#Descriptio, file=sys.stderrn # #Using this client, one can manipulate and query stickers. The script is essentially a raw interface to the MPD protocol's sticker command, and is used in exactly the same way. #Examples ## set sticker "foo" to "bar" on "dir/song.mp3" #sticker.py set dir/song.mp3 foo bar # ## get sticker "foo" on "dir/song.mp3" #sticker.py get dir/song.mp3 foo # ## list all stickers on "dir/song.mp3" #sticker.py list dir/song.mp3 # ## find all files with sticker "foo" in "dir" #sticker.py find dir foo # ## find all files with sticker "foo" #sticker.py find / foo # ## delete sticker "foo" from "dir/song.mp3" #sticker.py delete dir/song.mp3 foo # #sticker.py #! /usr/bin/env python # Edit these HOST = "localhost" PORT = 6600 PASS = None from optparse import OptionParser from socket import error as SocketError from sys import stderr from mpd import MPDClient, MPDError ACTIONS = ("get", "set", "delete", "list", "find") def main(action, uri, name, value): client = MPDClient() client.connect(HOST, PORT) if PASS: client.password(PASS) if action == "get": print(client.sticker_get("song", uri, name)) if action == "set": client.sticker_set("song", uri, name, value) if action == "delete": client.sticker_delete("song", uri, name) if action == "list": stickers = client.sticker_list("song", uri) for sticker in stickers: print(sticker) if action == "find": matches = client.sticker_find("song", uri, name) for match in matches: if "file" in match: print(match["file"]) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog action args", version="0.1", description="Manipulate and query " "MPD song stickers.") options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 1: parser.error("no action specified, must be one of: %s" % " ".join(ACTIONS)) action = args.pop(0) if action not in ACTIONS: parser.error("action must be one of: %s" % " ".join(ACTIONS)) if len(args) < 1: parser.error("no URI specified") uri = args.pop(0) if action in ("get", "set", "delete", "find"): if len(args) < 1: parser.error("no name specified") name = args.pop(0) else: name = None if action == "set": if len(args) < 1: parser.error("no value specified") value = args.pop(0) else: value = None try: main(action, uri, name, value) except SocketError as e: print("%s: error with connection to MPD: %s" % \ (parser.get_prog_name(), e[1]), file=stderr) except MPDError as e: print("%s: error executing action: %s" % \ (parser.get_prog_name(), e), file=stderr) # vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 textwidth=79: