========================== Loader: Egg Test discovery ========================== What is Egg Discovery --------------------- Sometimes Python Eggs are marked as zip-safe and they can be installed zipped, instead of unzipped in an ``.egg`` folder. See http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/PythonEggs for more details. The normal ``nose2.plugins.loader.discovery`` plugin ignores modules located inside zip files. The Egg Discovery plugin allows nose2 to discover tests within these zipped egg files. This plugin requires ``pkg_resources`` (from ``setuptools``) to work correctly. Usage ----- To activate the plugin, include the plugin module in the plugins list in ``[unittest]`` section in a config file:: [unittest] plugins = nose2.plugins.loader.eggdiscovery Or pass the module with the :option:`--plugin` command-line option:: nose2 --plugin=nose2.plugins.loader.eggdiscovery module_in_egg Reference --------- .. autoplugin :: nose2.plugins.loader.eggdiscovery.EggDiscoveryLoader