""" Demonstrates how to create a dynamic group of progress bars, showing multi-level progress for multiple tasks (installing apps in the example), each of which consisting of multiple steps. """ import time from rich.console import Group from rich.panel import Panel from rich.live import Live from rich.progress import ( BarColumn, Progress, SpinnerColumn, TextColumn, TimeElapsedColumn, ) def run_steps(name, step_times, app_steps_task_id): """Run steps for a single app, and update corresponding progress bars.""" for idx, step_time in enumerate(step_times): # add progress bar for this step (time elapsed + spinner) action = step_actions[idx] step_task_id = step_progress.add_task("", action=action, name=name) # run steps, update progress for _ in range(step_time): time.sleep(0.5) step_progress.update(step_task_id, advance=1) # stop and hide progress bar for this step when done step_progress.stop_task(step_task_id) step_progress.update(step_task_id, visible=False) # also update progress bar for current app when step is done app_steps_progress.update(app_steps_task_id, advance=1) # progress bar for current app showing only elapsed time, # which will stay visible when app is installed current_app_progress = Progress( TimeElapsedColumn(), TextColumn("{task.description}"), ) # progress bars for single app steps (will be hidden when step is done) step_progress = Progress( TextColumn(" "), TimeElapsedColumn(), TextColumn("[bold purple]{task.fields[action]}"), SpinnerColumn("simpleDots"), ) # progress bar for current app (progress in steps) app_steps_progress = Progress( TextColumn( "[bold blue]Progress for app {task.fields[name]}: {task.percentage:.0f}%" ), BarColumn(), TextColumn("({task.completed} of {task.total} steps done)"), ) # overall progress bar overall_progress = Progress( TimeElapsedColumn(), BarColumn(), TextColumn("{task.description}") ) # group of progress bars; # some are always visible, others will disappear when progress is complete progress_group = Group( Panel(Group(current_app_progress, step_progress, app_steps_progress)), overall_progress, ) # tuple specifies how long each step takes for that app step_actions = ("downloading", "configuring", "building", "installing") apps = [ ("one", (2, 1, 4, 2)), ("two", (1, 3, 8, 4)), ("three", (2, 1, 3, 2)), ] # create overall progress bar overall_task_id = overall_progress.add_task("", total=len(apps)) # use own live instance as context manager with group of progress bars, # which allows for running multiple different progress bars in parallel, # and dynamically showing/hiding them with Live(progress_group): for idx, (name, step_times) in enumerate(apps): # update message on overall progress bar top_descr = "[bold #AAAAAA](%d out of %d apps installed)" % (idx, len(apps)) overall_progress.update(overall_task_id, description=top_descr) # add progress bar for steps of this app, and run the steps current_task_id = current_app_progress.add_task("Installing app %s" % name) app_steps_task_id = app_steps_progress.add_task( "", total=len(step_times), name=name ) run_steps(name, step_times, app_steps_task_id) # stop and hide steps progress bar for this specific app app_steps_progress.update(app_steps_task_id, visible=False) current_app_progress.stop_task(current_task_id) current_app_progress.update( current_task_id, description="[bold green]App %s installed!" % name ) # increase overall progress now this task is done overall_progress.update(overall_task_id, advance=1) # final update for message on overall progress bar overall_progress.update( overall_task_id, description="[bold green]%s apps installed, done!" % len(apps) )