Search.setIndex({"docnames": ["contexts", "contributing", "currencies", "defining", "defining-quantities", "developers_reference", "faq", "formatting", "getting", "index", "log_units", "measurement", "nonmult", "numpy", "performance", "pint-convert", "pitheorem", "plotting", "serialization", "systems", "tutorial", "wrapping"], "filenames": ["contexts.rst", "contributing.rst", "currencies.rst", "defining.rst", "defining-quantities.rst", "developers_reference.rst", "faq.rst", "formatting.rst", "getting.rst", "index.rst", "log_units.rst", "measurement.rst", "nonmult.rst", "numpy.ipynb", "performance.rst", "pint-convert.rst", "pitheorem.rst", "plotting.rst", "serialization.rst", "systems.rst", "tutorial.rst", "wrapping.rst"], "titles": ["Contexts", "Contributing to Pint", "Using Pint for currency conversions", "Defining units", "Defining Quantities", "Developer reference", "Frequently asked questions", "String formatting", "Installation", "Pint: makes units easy", "Logarithmic Units", "Using Measurements", "Temperature conversion", "NumPy Support", "Optimizing Performance", "Command-line script", "Buckingham Pi Theorem", "Plotting with Matplotlib", "Serialization", "Different Unit Systems (and default units)", "Tutorial", "Wrapping and checking functions"], "terms": {"If": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21], "you": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21], "frequent": [0, 2, 9], "certain": [0, 1, 4, 5, 13, 14, 18, 21], "topic": 0, "probabl": 0, "find": [0, 5, 14, 16, 20], "need": [0, 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18], "convert": [0, 3, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21], "between": [0, 1, 2, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 20], "dimens": [0, 2, 3, 5, 16], "base": [0, 2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 14, 19], "some": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 21], "pre": [0, 1, 14, 21], "establish": [0, 5], "physic": [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21], "relationship": [0, 5, 20], "For": [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21], 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"remove_contexts"], [5, 2, 1, "", "transform"]], "pint.converters": [[5, 1, 1, "", "Converter"], [5, 1, 1, "", "LogarithmicConverter"], [5, 1, 1, "", "OffsetConverter"], [5, 1, 1, "", "ScaleConverter"]], "pint.converters.LogarithmicConverter": [[5, 2, 1, "", "from_reference"], [5, 2, 1, "", "to_reference"]], "pint.definitions": [[5, 1, 1, "", "AliasDefinition"], [5, 1, 1, "", "Definition"], [5, 1, 1, "", "DimensionDefinition"], [5, 1, 1, "", "PrefixDefinition"], [5, 1, 1, "", "PreprocessedDefinition"], [5, 1, 1, "", "UnitDefinition"], [5, 6, 1, "", "numeric_parse"]], "pint.definitions.AliasDefinition": [[5, 2, 1, "", "from_string"]], "pint.definitions.Definition": [[5, 2, 1, "", "from_string"]], "pint.definitions.DimensionDefinition": [[5, 2, 1, "", "from_string"]], "pint.definitions.PrefixDefinition": [[5, 2, 1, "", "from_string"]], "pint.definitions.UnitDefinition": [[5, 2, 1, "", "from_string"]], "pint.errors": [[5, 4, 1, "", "DefinitionSyntaxError"], [5, 4, 1, "", "DimensionalityError"], [5, 4, 1, "", "LogarithmicUnitCalculusError"], [5, 4, 1, "", "OffsetUnitCalculusError"], [5, 4, 1, "", "PintError"], [5, 4, 1, "", "PintTypeError"], [5, 4, 1, "", "RedefinitionError"], [5, 4, 1, "", "UndefinedUnitError"], [5, 4, 1, "", "UnitStrippedWarning"]], "pint.formatting": [[5, 6, 1, "", "formatter"], [5, 6, 1, "", "register_unit_format"], [5, 6, 1, "", "siunitx_format_unit"]], "pint.matplotlib": [[5, 1, 1, "", "PintAxisInfo"], [5, 1, 1, "", "PintConverter"], [5, 6, 1, "", "setup_matplotlib_handlers"]], "pint.matplotlib.PintConverter": [[5, 2, 1, "", "axisinfo"], [5, 2, 1, "", "convert"], [5, 2, 1, "", "default_units"]], "pint.measurement": [[5, 1, 1, "", "Measurement"]], "pint.pint_eval": [[5, 1, 1, "", "EvalTreeNode"], [5, 6, 1, "", "build_eval_tree"]], "pint.pint_eval.EvalTreeNode": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "pint.quantity": [[5, 1, 1, "", "Quantity"]], "pint.quantity.Quantity": [[5, 2, 1, "", "check"], [5, 2, 1, "", "compute"], [5, 3, 1, "", "default_format"], [5, 5, 1, "", "dimensionality"], [5, 2, 1, "", "dot"], [5, 2, 1, "", "from_list"], [5, 2, 1, "", "from_sequence"], [5, 2, 1, "", "is_compatible_with"], [5, 2, 1, "", "ito"], [5, 2, 1, "", "ito_base_units"], [5, 2, 1, "", "ito_reduced_units"], [5, 2, 1, "", "ito_root_units"], [5, 5, 1, "", "m"], [5, 2, 1, "", "m_as"], [5, 5, 1, "", "magnitude"], [5, 2, 1, "", "persist"], [5, 2, 1, "", "prod"], [5, 2, 1, "", "to"], [5, 2, 1, "", "to_base_units"], [5, 2, 1, "", "to_compact"], [5, 2, 1, "", "to_reduced_units"], [5, 2, 1, "", "to_root_units"], [5, 5, 1, "", "u"], [5, 5, 1, "", "units"], [5, 2, 1, "", "visualize"]], "pint.registry": [[5, 1, 1, "", "ApplicationRegistry"], [5, 1, 1, "", "BaseRegistry"], [5, 1, 1, "", "ContextCacheOverlay"], [5, 1, 1, "", "ContextRegistry"], [5, 1, 1, "", "DefaultsDefinition"], [5, 1, 1, "", "NonMultiplicativeRegistry"], [5, 1, 1, "", "RegistryCache"], [5, 1, 1, "", "RegistryMeta"], [5, 1, 1, "", "SystemRegistry"], [5, 1, 1, "", "UnitRegistry"]], "pint.registry.ApplicationRegistry": [[5, 2, 1, "", "get"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set"]], "pint.registry.BaseRegistry": [[5, 3, 1, "", "auto_reduce_dimensions"], [5, 3, 1, "", "case_sensitive"], [5, 2, 1, "", "convert"], [5, 5, 1, "", "default_format"], [5, 2, 1, "", "define"], [5, 3, 1, "", "fmt_locale"], [5, 2, 1, "", "get_base_units"], [5, 2, 1, "", "get_dimensionality"], [5, 2, 1, "", "get_name"], [5, 2, 1, "", "get_root_units"], [5, 2, 1, "", "get_symbol"], [5, 2, 1, "", "is_compatible_with"], [5, 2, 1, "", "load_definitions"], [5, 3, 1, "", "non_int_type"], [5, 2, 1, "", "parse_expression"], [5, 2, 1, "", "parse_pattern"], [5, 2, 1, "", "parse_unit_name"], [5, 2, 1, "", "parse_units"], [5, 3, 1, "", "separate_format_defaults"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_fmt_locale"]], "pint.registry.ContextRegistry": [[5, 2, 1, "", "add_context"], [5, 2, 1, "", "context"], [5, 2, 1, "", "disable_contexts"], [5, 2, 1, "", "enable_contexts"], [5, 2, 1, "", "remove_context"], [5, 2, 1, "", "with_context"]], "pint.registry.NonMultiplicativeRegistry": [[5, 3, 1, "", "default_as_delta"]], "pint.registry.RegistryCache": [[5, 3, 1, "", "dimensional_equivalents"], [5, 3, 1, "", "dimensionality"], [5, 3, 1, "", "parse_unit"], [5, 3, 1, "", "root_units"]], "pint.registry.SystemRegistry": [[5, 2, 1, "", "get_base_units"], [5, 2, 1, "", "get_group"], [5, 2, 1, "", "get_system"]], "pint.registry.UnitRegistry": [[5, 2, 1, "", "check"], [5, 2, 1, "", "pi_theorem"], [5, 2, 1, "", "setup_matplotlib"], [5, 2, 1, "", "wraps"]], "pint.registry_helpers": [[5, 6, 1, "", "check"], [5, 6, 1, "", "wraps"]], "": [[5, 1, 1, "", "Group"], [5, 1, 1, "", "GroupDefinition"], [5, 1, 1, "", "System"], [5, 1, 1, "", "SystemDefinition"]], "": [[5, 2, 1, "", "add_groups"], [5, 2, 1, "", "add_units"], [5, 2, 1, "", "from_lines"], [5, 2, 1, "", "invalidate_members"], [5, 5, 1, "", "members"], [5, 3, 1, "", "name"], [5, 2, 1, "", "remove_groups"], [5, 2, 1, "", "remove_units"]], "": [[5, 2, 1, "", "from_lines"]], "": [[5, 2, 1, "", "add_groups"], [5, 3, 1, "", "base_units"], [5, 3, 1, "", "derived_units"], [5, 2, 1, "", "format_babel"], [5, 2, 1, "", "invalidate_members"], [5, 3, 1, "", "name"], [5, 2, 1, "", "remove_groups"]], "pint.unit": [[5, 1, 1, "", "Unit"]], "pint.unit.Unit": [[5, 3, 1, "", "default_format"], [5, 5, 1, "", "dimensionality"], [5, 5, 1, "", "dimensionless"], [5, 2, 1, "", "from_"], [5, 2, 1, "", "is_compatible_with"], [5, 2, 1, "", "m_from"]], "pint.util": [[5, 1, 1, "", "BlockIterator"], [5, 1, 1, "", "ParserHelper"], [5, 1, 1, "", "PrettyIPython"], [5, 1, 1, "", "SharedRegistryObject"], [5, 1, 1, "", "SourceIterator"], [5, 1, 1, "", "UnitsContainer"], [5, 6, 1, "", "column_echelon_form"], [5, 6, 1, "", "getattr_maybe_raise"], [5, 6, 1, "", "infer_base_unit"], [5, 6, 1, "", "iterable"], [5, 6, 1, "", "matrix_to_string"], [5, 6, 1, "", "pi_theorem"], [5, 6, 1, "", "sized"], [5, 6, 1, "", "solve_dependencies"], [5, 6, 1, "", "to_units_container"], [5, 6, 1, "", "transpose"], [5, 1, 1, "", "udict"]], "pint.util.ParserHelper": [[5, 2, 1, "", "from_string"], [5, 2, 1, "", "from_word"]], "pint.util.SourceIterator": [[5, 2, 1, "", "block_iter"]], "pint.util.UnitsContainer": [[5, 2, 1, "", "remove"], [5, 2, 1, "", "rename"]], "pint.util.udict": [[5, 2, 1, "", "copy"]]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:module", "1": "py:class", "2": "py:method", "3": "py:attribute", "4": "py:exception", "5": "py:property", "6": "py:function"}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "1": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "2": ["py", "method", "Python method"], "3": ["py", "attribute", "Python attribute"], "4": ["py", "exception", "Python exception"], "5": ["py", "property", "Python property"], "6": ["py", "function", "Python function"]}, "titleterms": {"context": [0, 5], "enabl": 0, "multipl": [0, 4, 21], "parameter": 0, "ensur": 0, "when": [0, 14], "call": 0, "function": [0, 13, 21], "defin": [0, 3, 4, 10, 20], "file": [0, 3], "programmat": [0, 3], "us": [0, 2, 4, 11, 14, 20], "unit": [0, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 19, 20], "redefinit": 0, "work": 0, "without": 0, "default": [0, 19], "definit": [0, 3, 5], "contribut": 1, "pint": [1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 20], "report": 1, "issu": 1, "code": [1, 8], "set": [1, 10], "up": [1, 10, 14], "your": [1, 20], "environ": 1, "write": 1, "test": 1, "run": 1, "build": 1, "document": 1, "extens": 1, "packag": [1, 13], "currenc": 2, "convers": [2, 12], "simplifi": [2, 20], "model": 2, "full": 2, "In": 3, "constant": 3, "check": [3, 21], "i": 3, "alreadi": 3, "quantiti": [4, 5, 7, 10, 20], "By": 4, "constructor": 4, "string": [4, 7, 20], "pars": [4, 20], "develop": 5, "refer": 5, "all": 5, "modul": 5, "babel": 5, "compat": [5, 13], "convert": [5, 10, 20], "error": 5, "formatt": 5, "matplotlib": [5, 17], "measur": [5, 11], "pint_ev": 5, "registri": [5, 14, 20], "registry_help": 5, "system": [5, 19], "util": 5, "frequent": 6, "ask": 6, "question": 6, "why": 6, "name": 6, "you": 6, "mention": 6, "other": 6, "similar": 6, "python": 6, "librari": 6, "can": 6, "point": 6, "me": 6, "those": 6, "format": [7, 20], "specif": 7, "type": [7, 13], "custom": 7, "modifi": 7, "instal": [8, 9], "get": 8, "make": 9, "easi": 9, "quick": 9, "design": 9, "principl": 9, "user": 9, "guid": 9, "more": 9, "inform": 9, "One": 9, "last": 9, "thing": 9, "logarithm": 10, "unitregistri": 10, "log": 10, "from": 10, "base": 10, "compound": 10, "temperatur": 12, "numpi": 13, "support": 13, "method": [13, 14], "arrai": 13, "overview": 13, "technic": 13, "commentari": 13, "exampl": 13, "addit": 13, "comment": 13, "optim": 14, "perform": 14, "magnitud": 14, "possibl": 14, "A": 14, "safer": 14, "wrap": [14, 21], "speed": 14, "instanti": 14, "command": 15, "line": 15, "script": 15, "buckingham": 16, "pi": 16, "theorem": 16, "applic": 16, "pendulum": 16, "pressur": 16, "loss": 16, "pipe": 16, "plot": 17, "serial": 18, "differ": [19, 20], "tutori": 20, "initi": 20, "local": 20, "project": 20, "strict": 21, "mode": 21, "argument": 21, "return": 21, "valu": 21, "option": 21, "specifi": 21, "relat": 21, "between": 21, "ignor": 21, "an": 21, "dimension": 21}, "envversion": {"": 2, "": 1, "": 1, "": 8, "": 1, "": 2, "": 2, "": 3, "": 2, "": 2, "sphinx.ext.viewcode": 1, "nbsphinx": 4, "sphinx": 57}, "alltitles": {"Contexts": [[0, "contexts"]], "Enabling multiple contexts": [[0, "enabling-multiple-contexts"]], "Parameterized contexts": [[0, "parameterized-contexts"]], "Ensuring context when calling a function": [[0, "ensuring-context-when-calling-a-function"]], "Defining contexts in a file": [[0, "defining-contexts-in-a-file"]], "Defining contexts programmatically": [[0, "defining-contexts-programmatically"]], "Using contexts for unit redefinition": [[0, "using-contexts-for-unit-redefinition"]], "Working without a default definition": [[0, "working-without-a-default-definition"]], "Contributing to Pint": [[1, "contributing-to-pint"]], "Report issues": [[1, "report-issues"]], "Contribute code": [[1, "contribute-code"]], "Setting up your environment": [[1, "setting-up-your-environment"]], "Writing tests": [[1, "writing-tests"]], "Running tests and building documentation": [[1, "running-tests-and-building-documentation"]], "Extension Packages": [[1, "extension-packages"]], "Using Pint for currency conversions": [[2, "using-pint-for-currency-conversions"]], "Simplified model": [[2, "simplified-model"]], "Full model": [[2, "full-model"]], "Defining units": [[3, "defining-units"]], "In a definition file": [[3, "in-a-definition-file"]], "Programmatically": [[3, "programmatically"]], "Units with constants": [[3, "units-with-constants"]], "Checking if a unit is already defined": [[3, "checking-if-a-unit-is-already-defined"]], "Defining Quantities": [[4, "defining-quantities"]], "By multiplication": [[4, "by-multiplication"]], "Using the constructor": [[4, "using-the-constructor"]], "Using string parsing": [[4, "using-string-parsing"]], "Developer reference": [[5, "developer-reference"]], "All Modules": [[5, "module-pint"]], "pint": [[5, "pint"]], "pint.babel": [[5, "pint-babel"]], "pint.compat": [[5, "pint-compat"]], "pint.context": [[5, "pint-context"]], "pint.converters": [[5, "pint-converters"]], "pint.definitions": [[5, "pint-definitions"]], "pint.errors": [[5, "pint-errors"]], "pint.formatter": [[5, "pint-formatter"]], "pint.matplotlib": [[5, "pint-matplotlib"]], "pint.measurement": [[5, "pint-measurement"]], "pint.pint_eval": [[5, "pint-pint-eval"]], "pint.quantity": [[5, "pint-quantity"]], "pint.registry": [[5, "pint-registry"]], "pint.registry_helpers": [[5, "pint-registry-helpers"]], "": [[5, "pint-systems"]], "pint.unit": [[5, "pint-unit"]], "pint.util": [[5, "pint-util"]], "Frequently asked questions": [[6, "frequently-asked-questions"]], "Why the name Pint?": [[6, "why-the-name-pint"]], "You mention other similar Python libraries. Can you point me to those?": [[6, "you-mention-other-similar-python-libraries-can-you-point-me-to-those"]], "String formatting": [[7, "string-formatting"], [20, "string-formatting"]], "Unit Format Specifications": [[7, "unit-format-specifications"]], "Unit Format Types": [[7, "unit-format-types"]], "Custom Unit Format Types": [[7, "custom-unit-format-types"]], "Quantity Format Specifications": [[7, "quantity-format-specifications"]], "Quantity Format Types": [[7, "quantity-format-types"]], "Modifiers": [[7, "modifiers"]], "Installation": [[8, "installation"]], "Getting the code": [[8, "getting-the-code"]], "Pint: makes units easy": [[9, "pint-makes-units-easy"]], "Quick Installation": [[9, "quick-installation"]], "Design principles": [[9, "design-principles"]], "User Guide": [[9, "user-guide"]], "More information": [[9, "more-information"]], "One last thing": [[9, "one-last-thing"]], "Logarithmic Units": [[10, "logarithmic-units"]], "Setting up the UnitRegistry()": [[10, "setting-up-the-unitregistry"]], "Defining log quantities": [[10, "defining-log-quantities"]], "Converting to and from base units": [[10, "converting-to-and-from-base-units"]], "Compound log units": [[10, "compound-log-units"]], "Using Measurements": [[11, "using-measurements"]], "Temperature conversion": [[12, "temperature-conversion"]], "NumPy Support": [[13, "NumPy-Support"]], "Function/Method Support": [[13, "Function/Method-Support"]], "Array Type Support": [[13, "Array-Type-Support"]], "Overview": [[13, "Overview"]], "Technical Commentary": [[13, "Technical-Commentary"]], "Examples": [[13, "Examples"]], "Compatibility Packages": [[13, "Compatibility-Packages"]], "Additional Comments": [[13, "Additional-Comments"]], "Optimizing Performance": [[14, "optimizing-performance"]], "Use magnitudes when possible": [[14, "use-magnitudes-when-possible"]], "A safer method: wrapping": [[14, "a-safer-method-wrapping"]], "Speed up registry instantiation": [[14, "speed-up-registry-instantiation"]], "Command-line script": [[15, "command-line-script"]], "Buckingham Pi Theorem": [[16, "buckingham-pi-theorem"]], "Application to the pendulum": [[16, "application-to-the-pendulum"]], "Pressure loss in a pipe": [[16, "pressure-loss-in-a-pipe"]], "Plotting with Matplotlib": [[17, "plotting-with-matplotlib"]], "Serialization": [[18, "serialization"]], "Different Unit Systems (and default units)": [[19, "different-unit-systems-and-default-units"]], "Tutorial": [[20, "tutorial"]], "Initializing a Registry": [[20, "initializing-a-registry"]], "Defining a Quantity": [[20, "defining-a-quantity"]], "Converting to different units": [[20, "converting-to-different-units"]], "Simplifying units": [[20, "simplifying-units"]], "String parsing": [[20, "string-parsing"]], "Localizing": [[20, "localizing"]], "Using Pint in your projects": [[20, "using-pint-in-your-projects"]], "Wrapping and checking functions": [[21, "wrapping-and-checking-functions"]], "Strict Mode": [[21, "strict-mode"]], "Multiple arguments or return values": [[21, "multiple-arguments-or-return-values"]], "Optional arguments": [[21, "optional-arguments"]], "Specifying relations between arguments": [[21, "specifying-relations-between-arguments"]], "Ignoring an argument or return value": [[21, "ignoring-an-argument-or-return-value"]], "Checking dimensionality": [[21, "checking-dimensionality"]]}, "indexentries": {"aliasdefinition (class in pint.definitions)": [[5, "pint.definitions.AliasDefinition"]], "applicationregistry (class in pint.registry)": [[5, "pint.registry.ApplicationRegistry"]], "baseregistry (class in pint.registry)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry"]], "behaviorchangewarning": [[5, "pint.compat.BehaviorChangeWarning"]], "blockiterator (class in pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.BlockIterator"]], "context (class in pint)": [[5, "pint.Context"]], "context (class in pint.context)": [[5, "pint.context.Context"]], "contextcacheoverlay (class in pint.registry)": [[5, "pint.registry.ContextCacheOverlay"]], "contextchain (class in pint.context)": [[5, "pint.context.ContextChain"]], "contextdefinition (class in pint.context)": [[5, "pint.context.ContextDefinition"]], "contextregistry (class in pint.registry)": [[5, "pint.registry.ContextRegistry"]], "converter (class in pint.converters)": [[5, "pint.converters.Converter"]], "defaultsdefinition (class in pint.registry)": [[5, "pint.registry.DefaultsDefinition"]], "definition (class in pint.definitions)": [[5, "pint.definitions.Definition"]], "definitionsyntaxerror": [[5, "pint.DefinitionSyntaxError"], [5, "pint.errors.DefinitionSyntaxError"]], "dimensiondefinition (class in pint.definitions)": [[5, "pint.definitions.DimensionDefinition"]], "dimensionalityerror": [[5, "pint.DimensionalityError"], [5, "pint.errors.DimensionalityError"]], "evaltreenode (class in pint.pint_eval)": [[5, "pint.pint_eval.EvalTreeNode"]], "group (class in": [[5, ""]], "groupdefinition (class in": [[5, ""]], "logarithmicconverter (class in pint.converters)": [[5, "pint.converters.LogarithmicConverter"]], "logarithmicunitcalculuserror": [[5, "pint.LogarithmicUnitCalculusError"], [5, "pint.errors.LogarithmicUnitCalculusError"]], "measurement (class in pint)": [[5, "pint.Measurement"]], "measurement (class in pint.measurement)": [[5, "pint.measurement.Measurement"]], "nonmultiplicativeregistry (class in pint.registry)": [[5, "pint.registry.NonMultiplicativeRegistry"]], "offsetconverter (class in pint.converters)": [[5, "pint.converters.OffsetConverter"]], "offsetunitcalculuserror": [[5, "pint.OffsetUnitCalculusError"], [5, "pint.errors.OffsetUnitCalculusError"]], "parserhelper (class in pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.ParserHelper"]], "pintaxisinfo (class in pint.matplotlib)": [[5, "pint.matplotlib.PintAxisInfo"]], "pintconverter (class in pint.matplotlib)": [[5, "pint.matplotlib.PintConverter"]], "pinterror": [[5, "pint.PintError"], [5, "pint.errors.PintError"]], "pinttypeerror": [[5, "pint.errors.PintTypeError"]], "prefixdefinition (class in pint.definitions)": [[5, "pint.definitions.PrefixDefinition"]], "preprocesseddefinition (class in pint.definitions)": [[5, "pint.definitions.PreprocessedDefinition"]], "prettyipython (class in pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.PrettyIPython"]], "quantity (class in pint)": [[5, "pint.Quantity"]], "quantity (class in pint.quantity)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity"]], "redefinitionerror": [[5, "pint.RedefinitionError"], [5, "pint.errors.RedefinitionError"]], "registrycache (class in pint.registry)": [[5, "pint.registry.RegistryCache"]], "registrymeta (class in pint.registry)": [[5, "pint.registry.RegistryMeta"]], "relation (class in pint.context)": [[5, "pint.context.Relation"]], "scaleconverter (class in pint.converters)": [[5, "pint.converters.ScaleConverter"]], "sharedregistryobject (class in pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.SharedRegistryObject"]], "sourceiterator (class in pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.SourceIterator"]], "system (class in": [[5, ""]], "systemdefinition (class in": [[5, ""]], "systemregistry (class in pint.registry)": [[5, "pint.registry.SystemRegistry"]], "undefineduniterror": [[5, "pint.UndefinedUnitError"], [5, "pint.errors.UndefinedUnitError"]], "unit (class in pint)": [[5, "pint.Unit"]], "unit (class in pint.unit)": [[5, "pint.unit.Unit"]], "unitdefinition (class in pint.definitions)": [[5, "pint.definitions.UnitDefinition"]], "unitregistry (class in pint)": [[5, "pint.UnitRegistry"]], "unitregistry (class in pint.registry)": [[5, "pint.registry.UnitRegistry"]], "unitstrippedwarning": [[5, "pint.UnitStrippedWarning"], [5, "pint.errors.UnitStrippedWarning"]], "unitscontainer (class in pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.UnitsContainer"]], "add_context() (pint.registry.contextregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.ContextRegistry.add_context"]], "add_groups() ( method)": [[5, ""]], "add_groups() ( method)": [[5, ""]], "add_transformation() (pint.context method)": [[5, "pint.Context.add_transformation"]], "add_transformation() (pint.context.context method)": [[5, "pint.context.Context.add_transformation"]], "add_units() ( method)": [[5, ""]], "auto_reduce_dimensions (pint.registry.baseregistry attribute)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.auto_reduce_dimensions"]], "axisinfo() (pint.matplotlib.pintconverter static method)": [[5, "pint.matplotlib.PintConverter.axisinfo"]], "base_units ( attribute)": [[5, ""]], "block_iter() (pint.util.sourceiterator method)": [[5, "pint.util.SourceIterator.block_iter"]], "build_eval_tree() (in module pint.pint_eval)": [[5, "pint.pint_eval.build_eval_tree"]], "case_sensitive (pint.registry.baseregistry attribute)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.case_sensitive"]], "check() (in module pint.registry_helpers)": [[5, "pint.registry_helpers.check"]], "check() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.check"]], "check() (pint.unitregistry method)": [[5, "pint.UnitRegistry.check"]], "check() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.check"]], "check() (pint.registry.unitregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.UnitRegistry.check"]], "column_echelon_form() (in module pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.column_echelon_form"]], "compute() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.compute"]], "compute() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.compute"]], "context() (pint.registry.contextregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.ContextRegistry.context"]], "convert() (pint.matplotlib.pintconverter method)": [[5, "pint.matplotlib.PintConverter.convert"]], "convert() (pint.registry.baseregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.convert"]], "copy() (pint.util.udict method)": [[5, "pint.util.udict.copy"]], "default_as_delta (pint.registry.nonmultiplicativeregistry attribute)": [[5, "pint.registry.NonMultiplicativeRegistry.default_as_delta"]], "default_format (pint.quantity attribute)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.default_format"]], "default_format (pint.unit attribute)": [[5, "pint.Unit.default_format"]], "default_format (pint.quantity.quantity attribute)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.default_format"]], "default_format (pint.registry.baseregistry property)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.default_format"]], "default_format (pint.unit.unit attribute)": [[5, "pint.unit.Unit.default_format"]], "default_units() (pint.matplotlib.pintconverter static method)": [[5, "pint.matplotlib.PintConverter.default_units"]], "defaults (pint.context attribute)": [[5, "pint.Context.defaults"]], "defaults (pint.context.context attribute)": [[5, "pint.context.Context.defaults"]], "define() (pint.registry.baseregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.define"]], "derived_units ( attribute)": [[5, ""]], "dimensional_equivalents (pint.registry.registrycache attribute)": [[5, "pint.registry.RegistryCache.dimensional_equivalents"]], "dimensionality (pint.quantity property)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.dimensionality"]], "dimensionality (pint.unit property)": [[5, "pint.Unit.dimensionality"]], "dimensionality (pint.quantity.quantity property)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.dimensionality"]], "dimensionality (pint.registry.registrycache attribute)": [[5, "pint.registry.RegistryCache.dimensionality"]], "dimensionality (pint.unit.unit property)": [[5, "pint.unit.Unit.dimensionality"]], "dimensionless (pint.unit property)": [[5, "pint.Unit.dimensionless"]], "dimensionless (pint.unit.unit property)": [[5, "pint.unit.Unit.dimensionless"]], "disable_contexts() (pint.registry.contextregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.ContextRegistry.disable_contexts"]], "dot() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, ""]], "dot() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, ""]], "enable_contexts() (pint.registry.contextregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.ContextRegistry.enable_contexts"]], "eq() (in module pint.compat)": [[5, "pint.compat.eq"]], "evaluate() (pint.pint_eval.evaltreenode method)": [[5, "pint.pint_eval.EvalTreeNode.evaluate"]], "fmt_locale (pint.registry.baseregistry attribute)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.fmt_locale"]], "format_babel() ( method)": [[5, ""]], "formatter() (in module pint)": [[5, "pint.formatter"]], "formatter() (in module pint.formatting)": [[5, "pint.formatting.formatter"]], "from_() (pint.unit method)": [[5, "pint.Unit.from_"]], "from_() (pint.unit.unit method)": [[5, "pint.unit.Unit.from_"]], "from_context() (pint.context class method)": [[5, "pint.Context.from_context"]], "from_context() (pint.context.context class method)": [[5, "pint.context.Context.from_context"]], "from_lines() ( class method)": [[5, ""]], "from_lines() ( class method)": [[5, ""]], "from_list() (pint.quantity class method)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.from_list"]], "from_list() (pint.quantity.quantity class method)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.from_list"]], "from_reference() (pint.converters.logarithmicconverter method)": [[5, "pint.converters.LogarithmicConverter.from_reference"]], "from_sequence() (pint.quantity class method)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.from_sequence"]], "from_sequence() (pint.quantity.quantity class method)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.from_sequence"]], "from_string() (pint.definitions.aliasdefinition class method)": [[5, "pint.definitions.AliasDefinition.from_string"]], "from_string() (pint.definitions.definition class method)": [[5, "pint.definitions.Definition.from_string"]], "from_string() (pint.definitions.dimensiondefinition class method)": [[5, "pint.definitions.DimensionDefinition.from_string"]], "from_string() (pint.definitions.prefixdefinition class method)": [[5, "pint.definitions.PrefixDefinition.from_string"]], "from_string() (pint.definitions.unitdefinition class method)": [[5, "pint.definitions.UnitDefinition.from_string"]], "from_string() (pint.util.parserhelper class method)": [[5, "pint.util.ParserHelper.from_string"]], "from_word() (pint.util.parserhelper class method)": [[5, "pint.util.ParserHelper.from_word"]], "funcs (pint.context attribute)": [[5, "pint.Context.funcs"]], "funcs (pint.context.context attribute)": [[5, "pint.context.Context.funcs"]], "get() (pint.registry.applicationregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.ApplicationRegistry.get"]], "get_application_registry() (in module pint)": [[5, "pint.get_application_registry"]], "get_base_units() (pint.registry.baseregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.get_base_units"]], "get_base_units() (pint.registry.systemregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.SystemRegistry.get_base_units"]], "get_dimensionality() (pint.registry.baseregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.get_dimensionality"]], "get_group() (pint.registry.systemregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.SystemRegistry.get_group"]], "get_name() (pint.registry.baseregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.get_name"]], "get_root_units() (pint.registry.baseregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.get_root_units"]], "get_symbol() (pint.registry.baseregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.get_symbol"]], "get_system() (pint.registry.systemregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.SystemRegistry.get_system"]], "getattr_maybe_raise() (in module pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.getattr_maybe_raise"]], "graph (pint.context.contextchain property)": [[5, "pint.context.ContextChain.graph"]], "hashable() (pint.context method)": [[5, "pint.Context.hashable"]], "hashable() (pint.context.context method)": [[5, "pint.context.Context.hashable"]], "hashable() (pint.context.contextchain method)": [[5, "pint.context.ContextChain.hashable"]], "infer_base_unit() (in module pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.infer_base_unit"]], "insert_contexts() (pint.context.contextchain method)": [[5, "pint.context.ContextChain.insert_contexts"]], "invalidate_members() ( method)": [[5, ""]], "invalidate_members() ( method)": [[5, ""]], "is_compatible_with() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.is_compatible_with"]], "is_compatible_with() (pint.unit method)": [[5, "pint.Unit.is_compatible_with"]], "is_compatible_with() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.is_compatible_with"]], "is_compatible_with() (pint.registry.baseregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.is_compatible_with"]], "is_compatible_with() (pint.unit.unit method)": [[5, "pint.unit.Unit.is_compatible_with"]], "is_duck_array_type() (in module pint.compat)": [[5, "pint.compat.is_duck_array_type"]], "is_upcast_type() (in module pint.compat)": [[5, "pint.compat.is_upcast_type"]], "isnan() (in module pint.compat)": [[5, "pint.compat.isnan"]], "iterable() (in module pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.iterable"]], "ito() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.ito"]], "ito() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.ito"]], "ito_base_units() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.ito_base_units"]], "ito_base_units() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.ito_base_units"]], "ito_reduced_units() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.ito_reduced_units"]], "ito_reduced_units() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.ito_reduced_units"]], "ito_root_units() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.ito_root_units"]], "ito_root_units() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.ito_root_units"]], "load_definitions() (pint.registry.baseregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.load_definitions"]], "m (pint.quantity property)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.m"]], "m (pint.quantity.quantity property)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.m"]], "m_as() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.m_as"]], "m_as() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.m_as"]], "m_from() (pint.unit method)": [[5, "pint.Unit.m_from"]], "m_from() (pint.unit.unit method)": [[5, "pint.unit.Unit.m_from"]], "magnitude (pint.quantity property)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.magnitude"]], "magnitude (pint.quantity.quantity property)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.magnitude"]], "matrix_to_string() (in module pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.matrix_to_string"]], "members ( property)": [[5, ""]], "module": [[5, "module-pint"], [5, "module-pint.babel_names"], [5, "module-pint.compat"], [5, "module-pint.context"], [5, "module-pint.converters"], [5, "module-pint.definitions"], [5, "module-pint.errors"], [5, "module-pint.formatting"], [5, "module-pint.matplotlib"], [5, "module-pint.measurement"], [5, "module-pint.pint_eval"], [5, "module-pint.quantity"], [5, "module-pint.registry"], [5, "module-pint.registry_helpers"], [5, ""], [5, "module-pint.testing"], [5, "module-pint.unit"], [5, "module-pint.util"]], "name ( attribute)": [[5, ""]], "name ( attribute)": [[5, ""]], "non_int_type (pint.registry.baseregistry attribute)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.non_int_type"]], "numeric_parse() (in module pint.definitions)": [[5, "pint.definitions.numeric_parse"]], "parse_expression() (pint.registry.baseregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.parse_expression"]], "parse_pattern() (pint.registry.baseregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.parse_pattern"]], "parse_unit (pint.registry.registrycache attribute)": [[5, "pint.registry.RegistryCache.parse_unit"]], "parse_unit_name() (pint.registry.baseregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.parse_unit_name"]], "parse_units() (pint.registry.baseregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.parse_units"]], "persist() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.persist"]], "persist() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.persist"]], "pi_theorem() (in module pint)": [[5, "pint.pi_theorem"]], "pi_theorem() (in module pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.pi_theorem"]], "pi_theorem() (pint.unitregistry method)": [[5, "pint.UnitRegistry.pi_theorem"]], "pi_theorem() (pint.registry.unitregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.UnitRegistry.pi_theorem"]], "pint": [[5, "module-pint"]], "pint.babel_names": [[5, "module-pint.babel_names"]], "pint.compat": [[5, "module-pint.compat"]], "pint.context": [[5, "module-pint.context"]], "pint.converters": [[5, "module-pint.converters"]], "pint.definitions": [[5, "module-pint.definitions"]], "pint.errors": [[5, "module-pint.errors"]], "pint.formatting": [[5, "module-pint.formatting"]], "pint.matplotlib": [[5, "module-pint.matplotlib"]], "pint.measurement": [[5, "module-pint.measurement"]], "pint.pint_eval": [[5, "module-pint.pint_eval"]], "pint.quantity": [[5, "module-pint.quantity"]], "pint.registry": [[5, "module-pint.registry"]], "pint.registry_helpers": [[5, "module-pint.registry_helpers"]], "": [[5, ""]], "pint.testing": [[5, "module-pint.testing"]], "pint.unit": [[5, "module-pint.unit"]], "pint.util": [[5, "module-pint.util"]], "prod() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, ""]], "prod() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, ""]], "redefine() (pint.context method)": [[5, "pint.Context.redefine"]], "redefine() (pint.context.context method)": [[5, "pint.context.Context.redefine"]], "register_unit_format() (in module pint)": [[5, "pint.register_unit_format"]], "register_unit_format() (in module pint.formatting)": [[5, "pint.formatting.register_unit_format"]], "relation_to_context (pint.context attribute)": [[5, "pint.Context.relation_to_context"]], "relation_to_context (pint.context.context attribute)": [[5, "pint.context.Context.relation_to_context"]], "remove() (pint.util.unitscontainer method)": [[5, "pint.util.UnitsContainer.remove"]], "remove_context() (pint.registry.contextregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.ContextRegistry.remove_context"]], "remove_contexts() (pint.context.contextchain method)": [[5, "pint.context.ContextChain.remove_contexts"]], "remove_groups() ( method)": [[5, ""]], "remove_groups() ( method)": [[5, ""]], "remove_transformation() (pint.context method)": [[5, "pint.Context.remove_transformation"]], "remove_transformation() (pint.context.context method)": [[5, "pint.context.Context.remove_transformation"]], "remove_units() ( method)": [[5, ""]], "rename() (pint.util.unitscontainer method)": [[5, "pint.util.UnitsContainer.rename"]], "root_units (pint.registry.registrycache attribute)": [[5, "pint.registry.RegistryCache.root_units"]], "separate_format_defaults (pint.registry.baseregistry attribute)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.separate_format_defaults"]], "set() (pint.registry.applicationregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.ApplicationRegistry.set"]], "set_application_registry() (in module pint)": [[5, "pint.set_application_registry"]], "set_fmt_locale() (pint.registry.baseregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.BaseRegistry.set_fmt_locale"]], "setup_matplotlib() (pint.unitregistry method)": [[5, "pint.UnitRegistry.setup_matplotlib"]], "setup_matplotlib() (pint.registry.unitregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.UnitRegistry.setup_matplotlib"]], "setup_matplotlib_handlers() (in module pint.matplotlib)": [[5, "pint.matplotlib.setup_matplotlib_handlers"]], "siunitx_format_unit() (in module pint.formatting)": [[5, "pint.formatting.siunitx_format_unit"]], "sized() (in module pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.sized"]], "solve_dependencies() (in module pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.solve_dependencies"]], "to() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, ""]], "to() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, ""]], "to_base_units() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.to_base_units"]], "to_base_units() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.to_base_units"]], "to_compact() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.to_compact"]], "to_compact() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.to_compact"]], "to_reduced_units() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.to_reduced_units"]], "to_reduced_units() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.to_reduced_units"]], "to_reference() (pint.converters.logarithmicconverter method)": [[5, "pint.converters.LogarithmicConverter.to_reference"]], "to_root_units() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.to_root_units"]], "to_root_units() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.to_root_units"]], "to_units_container() (in module pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.to_units_container"]], "transform() (pint.context method)": [[5, "pint.Context.transform"]], "transform() (pint.context.context method)": [[5, "pint.context.Context.transform"]], "transform() (pint.context.contextchain method)": [[5, "pint.context.ContextChain.transform"]], "transpose() (in module pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.transpose"]], "u (pint.quantity property)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.u"]], "u (pint.quantity.quantity property)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.u"]], "udict (class in pint.util)": [[5, "pint.util.udict"]], "units (pint.quantity property)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.units"]], "units (pint.quantity.quantity property)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.units"]], "visualize() (pint.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.Quantity.visualize"]], "visualize() (pint.quantity.quantity method)": [[5, "pint.quantity.Quantity.visualize"]], "with_context() (pint.registry.contextregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.ContextRegistry.with_context"]], "wraps() (in module pint.registry_helpers)": [[5, "pint.registry_helpers.wraps"]], "wraps() (pint.unitregistry method)": [[5, "pint.UnitRegistry.wraps"]], "wraps() (pint.registry.unitregistry method)": [[5, "pint.registry.UnitRegistry.wraps"]], "zero_or_nan() (in module pint.compat)": [[5, "pint.compat.zero_or_nan"]]}})