.. _download-install: Download and install instructions ================================= Install from PyPI ----------------- You can install `OdooRPC` with `pip`:: $ pip install odoorpc Install from GitHub ------------------- To install the latest development branch with `pip`:: $ pip install git+https://github.com/OCA/odoorpc.git@master Install from sources -------------------- The project is hosted on `GitHub `_. To get the last development sources (``master`` branch), just type:: $ git clone https://github.com/OCA/odoorpc.git $ cd odoorpc/ && python setup.py install Contribute ---------- The project uses `pre-commit` to check the code. To make your life easier you are encouraged to install `pre-commit`:: $ pip install pre-commit And initialize it at the root of the project source tree:: $ cd ./odoorpc/ && pre-commit install `pre-commit` will now check your changes when commiting and abort the operation if the code is not in a good health. Run tests --------- Unit tests depend on the standard module `unittest` (Python 2.7 and 3.x) and on a running Odoo instance. To run all unit tests from the project directory, run the following command:: $ python -m unittest discover -v To run a specific test:: $ python -m unittest -v odoorpc.tests.test_init To configure the connection to the server, some environment variables are available:: $ export ORPC_TEST_PROTOCOL=jsonrpc $ export ORPC_TEST_HOST=localhost $ export ORPC_TEST_PORT=8069 $ export ORPC_TEST_DB=odoorpc_test $ export ORPC_TEST_USER=admin $ export ORPC_TEST_PWD=admin $ export ORPC_TEST_VERSION=12.0 $ export ORPC_TEST_SUPER_PWD=admin $ python -m unittest discover -v The database ``odoorpc_test`` will be created if it does not exist. If you have `Docker` installed, an handy script will help you to run the tests on a dockerized Odoo instance:: $ ./run_tests_docker.sh The same environment variables described above apply:: $ ORPC_TEST_VERSION=11.0 ./run_tests_docker.sh