Releasing ========= Preparation ----------- Run `git checkout develop`. To build a new release, modify the version number in: ``pygccxml/`` This version number will then automatically be used to build the documentation and by the script when building the wheels. Run `git add . && git commit -m "Bump version major.minor.minor"`. Do not forget to document the latest changes in the ```` file. Merging and releasing --------------------- Merge develop into master: Run `git checkout master`. Run `git merge develop master`. Tag the version (do not forget the v): Run `git tag vmajor.minor.minor`. Run `git push origin vmajor.minor.minor && git push origin master` Wait for the CI to be done and all green. Go to the releases page on github and use the "draft a new release" button to create a new release. Use the exisiting tag. You can copy-past the changelog's content there if you want to. Once you are done, you can upload the release to pypi. Uploading to pypi ----------------- The documentation for the building and uploading can be found here: `pypi`_ Cleanup your dist: ``rm -rf dist`` The wheels are built with: ``python3 bdist_wheel --universal`` They are uploaded with: ``twine upload dist/*`` .. _`pypi`: