********************************************************************** Repository ********************************************************************** Everything starts either by creating a new repository, or by opening an existing one. .. contents:: Contents :local: Functions =================================== .. autofunction:: pygit2.init_repository Example:: >>> from pygit2 import init_repository >>> repo = init_repository('test') # Creates a non-bare repository >>> repo = init_repository('test', bare=True) # Creates a bare repository .. autofunction:: pygit2.clone_repository Example:: >>> from pygit2 import clone_repository >>> repo_url = 'git://github.com/libgit2/pygit2.git' >>> repo_path = '/path/to/create/repository' >>> repo = clone_repository(repo_url, repo_path) # Clones a non-bare repository >>> repo = clone_repository(repo_url, repo_path, bare=True) # Clones a bare repository .. autofunction:: pygit2.discover_repository Example:: >>> current_working_directory = os.getcwd() >>> repository_path = discover_repository(current_working_directory) >>> repo = Repository(repository_path) .. autofunction:: pygit2.tree_entry_cmp(object, other) The Repository class =================================== The API of the Repository class is quite large. Since this documentation is organized by features, the related bits are explained in the related chapters, for instance the :py:meth:`pygit2.Repository.checkout` method is explained in the Checkout section. Below there are some general attributes and methods: .. autoclass:: pygit2.Repository :members: ahead_behind, amend_commit, applies, apply, create_reference, default_signature, descendant_of, describe, free, get_attr, is_bare, is_empty, is_shallow, odb, path, path_is_ignored, reset, revert_commit, state_cleanup, workdir, write, write_archive, set_odb, set_refdb The Repository constructor will most commonly be called with one argument, the path of the repository to open. Alternatively, constructing a repository with no arguments will create a repository with no backends. You can use this path to create repositories with custom backends. Note that most operations on the repository are considered invalid and may lead to undefined behavior if attempted before providing an odb and refdb via :py:meth:`set_odb` and :py:meth:`set_refdb`. Parameters: path The path to open — if not provided, the repository will have no backend. flags Flags controlling how to open the repository can optionally be provided — any combination of: * GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_SEARCH * GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_CROSS_FS * GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_BARE * GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_DOTGIT * GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_FROM_ENV Example:: >>> from pygit2 import Repository >>> repo = Repository('pygit2/.git') The Odb class =================================== .. autoclass:: pygit2.Odb :members: The Refdb class =================================== .. autoclass:: pygit2.Refdb :members: