be made explicit by placing an
on the ci
element in the bvar
element and
referring to it using the definitionURL
attribute on all other
instances. An example of this approach is
<set> <bvar><ci id="var-x"> x </ci></bvar> <condition> <apply> <lt/> <ci definitionURL="#var-x"> x </ci> <cn> 1 </cn> </apply> </condition> </set>
This id
based approach is especially helpful when constructions
involving bound variables are nestedJ.
It can be necessary to associate additional
information with a bound variable one or more instances of it.
The information might be something like a detailed mathematical type, an alternative presentation or encoding or
a domain of application.
Such associations are accomplished in the standard way
by replacing a ci
element (even inside the bvar
element) by a semantics
element containing both it and the additional information.
Recognition of and instance of the bound variable is still based on the actual ci
elements and not the semantics
elements or anything else
they may contain. The id
based approach outlined above may still
be used.
The meaning of the bvar
element depends on the
context it is being used in. For further details about how
qualifiers are used in conjunction with operators taking
qualifiers, consult Section Operators taking Qualifiers.
<apply> <diff/> <bvar> <ci> x </ci> <degree><cn> 2 </cn></degree> </bvar> <apply> <power/> <ci> x </ci> <cn> 4 </cn> </apply> </apply>
<apply> <int/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><in/><ci> x </ci><ci> D </ci></apply> </condition> <apply><ci type="function"> f </ci> <ci> x </ci> </apply> </apply>
The default rendering of the
element and its contents depends on the context. In the preceding examples, it should be rendered as the
x in the dx of the integral, and as the
x in the denominator of the derivative symbol, respectively:
Note that in the case of the derivative, the default rendering of the
child of the
element is as an exponent.
Consult the descriptions of individual operators that make use of the
construct for default renderings.
The degree
element is the container element for
the "degree" or "order" of an operation. There
are a number of basic mathematical constructs that come in families, such as
derivatives and moments. Rather than introduce special elements for each of
these families, MathML uses a single general construct, the degree
element for this concept of
The meaning of the
element depends on the context it is being used in. For further details about how
qualifiers are used in conjunction with operators taking qualifiers, consult
Section Operators taking Qualifiers.
<apply> <partialdiff/> <bvar> <ci> x </ci> <degree><ci> n </ci></degree> </bvar> <bvar> <ci> y </ci> <degree><ci> m </ci></degree> </bvar> <apply><sin/> <apply> <times/> <ci> x </ci> <ci> y </ci> </apply> </apply> </apply>
The default rendering of the
element and its contents depends on the context. In the preceding example, the
elements would be rendered as the exponents in the differentiation symbols:
Consult the descriptions of individual operators that make use of the
construct for default renderings.
The divergence
element is the vector calculus
divergence operator, often called div.
The divergence
element takes the attributes encoding
and definitionURL
that can be used to override the
default semantics.
The divergence
element is a
unary calculus operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The grad
element is the vector calculus gradient
operator, often called grad.
The grad
element takes the attributes encoding
and definitionURL
that can be used to override the
default semantics.
The grad
element is a unary calculus
operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
<apply> <grad/> <ci> f</ci> </apply>
Where for example f is a scalar function of three real variables.
The curl
element is the vector calculus curl operator.
The curl
element takes the attributes encoding
and definitionURL
that can be used to override the
default semantics.
The curl
element is a unary calculus
operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The laplacian
element is the vector calculus
laplacian operator.
The laplacian
element takes the attributes encoding
and definitionURL
that can be used to override the
default semantics.
The laplacian
element is an unary calculus
operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
element is the container element that constructs a set of elements. The elements of a set can be defined
either by explicitly listing the elements, or by evaluating a function over a domain of application
as described in Section Operators taking Qualifiers.
element is a
constructor element (see
Section Constructors).
<set> <ci> b </ci> <ci> a </ci> <ci> c </ci> </set>
This constructs the set {b, a, c}
<set> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><and/> <apply><lt/> <ci> x </ci> <cn> 5 </cn> </apply> <apply><in/> <ci> x </ci> <naturalnumbers/> </apply> </apply> </condition> <ci> x </ci> </set>
This constructs the set of all natural numbers less than 5, i.e. the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}.
In general a set can be constructed by providing a function and a domain of application. The elements of the
set correspond to the values obtained by evaluating the function at the points of the domain.
The qualifications defined by a domainofapplication
element can also be abbreviated
in several ways including just a condition
element placing constraints directly on the bound variables
as in this exampleJ
element is the container element that constructs a list of elements. Elements can be defined either by
explicitly listing the elements, or by evaluating a function over a domain of application
as described in Section Operators taking Qualifiers.
Lists differ from sets in that there is an explicit order to the elements. Two orders are supported: lexicographic and numeric.
The kind of ordering that should be used is specified by the
element is a
constructor element (see
Section Constructors).
The union
element is the operator for a
set-theoretic union or join of two (or more)J sets.
The operands are usually listed explicitly.J
The union
elementJ takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The union
element is an n-ary set
operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
As an n-ary operator, its operands may also be generated as described in
[n-ary operators] Therefore it may take qualifiers.J
<apply> <union/> <ci> A </ci> <ci> B </ci> </apply>
<apply> <union/> <bvar><ci type="set"> S </ci></bvar> <domainofapplication><ci type="list">L</ci></domainofapplication> <ci type="set"> S </ci> </apply>J
The intersect
element is the operator for the
set-theoretic intersection or meet of two (or more)J sets.
The operands are usually listed explicitly.J
The intersect
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The intersect
element is an n-ary set
operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
As an n-ary operator, its operands may also be generated as described in
[n-ary operators] Therefore it may take qualifiers.J
<apply> <intersect/> <ci type="set"> A </ci> <ci type="set"> B </ci> </apply>
<apply> <intersect/> <bvar><ci type="set"> S </ci></bvar> <domainofapplication><ci type="list">L</ci></domainofapplication> <ci type="set"> S </ci> </apply>J
The in
element is the relational operator used
for a set-theoretic inclusion ("is in" or "is a member
The in
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The in
element is a binary set
relation (see Section 4.2.4 Relations).
The notin
element is the relational operator
element used for set-theoretic exclusion ("is not in" or
"is not a member of").
The notin
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The notin
element is a binary set
relation (see Section 4.2.4 Relations).
The subset
element is the relational operator
element for a set-theoretic containment ("is a subset
The subset
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The subset
element is an
n-ary set relation (see Section 4.2.4 Relations).
As an n-ary operator, its operands may also be generated as described in
[n-ary operators] Therefore it may take qualifiers.J
<apply> <subset/> <ci> A </ci> <ci> B </ci> </apply>
<apply> <subset/> <bvar><ci type="set">S</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><in/> <ci>S</ci> <ci type="list">T</ci> </apply> </condition> <ci>S</ci> </apply>J
The prsubset
element is the relational operator
element for set-theoretic proper containment ("is a proper subset
The prsubset
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The prsubset
J element is an
n-ary set relation (see Section 4.2.4 Relations).
As an n-ary operator, its operands may also be generated as described in
[n-ary operators] Therefore it may take qualifiers.J
<apply> <prsubset/> <ci> A </ci> <ci> B </ci> </apply>
<apply> <prsubset/> <bvar><ci type="integer">i</ci></bvar> <lowlimit><cn>0</cn></lowlimit> <uplimit><cn>10</cn></uplimit> <apply><selector/> <ci type="vector_of_sets">S</ci> <ci>i</ci> </apply> </apply>J
The notsubset
element is the relational operator
element for the set-theoretic relation "is not a subset
The notsubset
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The notsubset
element is a binary set
relation (see Section 4.2.4 Relations).
The notprsubset
element is the operator element
for the set-theoretic relation "is not a proper subset
The notprsubset
takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The notprsubset
element is a binary set
relation (see Section 4.2.4 Relations).
The setdiff
element is the operator element for
a set-theoretic difference of two sets.
The setdiff
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The setdiff
element is a binary set
operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The card
element is the operator element for
the size or cardinality of a set.
The card
element takes the attributes definitionURL
and encoding
that can be used to override the
default semantics.
The card
element is a unary set
operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The cartesianproduct
element is the operator element for
the Cartesian product of two or more sets. If A and B are two sets, then
the Cartesian product of A and B is the set of all pairs (a,b)
with a in A and b in B.
The cartesianproduct
element takes the attributes definitionURL
and encoding
that can be used to override the
default semantics.
The cartesianproduct
element is an n-ary operator
(see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
As an n-ary operator, its operands may also be generated as described in
[n-ary operators] Therefore it may take qualifiers.J
The sum
element denotes the summation
The most general form of a sum specifies the terms of the sum by using a domainofapplication
element to specify a domain.
If no bound variables are specified then terms of the sum correspond to those produced by
evaluating the function that is provided at the points of the domain, while if
bound variables are present they are the index of summation and they take
on the values of points in the domain. In this case the terms of the sum correspond to the values of the
expression that is provided, evaluated at those points. Depending on the structure of the domain,
the domain of summation can be abbreviated by using uplimit
and lowlimit
to specifyJ upper and lower limits for the sum.
The sum
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The sum
element is an operator taking
qualifiers (see Section Operators taking Qualifiers).
<bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar>
<ci> a </ci>
<ci> b </ci>
<apply><ci type="function"J> f </ci>
<ci> x </ci>
<bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar>
<apply> <in/>
<ci> x </ci>
<ci type="set"> B </ci>
<apply><ci type="function"J> f </ci>
<ci> x </ci>
<apply> <sum/> <domainofapplication> <ci type="set"> B </ci> </domainofapplication> <ci type="function"> f </ci> </apply>J
The product
element denotes the product
The most general form of a product specifies the terms of the product by using a domainofapplication
element to specify the domain.
If no bound variables are specified then terms of the product correspond to those produced by
evaluating the function that is provided at the points of the domain, while if
bound variables are present they are the index of product and they take
on the values of points in the domain. In this case the terms of the product correspond to the values of the
expression that is provided, evaluated at those points. Depending on the structure of the domain,
the domain of product can be abbreviated by using uplimit
and lowlimit
to specifyJ upper and lower limits for the product.
The product
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The product
element is an operator taking
qualifiers (see Section Operators taking Qualifiers).
<apply> <product/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <lowlimit><ci> a </ci></lowlimit> <uplimit><ci> b </ci></uplimit> <apply> <ci type="function"> f </ci> <ci> x </ci> </apply> </apply> <apply> <product/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <condition> <apply> <in/> <ci> x </ci> <ci type="set"> B </ci> </apply> </condition> <apply><ci type="function"> f </ci> <ci> x </ci> </apply> </apply>
The limit
element represents the operation of
taking a limit of a sequence. The limit point is expressed by specifying a
and a bvar
, or by
specifying a condition
on one or more bound
The limit
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The limit
element is an operator taking
qualifiers (see Section Operators taking Qualifiers).
<apply> <limit/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <lowlimit><cn> 0 </cn></lowlimit> <apply><sin/><ci> x </ci></apply> </apply>
<apply> <limit/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <condition> <apply> <tendsto type="above"/> <ci> x </ci> <ci> a </ci> </apply> </condition> <apply><sin/> <ci> x </ci> </apply> </apply>
The tendsto
element is used to express the
relation that a quantity is tending to a specified value. While this is used primarily as part
of the statement of a mathematical limit, it exists as a construct on its own to allow one to capture mathematical
statements such as "As x tends to y," and to provide a building block to construct more general kinds of limits that
are not explicitly covered by the recommendation.J
The tendsto
element takes the attributes type
to set the direction from which the limiting
value is approached.
The tendsto
element is a binary relational
operator (see Section 4.2.4 Relations).
<apply> <tendsto type="above"/> <apply> <power/> <ci> x </ci> <cn> 2 </cn> </apply> <apply> <power/> <ci> a </ci> <cn> 2 </cn> </apply> </apply>
To express (x,
y)), one might use vectors, as in:
<apply> <tendsto/> <vector> <ci> x </ci> <ci> y </ci> </vector> <vector> <apply><ci type="function"> f </ci> <ci> x </ci> <ci> y </ci> </apply> <apply><ci type="function"> g </ci> <ci> x </ci> <ci> y </ci> </apply> </vector> </apply>
The names of the common trigonometric functions supported by MathML are listed below. Since their standard interpretations are widely known, they are discussed as a group.
sin |
cos |
tan |
sec |
csc |
cot |
sinh |
cosh |
tanh |
sech |
csch |
coth |
arcsin |
arccos |
arctan |
arccosh |
arccot |
arccoth |
arccsc |
arccsch |
arcsec |
arcsech |
arcsinh |
arctanh |
These operator elements denote the standard trigonometric functions.
These elements all take the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
They are all unary trigonometric operators. (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The exp
element represents the exponential
function associated with the inverse of the ln
function. In particular, exp(1) is approximately 2.718281828.
The exp
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which may be used to override the
default semantics.
The exp
element is a unary arithmetic
operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The ln
element represents the natural logarithm
The ln
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The ln
element is a unary calculus
operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
The log
element is the operator that returns a
logarithm to a given base. The base may be specified using a logbase
element, which should be the first element
following log
, i.e. the second child of the
containing apply
element. If the logbase
element is not present, a default base of 10 is
The log
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The log
element can be used as either an
operator taking qualifiers or a unary calculus
operator (see Section Operators taking Qualifiers).
is the operator element representing a mean
or average.
takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The mean
element is a n-ary operator
and takes certain qualifiers (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
is the operator element representing the
statistical standard deviation operator.
takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
The sdev
element is a n-ary operator
and takes certain qualifiers (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
is an n-ary operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
<apply> <sdev/> <ci> X </ci> </apply>
is the operator element representing the
statistical variance operator.
takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
is an n-ary operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
<apply> <variance/> <ci> X </ci> </apply>
is the operator element representing the statistical
median operator.
takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
is an n-ary operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
<apply> <median/> <ci> X </ci> </apply>
is the operator element representing the statistical
mode operator.
takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
is an n-ary operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
<apply> <mode/> <ci> X </ci> </apply>
The moment
element represents the statistical
moment operator. Use the qualifier degree
for the n in
" n-th moment". Use the qualifier momentabout
for the p in
"moment about p".
takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
is an operator taking qualifiers (see
Section Operators taking Qualifiers). The third moment of the distribution
X about the point p is written:
<apply> <moment/> <degree><cn> 3 </cn></degree> <momentabout> <ci> p </ci> </momentabout> <ci> X </ci> </apply>
The momentabout
element is a qualifier element used with the
element to represent statistical
moments. Use the qualifier momentabout
for the p in
"moment about p".
takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
is the container element for a
vector. The child elements form the components of the vector.
For purposes of interaction with matrices and matrix multiplication, vectors are regarded as equivalent to a matrix consisting of a single column, and the transpose of a vector behaves the same as a matrix consisting of a single row. Note that vectors may be rendered either as a single column or row.J
In general a vector can be constructed by providing a function and a 1-dimensional domain of application.
The entries of the vector correspond to the values obtained by evaluating the function at the points of
the domain. The qualifications defined by a domainofapplication
element can also be abbreviated
in several ways including a condition
placed on a bound variable and an expression involving
that variable.
is a constructor element (see
Section Constructors).
<vector> <cn> 1 </cn> <cn> 2 </cn> <cn> 3 </cn> <ci> x </ci> </vector>
The matrix
element is the container element for
matrix rows, which are represented by matrixrow
. The matrixrow
contain the elements of a matrix.
In general a matrix can be constructed by providing a function and a 2-dimensional domain of application.
The entries of the matrix correspond to the values obtained by evaluating the function at the points of
the domain. The qualifications defined by a domainofapplication
element can also be abbreviated
in several ways including a condition
element placing constraints directly on bound variables and
an expression in those variables.
is a constructor element (see
Section Constructors).
<matrix> <matrixrow> <cn> 0 </cn> <cn> 1 </cn> <cn> 0 </cn> </matrixrow> <matrixrow> <cn> 0 </cn> <cn> 0 </cn> <cn> 1 </cn> </matrixrow> <matrixrow> <cn> 1 </cn> <cn> 0 </cn> <cn> 0 </cn> </matrixrow> </matrix>
is a constructor element (see
Section Constructors).
<matrixrow> <cn> 1 </cn> <cn> 2 </cn> </matrixrow> <matrixrow> <cn> 3 </cn> <ci> x </ci> </matrixrow>
The determinant
element is the operator for constructing the determinant of a matrix.
takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
is a unary operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
<apply> <determinant/> <ci type="matrix"> A </ci> </apply>
The transpose
element is the operator for
constructing the transpose of a matrix.
takes the definitionURL
and encoding
attributes, which can be used to override the
default semantics.
is a
unary operator (see
Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
<apply> <transpose/> <ci type="matrix"> A </ci> </apply>
The selector
element is the operator for
indexing into vectors matrices and lists. It accepts one or more
arguments. The first argument identifies the vector, matrix or list from
which the selection is taking place, and the second and subsequent
arguments, if any, indicate the kind of selection taking place.
When selector
is used with a single argument, it
should be interpreted as giving the sequence of all elements in the list,
vector or matrix given. The ordering of elements in the sequence for a
matrix is understood to be first by column, then by row. That is, for a
matrix ( ai,j), where the indices
denote row and column, the ordering would be a 1,1,
a 1,2, ... a 2,1, a2,2 ... etc.
When three arguments are given, the last one is ignored for a list or vector, and in the case of a matrix, the second and third arguments specify the row and column of the selected element.
When two arguments are given, and the first is a vector or list, the second argument specifies an element in the list or vector. When a matrix and only one index i is specified as in
<apply> <selector/> <matrix> <matrixrow> <cn> 1 </cn> <cn> 2 </cn> </matrixrow> <matrixrow> <cn> 3 </cn> <cn> 4 </cn> </matrixrow> </matrix> <cn> 1 </cn> </apply>
it refers to the i-th matrixrow. Thus, the preceding example selects the following row:
<matrixrow> <cn> 1 </cn> <cn> 2 </cn> </matrixrow>
takes the
attributes, which can be used to override the default semantics.
is classified as an n-ary linear algebra operator even though it can take only one, two, or three arguments.
<apply> <selector/> <ci type="matrix"> A </ci> <cn> 3 </cn> <cn> 2 </cn> </apply>
The selector
construct renders in a manner that indicates
which sub-element of the parent object is selected. For vectors and matrices this is
normally done by specifying the parent object together with subscripted indices.
For example, the selection
<apply> <selector/> <ci type="vector">V</ci> <cn> 1 </cn> </apply>
would have a default rendering of
Selecting the (1,2) element of a 2 by 2 matrix would have a default rendering as
The vectorproduct
is the operator element for
deriving the vector product of two vectors.
The vectorproduct
element takes the attributes
and encoding
that can be used to override
the default semantics.
The vectorproduct
element is a binary
vector operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
<apply> <eq/> <apply><vectorproduct/> <ci type="vector"> A </ci> <ci type="vector"> B </ci> </apply> <apply><times/> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> <apply><sin/> <ci> θ </ci> </apply> <ci type="vector"> N </ci> </apply> </apply>
where A and B are vectors, N is a unit vector orthogonal to A and B,
a, b are the magnitudes of
A, B and is
the angle between A and B.
The scalarproduct
is the operator element for
deriving the scalar product of two vectors.
The scalarproduct
element takes the attributes
and encoding
that can be used to override
the default semantics.
The scalarproduct
element is a binary
vector operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
<apply> <eq/> <apply><scalarproduct/> <ci type="vector"> A </ci> <ci type="vector">B </ci> </apply> <apply><times/> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> <apply><cos/> <ci> θ </ci> </apply> </apply> </apply>
where A and B are vectors, a, b are the magnitudes of
A, B and is
the angle between A and B.
The outerproduct
is the operator element for
deriving the outer product of two vectors.
The outerproduct
element takes the attributes
and encoding
that can be used to override
the default semantics.
The outerproduct
element is a
binary vector operator (see Section 4.2.3 Functions, Operators and Qualifiers).
This section explains the use of the semantic mapping elements semantics
, annotation
and annotation-xml
The annotation
element is the container element
for a semantic annotation in a non-XML format.
The annotation
element takes the attributes
and encoding
that can be used to override
the default semantics. Only the encoding
attribute is required whenever
the semantics remains unchanged.
The semantics
element is the container element
that associates additional representations with a given MathML
construct. The semantics
element has as its first
child the expression being annotated, and the subsequent children are the
annotations. There is no restriction on the kind of annotation that can be
attached using the semantics element. For example, one might give a TEX
encoding, orJ computer algebra input, or even detailed
mathematical type information in an annotation. A definitionURL
attribute is used on
the annotation to indicate when the semantics of an annotation differs significantly from that of the
original expression.J
The representations that are XML based are enclosed in an annotation-xml
element while those representations that
are to be parsed as PCDATA are enclosed in an annotation
The semantics
element takes the definitionURL
and encoding
which can be used to reference an external source for some or all of the semantic information.
An important purpose of the semantics
is to associate specific semantics with a particular presentation, or
additional presentation information with a content construct. The default
rendering of a semantics
element is the default
rendering of its first child. When a MathML-presentation annotation is
provided, a MathML renderer may optionally use this information to render
the MathML construct. This would typically be the case when the first child
is a MathML content construct and the annotation is provided to give a
preferred rendering differing from the default for the content
Use of semantics
to attach additional
information in-line to a MathML construct can be contrasted with use of the
for referencing external semantics. See
Section Externally defined symbol (csymbol)
The semantics
element is a semantic mapping element.
<semantics> <apply> <plus/> <apply> <sin/> <ci> x </ci> </apply> <cn> 5 </cn> </apply> <annotation encoding="Maple"> sin(x) + 5 </annotation> <annotation-xml encoding="MathML-Presentation"> ... ... </annotation-xml> <annotation encoding="Mathematica"> Sin[x] + 5 </annotation> <annotation encoding="TeX"> \sin x + 5 </annotation> <annotation-xml encoding="OpenMath"> <OMA xmlns=""> <OMS cd="transc1" name="sin"/> <OMI>5</OMI> </OMA> </annotation-xml> </semantics>
The annotation-xml
container element is used to
contain representations that are XML based. It is always used together with
the semantics
The annotation-xml
element takes the attributes
and encoding
that can be used to override
the default semantics. Only the encoding
attribute is required whenever
the semantics remains unchanged.
is a semantic mapping element.
<ci> x </ci>
<cn> 5 </cn>
<annotation-xml encoding="OpenMath">
<OMA xmlns="">J
<OMS name="plus" cd="arith1"/>
<OMA><OMS name="sin" cd="transc1"/>
<OMV name="x"/>
See also the discussion of semantics
This section explains the use of the Constant and Symbol elements.
represents the mathematical constant
which is the square root of -1, commonly written i.
represents the result of an
ill-defined floating point operation, sometimes also called