Example programs: 4up.py -- Prints pages four-up alter.py -- Simple example of making a very slight modification to a PDF. booklet.py -- Converts a PDF into a booklet. cat.py -- Concatenates multiple PDFs, adds metadata. poster.py -- Changes the size of a PDF to create a poster print_two.py -- this is used when printing two cut-down copies on a single sheet of paper (double-sided) Requires uncompressed PDF. rotate.py -- This will rotate selected ranges of pages within a document. subset.py -- This will retrieve a subset of pages from a document. watermark.py -- Adds a watermark to a PDF rl1/4up.py -- Same as 4up.py, using reportlab for output. Next simplest reportlab example. rl1/booklet.py -- Version of print_booklet using reportlab for output. rl1/platypus_pdf_template.py -- Example using a PDF page as a watermark background with reportlab. rl1/subset.py -- Same as subset.py, using reportlab for output. Simplest reportlab example. rl2/copy.py -- example of how you could parse a graphics stream and then use reportlab for output. Works on a few different PDFs, probably not a suitable starting point for real production work without a lot of work on the library functions.