Python Paste ============ This is a new copy of the documentation for Paste. The project is now being maintained on limited life-support from **Please consider other options.** Many of the links you will find in these docs will be out of date. If you know of a better destination for a link please submit an issue or pull request at the GitHub repository above. Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 news future testing-applications url-parsing-with-wsgi do-it-yourself-framework paste-httpserver-threadpool developer-features DeveloperGuidelines StyleGuide paste-httpserver-threadpool testing-applications url-parsing-with-wsgi community/index.txt community/mailing-list.txt community/repository.txt download/index.txt license Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. comment: I want to put these somewhere sometime, but no place for them now... Python Paste -- 50% tastier than Elmer's! Paste: making the web sticky. Fix broken websites by applying Paste liberally. Paste: paper over your inconsistencies. Paste: a soft mixture of malleable consistency. Paste: a tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers. Paste: glue that won't hurt you if you eat it. Python Paste: the web extruded into the form of a snake. Paste: the vinegar eel. Paste: you bring the cut. Paste: a doughy substance from which to make metaphorical web cupcakes. LAMP? LAMPP! Putting the P in Wep 2.0! Frankenweb crush tiny humans! DSL? DSF! Paste: Comfort for the framework-scarred Other Components ================ * `Paste Deploy <./deploy/>`_ * `Paste Script <./script/>`_ * `WebOb `_ * `WSGI specification (PEP 333) `_ License ======= Paste is distributed under the `MIT license `_.