Changelog ========= nose2 uses semantic versioning (currently in 0.x) and the popular "keep a changelog" format (v1.0.0). nose2 tries not to break backwards compatibility in any release. Until v1.0, versions are numbered `0.MAJOR.MINOR`. Major releases introduce new functionality or contain necessary breaking changes. Minor releases are primarily used for bugfix or small features which are unlikely to break users' testsuites. 0.12.0 (2022-07-16) ------------------- .. note:: The 0.12.x series will be the final releases of ``nose2`` which support Python 2. Changed ~~~~~~~ * Passing ``--junit-xml-path`` now implies ``--junit-xml`` when using the junitxml plugin. This means that the ``--junit-xml`` flag can be omitted when ``--junit-xml-path`` is specified. (:issue:`521`) * Remove the dependency on ``coverage``. Use of the coverage plugin now requires that you either install ``coverage`` independently, or use the extra, ``nose2[coverage_plugin]``. As a result, ``nose2`` no longer has any strict dependencies * Remove the dependency on ``six``, instead using a vendored copy. This ensures that the dependency for ``nose2`` doesn't conflict with application dependencies Removed ~~~~~~~ * ``nose2`` no longer provides an entry-point named based on the current python version, e.g. ``nose2-3.8`` on python3.8 . Only the ``nose2`` command is provided. * Remove support for `` test`` on ``nose2`` itself. This usage is deprecated by setuptools. Developers contributing to ``nose2`` are encouraged to use ``tox`` to run ``nose2``'s testsuite, per the contributing guide. 0.11.0 (2022-02-12) ------------------- This is the first version of `nose2` using `sphinx-issues` to credit contributors in the changelog. Added ~~~~~ * Test classes now have their short description (first line of docstring) printed in verbose output * The junitxml plugin now sets ``timestamp`` on each ``testcase`` node as an ISO-8601 timestamp. Thanks to :user:`deeplow` for the contribution! Changed ~~~~~~~ * Drop support for Python 3.5 * Python 3.10 is now officially supported. Python 3.11-dev will be supported on a best-effort basis. Thanks to :user:`hugovk` and :user:`tirkarthi` for their contributions! * ``nose2`` source code is now autoformatted with ``black`` and ``isort`` * ``nose2`` has switched its main development branch from ``master`` to ``main`` * Releases are now published using `build `_ Fixed ~~~~~ * Add support for test classes when running with the multiprocessing plugin. Thanks to :user:`ltfish` for the initial contribution and :user:`stefanholek` for the refinement to this change! * Various documentation fixes 0.10.0 (2021-01-27) ------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Support for subtests! Notes for plugin authors about subtest support: * Subtest failures will produce a ``TestOutcomeEvent`` with ``outcome = "subtest"`` * Subtest events can be failures, but they do not indicate success -- the containing test will send a success event if no subtests fail Changed ~~~~~~~ * Drop support for Python 3.4 * Python 3.8 and 3.9 are now officially supported * Improve helptext for the multiprocess plugin's ``-N`` option * When run with reduced verbosity (e.g. with ``-q``), ``nose2`` will no longer print an empty line before test reports Fixed ~~~~~ * The plugin registry will no longer contain duplicate plugins and or base ``event.Plugin`` instances * Fix function test case implementation of ``id``, ``__str__``, and ``__repr__``. This removes the injected ``transplant_class.`` from reporting output * Doctest loading will now skip ```` files in the project root * Class methods decorated (e.g. with ``mock.patch``) are no longer incorrectly picked up by the function loader 0.9.2 (2020-02-02) ------------------ Added ~~~~~ * Add ``--junit-xml-path`` to the junit plugin argument list Fixed ~~~~~ * It is now possible to use the multiprocess and coverage plugins together, as long as all of the coverage config is put into the config file * Minor changes to be compatible with newer pythons (3.8, 3.9) 0.9.1 (2019-04-02) ------------------ Changed ~~~~~~~ * the prof plugin now uses ``cProfile`` instead of ``hotshot`` for profiling, and therefore now supports python versions which do not include ``hotshot`` * skipped tests now include the user's reason in junit XML's ``message`` field Fixed ~~~~~ * the prettyassert plugin mishandled multi-line function definitions * Using a plugin's CLI flag when the plugin is already enabled via config no longer errors -- it is a no-op instead 0.9.0 (2019-03-17) ------------------ Added ~~~~~ * nose2.plugins.prettyassert, enabled with ``--pretty-assert``, which pretty-prints AssertionErrors generated by ``assert`` statements Changed ~~~~~~~ * Update trove classifier to "beta" from "alpha" status * Cleanup code for EOLed python versions Removed ~~~~~~~ * Dropped support for ``distutils``. Installation now requires ``setuptools`` Fixed ~~~~~ * Result reporter respects failure status set by other plugins * JUnit XML plugin now includes the skip reason in its output 0.8.0 (2018-07-31) ------------------ Added ~~~~~ * Add code to enable plugins to documentation Removed ~~~~~~~ * Dropped support for python 3.3 Fixed ~~~~~ * For junitxml plugin use test module in place of classname if no classname exists 0.7.4 (2018-02-17) ------------------ Added ~~~~~ * Setup tools invocation now handles coverage Changed ~~~~~~~ * Running ``nose2`` via ``setuptools`` will now trigger ``CreateTestsEvent`` and ``CreatedTestSuiteEvent`` Fixed ~~~~~ * Respect ``fail_under`` in converage config * Avoid infinite recursion when loading setuptools from zipped egg * Manpage now renders reproducibly * MP doc build now reproducible 0.7.3 (2017-12-13) ------------------ Added ~~~~~ * support for python 3.6. Fixed ~~~~~ * Tests failing due to .coveragerc not in MANIFEST 0.7.2 (2017-11-14) ------------------ Includes changes from version ``0.7.1``, never released. Fixed ~~~~~ * Proper indentation of test with docstring in layers * MP plugin now calls startSubprocess in subprocess Changed ~~~~~~~ * Add Makefile to enable "quickstart" workflow * Removed and Fixed ~~~~~ * Automatically create .coverage file during coverage reporting * Better handling of import failures 0.7.0 (2017-11-05) ------------------ Note: v0.7.0 drops several unsupported python versions Added ~~~~~ * Add layer fixture events and hooks * junit-xml: add logs in "system-out" * Give full exc_info to loader.failedLoadTests Changed ~~~~~~~ * Replace cov-core with coverage in the coverage plugin * Give better error when cannot import a testname * Better errors when tests fail to load * Allow combination of MP and OutputBuffer plugins on Python 3 Removed ~~~~~~~ * Dropped unsupported Python 2.6, 3.2, 3.3 * ``nose2.compat`` is removed because it is no longer needed. If you have ``from nose2.compat import unittest`` in your code, you will need to replace it with ``import unittest``. Fixed ~~~~~ * Prevent crashing from UnicodeDecodeError * Fix unicode stream encoding 0.6.5 (2016-06-29) ------------------ Added ~~~~~ * Add `nose2.__version__` 0.6.4 (2016-03-15) ------------------ Fixed ~~~~~ * MP will never spawn more processes than there are tests. e.g. When running only one test, only one process is spawned 0.6.3 (2016-03-01) ------------------ Changed ~~~~~~~ * Add support for python 3.4, 3.5 0.6.2 (2016-02-24) ------------------ Fixed ~~~~~ * fix the coverage plugin tests for coverage==3.7.1 0.6.1 (2016-02-23) ------------------ Fixed ~~~~~ * missing test files added to package. 0.6.0 (2016-02-21) ------------------ Added ~~~~~ * Junit XML report support properties * Add a `createdTestSuite` event, fired after test loading Changed ~~~~~~~ * Improve test coverage * Improve CI * When test loading fails, print the traceback Fixed ~~~~~ * Junit-xml plugin fixed on windows * Ensure tests are importable before trying to load them * Fail test instead of skipping it, when setup fails * Make the ``collect`` plugin work with layers * Fix coverage plugin to take import-time coverage into account 0.5.0 (2014-09-14) ------------------ Added ~~~~~ * with_setup and with_teardown decorators to set the setup & teardown on a function * dundertests plugin to skip tests with `__test__ == False` * `cartesian_params` decorator * coverage plugin * EggDiscoveryLoader for discovering tests within Eggs * Support `params` with `such` * Include logging output in junit XML Changed ~~~~~~~ * `such` errors early if Layers plugin is not loaded * Allow use of `nose2.main()` from within a test module Fixed ~~~~~ * Such DSL ignores two `such.A` with the same description * Record skipped tests as 'skipped' instead of 'skips' * Result output failed on unicode characters * Fix multiprocessing plugin on Windows * Ensure plugins write to the event stream * multiprocessing could lock master proc and fail to exit * junit report path was sensitive to changes in cwd * Test runs would crash if a TestCase `__init__` threw an exception * Plugin failures no longer crash the whole test run * Handle errors in test setup and teardown * Fix reporting of xfail tests * Log capture was waiting too long to render mutable objects to strings * Layers plugin was not running testSetUp/testTearDown from higher `such` layers 0.4.7 (2013-08-13) ------------------ Added ~~~~~ * start-dir config option. Thanks to Stéphane Klein. * Help text for verbose flag. Thanks to Tim Sampson. * Added badges to README. Thanks to Omer Katz. Changed ~~~~~~~ * Updated six version requirement to be less Restrictive. Thanks to Stéphane Klein. * Cleaned up numerous PEP8 violations. Thanks to Omer Katz. Fixed ~~~~~ * Fixed broken import in Thanks to Shaun Crampton. * Fixed processes command line option in mp plugin. Thanks to Tim Sampson. * Fixed handling of class fixtures in multiprocess plugin. Thanks to Tim Sampson. * Fixed intermittent test failure caused by nondeterministic key ordering. Thanks to Stéphane Klein. * Fixed syntax error in printhooks. Thanks to Tim Sampson. * Fixed formatting in changelog. Thanks to Omer Katz. * Fixed typos in docs and examples. Thanks to Tim Sampson. 0.4.6 (2013-04-07) ------------------ Changed ~~~~~~~ * Docs note support for python 3.3. Thanks Omer Katz for the bug report. Fixed ~~~~~ * Fixed DeprecationWarning for compiler package on python 2.7. Thanks Max Arnold. * Fixed lack of timing information in junitxml exception reports. Thanks Viacheslav Dukalskiy. * Cleaned up junitxml xml output. Thanks Philip Thiem. 0.4.5 (2012-12-16) ------------------ Fixed ~~~~~ * Fixed broken interaction between attrib and layers plugins. They can now be used together. Thanks @fajpunk. * Fixed incorrect calling order of layer setup/teardown and test setup/test teardown methods. Thanks again @fajpunk for tests and fixes. 0.4.4 (2012-11-26) ------------------ Fixed ~~~~~ * Fixed sort key generation for layers. 0.4.3 (2012-11-21) ------------------ Fixed ~~~~~ * Fixed packaging for non-setuptools, pre-python 2.7. Thanks to fajpunk for the patch. 0.4.2 (2012-11-19) ------------------ Added ~~~~~ * Added ``uses`` method to ``such.Scenario`` to allow use of externally-defined layers in such DSL tests. Fixed ~~~~~ * Fixed unpredictable ordering of layer tests. 0.4.1 (2012-06-18) ------------------ Includes changes from version ``0.4``, never released. Fixed ~~~~~ * Fixed packaging bug. Added ~~~~~ * nose2.plugins.layers to support Zope testing style fixture layers. *, a spec-like DSL for writing tests with layers. * nose2.plugins.loader.loadtests to support the unittest2 load_tests protocol. 0.3 (2012-04-15) ---------------- Added ~~~~~ * to support distributing test runs across multiple processes. * nose2.plugins.testclasses to support loading tests from ordinary classes that are not subclasses of unittest.TestCase. * ``nose2.main.PluggableTestProgram`` now accepts an ``extraHooks`` keyword argument, which allows attaching arbitrary objects to the hooks system. Changed ~~~~~~~ * The default script target was changed from ``nose2.main`` to ````. The former may still be used for running a single module of tests, unittest-style. The latter ignores the ``module`` argument. Thanks to @dtcaciuc for the bug report (#32). Fixed ~~~~~ * Fixed bug that caused Skip reason to always be set to ``None``. 0.2 (2012-02-06) ---------------- Added ~~~~~ * nose2.plugins.junitxml to support jUnit XML output * nose2.plugins.attrib to support test filtering by attributes Changed ~~~~~~~ * Added afterTestRun hook and moved result report output calls to that hook. This prevents plugin ordering issues with the stopTestRun hook (which still exists, and fires before afterTestRun). Fixed ~~~~~ * Fixed bug in loading of tests by name that caused ImportErrors to be silently ignored. * Fixed missing __unittest flag in several modules. Thanks to Wouter Overmeire for the patch. * Fixed module fixture calls for function, generator and param tests. * Fixed passing of command-line argument values to list options. Before this fix, lists of lists would be appended to the option target. Now, the option target list is extended with the new values. Thanks to memedough for the bug report. 0.1 (2012-01-19) ---------------- Initial release.