import opengm import numpy # do not get used to this example, api might change length = 6 # slow if large and model == '3OrderRandomChain' numLabels = 2 # slow if more than 2 or 3 for large length ilp = False # slow if true '3OrderRandomChain' if large model = '2OrderSubmodublarGrid' model = '3OrderRandomChain' # beta of 0.005 will lead to almost no fractional labels # beta of 0.5 will lead to fractional solutions for # '3OrderRandomChain' model, but potts model # is still integral beta = 0.005 if opengm.configuration.withAd3: rnd = numpy.random.rand # second order example if model == '2OrderSubmodublarGrid': unaries = rnd(length , length, numLabels) potts = opengm.PottsFunction([numLabels,numLabels],0.0, beta) gm = opengm.grid2d2Order(unaries=unaries, regularizer=potts) # third order example elif model == '3OrderRandomChain': numberOfStates = numpy.ones(length, dtype=opengm.label_type)*numLabels gm =, operator='adder') #add some random unaries for vi in range(gm.numberOfVariables): unaryFuction = rnd(numLabels) gm.addFactor(gm.addFunction(unaryFuction), vi) #add one 3.order function for vi0 in range(length): for vi1 in range(vi0+1, length): for vi2 in range(vi1+1, length): highOrderFunction = rnd(numLabels, numLabels, numLabels)*beta gm.addFactor(gm.addFunction(highOrderFunction),[vi0,vi1,vi2]) else : raise RuntimeError("wrong model type") # inference parameter if ilp: ad3Solver = 'ad3_ilp' else: ad3Solver = 'ad3_lp' param = opengm.InfParam(solverType=ad3Solver, adaptEta=True, steps=1000, residualThreshold=1e-6, verbose=1) inf = opengm.inference.Ad3(gm, parameter=param) # do inference inf.infer() # get results arg = inf.arg() posteriors = inf.posteriors() # grid or chain ? if model == '2OrderSubmodublarGrid': #print as grind print posteriors print arg.reshape([length, length]) else: # print as chain print posteriors print arg else: raise RuntimeError("this example needs WITH_AD3 enabled")