=================================== pst-ode PSTricks package https://gitlab.com/agrahn/pst-ode =================================== Alexander Grahn, (c) 2012--today `pst-ode' defines \pstODEsolve for solving initial value problems for sets of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) using the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (RKF45) method with automatic step size adjustment. \pstODEsolve[]{}{}{t_0}{t_e}{N}{x⃗_0}{f⃗(t,x⃗)} The state vectors x⃗ found at N equally spaced output points between t_0 and t_e are stored in the PostScript object , formatted according to the second argument , as a long list of values. lists the quantities to be stored in . The user can select from the elements of x⃗ and the integration parameter t. The initial condition vector x⃗_0 and the right-hand side f⃗(t,x⃗) of the ODE system can be input in algebraic notation, if desired. RPN (Postfix) notation of PostScript can as well be used. can be directly used as the argument of \listplot{} (package `pst-plot') or \listplotThreeD{} (package `pst-3dplot'). This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for the details of that license.