Changes in python-pskc

changes from 1.1 to 1.2

  • sort namespace declarations alphabetically in generated XML

  • accept keys as bytearray values

  • spelling fixes in documentation

  • command-line utilities now support using - as stdin

  • test and build environment improvements

  • drop support for Python 3.4

  • add support for Python 3.8 - 3.10 (was already working out-of-the-box)

changes from 1.0 to 1.1

  • portability fixes for test suite

  • add a remove_encryption() function

  • always write a 1.0 PSKC version, even when another version was read

  • correctly write a PSKC file with a global IV

  • correctly write a PSKC file without a MAC key

  • add a pskc2pskc script for converting a legacy PSKC file to a RFC 6030 compliant version and for adding or removing encryption

  • add a csv2pskc script for generating a PSKC file from a CSV file

  • make all the scripts (pskc2csv, pskc2pskc and csv2pskc) entry points so they are available on package installation

changes from 0.5 to 1.0

  • fix a bug in writing passphrase encrypted PSKC files on Python3

  • fix a typo in the pin_max_failed_attempts attribute (the old name is available as a deprecated property)

  • switch from pycrypto to cryptography as provider for encryption functions because the latter is better supported

  • switch to using the PBKDF2 implementation from hashlib which requires Python 2.7.8 or newer

  • use defusedxml when available (python-pskc now supports both standard xml.etree and lxml with and without defusedxml)

  • support checking and generating embedded XML signatures (this requires the signxml library which is not required for any other operations)

  • add limited support for very old draft PSKC versions (it is speculated that this resembles the “Verisign PSKC format” that some applications produce)

  • support Camellia-CBC and KW-Camellia encryption algorithms

  • support any hashing algorithm available in Python

  • add a –secret-encoding option to pskc2csv to allow base64 encoded binary output

  • support naming the CSV column headers in pskc2csv

  • add a manual page for pskc2csv

  • a number of documentation, code style and test suite improvements

changes from 0.4 to 0.5

  • numerous compatibility improvements for reading PSKC files that do not follow the RFC 6030 schema exactly: specifically accept a number of old Internet Draft specifications that preceded RFC 6030 and support an ActivIdentity file format

  • split device information from key information (keep old API available) to allow multiple keys per device (this is not allowed by RFC 6030 but was allowed in older Internet Drafts)

  • accept MAC to be over plaintext in addition to ciphertext

  • fall back to using encryption key as MAC key

  • refactoring of some encryption, parsing and serialising functionality into separate modules for better maintainability

  • add configuration for running test suite via Tox

  • addition of a large number of test cases, bringing the branch coverage to 100%

  • documentation improvements

  • drop official support for Python 2.6 (the module still works but is just no longer tested with it)

changes from 0.3 to 0.4

  • add support for writing encrypted PSKC files (with either a pre-shared key or PBKDF2 password-based encryption)

  • extend may_use() policy checking function to check for unknown policy elements and key expiry

  • add a number of tests for existing vendor PSKC files and have full line coverage with tests

  • be more lenient in handling a number of XML files (e.g. automatically sanitise encryption algorithm URIs, ignore XML namespaces and support more spellings of some properties)

  • support reading password or key files in pskc2csv

  • support Python 3 in the pskc2csv script (thanks Mathias Laurin)

  • refactoring and clean-ups to be more easily extendible (thanks Mathias Laurin)

changes from 0.2 to 0.3

  • support writing unencrypted PSKC files

  • include a sample pskc2csv script in the source code

  • fix an issue with XML namespaces for PBKDF2 parameters

  • support Python 3

  • update documentation

changes from 0.1 to 0.2

  • raise exceptions on parsing, decryption and other problems

  • support Python 2.6 and multiple ElementTree implementations (lxml is required when using Python 2.6)

  • support more encryption algorithms (AES128-CBC, AES192-CBC, AES256-CBC, TripleDES-CBC, KW-AES128, KW-AES192, KW-AES256 and KW-TripleDES) and be more lenient in accepting algorithm URIs

  • support all HMAC algorithms that Python’s hashlib module has hash functions for (HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA224, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384 and HMAC-SHA512)

  • support PRF attribute of PBKDF2 algorithm

  • support creating PSKC objects and keys

  • when accessing values for which a MAC is present, a MAC failure will raise an exception (DecryptionError)

  • many code cleanups

  • improve test coverage

changes in 0.1

Initial release