####### Support ####### ******* Contact ******* Pyeapi is developed by Arista EOS+ CS and supported by the Arista EOS+ community. Support for the code is provided on a best effort basis by the Arista EOS+ CS team and the community. You can contact the team that develops these modules by sending an email to eosplus-dev@arista.com. For customers that are looking for a premium level of support, please contact your local account team or email eosplus@arista.com for help. ***************** Submitting Issues ***************** The Arista EOS+ CS development team uses Github Issues to track discovered bugs and enhancement requests. The issues tracker can be found at https://github.com/arista-eosplus/pyeapi/issues. For defect issues, please provide as much relevant data as possible as to what is causing the issue, if and how it is reproducible, the version of EOS, python, and any OS details. For enhancement requests, please provide a brief description of the enhancement request and the version of EOS to be supported. The issue tracker is monitored by Arista EOS+ CS and issues submitted are categorized and scheduled for inclusion in upcoming Pyeapi versions.