:Author: Jérôme Kieffer :Date: 22/01/2021 :Keywords: Performance analysis :Target: user .. _pyfaibenchmark: pyFAI-benchmark =============== Measure the speed for azimuthal integration. Purpose ------- Measures the avarage execution time for azimuthal integration with various image sizes and algorithms, can be used to select the most suitable integrator, to evaluate the perfomance of a given computer, debug some hardware problems. Image are between 1 and 16 Mpixel in size and all the method tested are providing the same results for azimuthal integration (and validated). The `bbox` pixel splitting schem is used which is also the default one. By default, only the `histogram` and `CSR` algorithm (implemented in cython) are measued, but OpenCL devices can be probed with options "-c", "-g" and "-a". The result is a graphic with the number of images integrated per second as function of the image size. All the corresponding timings are also recorded in a JSON file. Since pyFAI version 0.20, whith the new generation of integrator put in production, both ``integrate1d_legacy`` and ``integrate1d_ng`` are benchmarked together to validate the absence of performance regression. A factor larger than 2 sould be considered as a bug. Usage ----- **-h**, **--help** show this help message and exit **-v**, **--version** show program's version number and exit **-d**, **--debug** switch to verbose/debug mode **-c**, **--cpu** perform benchmark using OpenCL on the CPU **-g**, **--gpu** perform benchmark using OpenCL on the GPU **-a**, **--acc** perform benchmark using OpenCL on the Accelerator (like XeonPhi/MIC) **-s** SIZE, **--size** SIZE Limit the size of the dataset to X Mpixel images (for computer with limited memory) **-n** NUMBER, **--number** NUMBER Runtime for each test, in seconds, by default 10 **-2d**, **--2dimention** Benchmark also algorithm for 2D-regrouping **--no-1dimention** Do not benchmark algorithms for 1D-regrouping **-m**, **--memprof** Perfrom memory profiling (Linux only) **-r** REPEAT, **--repeat** REPEAT Repeat each benchmark x times to take the best