

This documents the development version of NetworkX. Documentation for the current release can be found here.


Source code for networkx.algorithms.operators.product

Graph products.
from itertools import product

import networkx as nx
from networkx.utils import not_implemented_for

__all__ = [

def _dict_product(d1, d2):
    return {k: (d1.get(k), d2.get(k)) for k in set(d1) | set(d2)}

# Generators for producting graph products
def _node_product(G, H):
    for u, v in product(G, H):
        yield ((u, v), _dict_product(G.nodes[u], H.nodes[v]))

def _directed_edges_cross_edges(G, H):
    if not G.is_multigraph() and not H.is_multigraph():
        for u, v, c in G.edges(data=True):
            for x, y, d in H.edges(data=True):
                yield (u, x), (v, y), _dict_product(c, d)
    if not G.is_multigraph() and H.is_multigraph():
        for u, v, c in G.edges(data=True):
            for x, y, k, d in H.edges(data=True, keys=True):
                yield (u, x), (v, y), k, _dict_product(c, d)
    if G.is_multigraph() and not H.is_multigraph():
        for u, v, k, c in G.edges(data=True, keys=True):
            for x, y, d in H.edges(data=True):
                yield (u, x), (v, y), k, _dict_product(c, d)
    if G.is_multigraph() and H.is_multigraph():
        for u, v, j, c in G.edges(data=True, keys=True):
            for x, y, k, d in H.edges(data=True, keys=True):
                yield (u, x), (v, y), (j, k), _dict_product(c, d)

def _undirected_edges_cross_edges(G, H):
    if not G.is_multigraph() and not H.is_multigraph():
        for u, v, c in G.edges(data=True):
            for x, y, d in H.edges(data=True):
                yield (v, x), (u, y), _dict_product(c, d)
    if not G.is_multigraph() and H.is_multigraph():
        for u, v, c in G.edges(data=True):
            for x, y, k, d in H.edges(data=True, keys=True):
                yield (v, x), (u, y), k, _dict_product(c, d)
    if G.is_multigraph() and not H.is_multigraph():
        for u, v, k, c in G.edges(data=True, keys=True):
            for x, y, d in H.edges(data=True):
                yield (v, x), (u, y), k, _dict_product(c, d)
    if G.is_multigraph() and H.is_multigraph():
        for u, v, j, c in G.edges(data=True, keys=True):
            for x, y, k, d in H.edges(data=True, keys=True):
                yield (v, x), (u, y), (j, k), _dict_product(c, d)

def _edges_cross_nodes(G, H):
    if G.is_multigraph():
        for u, v, k, d in G.edges(data=True, keys=True):
            for x in H:
                yield (u, x), (v, x), k, d
        for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True):
            for x in H:
                if H.is_multigraph():
                    yield (u, x), (v, x), None, d
                    yield (u, x), (v, x), d

def _nodes_cross_edges(G, H):
    if H.is_multigraph():
        for x in G:
            for u, v, k, d in H.edges(data=True, keys=True):
                yield (x, u), (x, v), k, d
        for x in G:
            for u, v, d in H.edges(data=True):
                if G.is_multigraph():
                    yield (x, u), (x, v), None, d
                    yield (x, u), (x, v), d

def _edges_cross_nodes_and_nodes(G, H):
    if G.is_multigraph():
        for u, v, k, d in G.edges(data=True, keys=True):
            for x in H:
                for y in H:
                    yield (u, x), (v, y), k, d
        for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True):
            for x in H:
                for y in H:
                    if H.is_multigraph():
                        yield (u, x), (v, y), None, d
                        yield (u, x), (v, y), d

def _init_product_graph(G, H):
    if not G.is_directed() == H.is_directed():
        msg = "G and H must be both directed or both undirected"
        raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
    if G.is_multigraph() or H.is_multigraph():
        GH = nx.MultiGraph()
        GH = nx.Graph()
    if G.is_directed():
        GH = GH.to_directed()
    return GH

[docs]def tensor_product(G, H): r"""Returns the tensor product of G and H. The tensor product $P$ of the graphs $G$ and $H$ has a node set that is the tensor product of the node sets, $V(P)=V(G) \times V(H)$. $P$ has an edge $((u,v), (x,y))$ if and only if $(u,x)$ is an edge in $G$ and $(v,y)$ is an edge in $H$. Tensor product is sometimes also referred to as the categorical product, direct product, cardinal product or conjunction. Parameters ---------- G, H: graphs Networkx graphs. Returns ------- P: NetworkX graph The tensor product of G and H. P will be a multi-graph if either G or H is a multi-graph, will be a directed if G and H are directed, and undirected if G and H are undirected. Raises ------ NetworkXError If G and H are not both directed or both undirected. Notes ----- Node attributes in P are two-tuple of the G and H node attributes. Missing attributes are assigned None. Examples -------- >>> G = nx.Graph() >>> H = nx.Graph() >>> G.add_node(0, a1=True) >>> H.add_node("a", a2="Spam") >>> P = nx.tensor_product(G, H) >>> list(P) [(0, 'a')] Edge attributes and edge keys (for multigraphs) are also copied to the new product graph """ GH = _init_product_graph(G, H) GH.add_nodes_from(_node_product(G, H)) GH.add_edges_from(_directed_edges_cross_edges(G, H)) if not GH.is_directed(): GH.add_edges_from(_undirected_edges_cross_edges(G, H)) return GH
[docs]def cartesian_product(G, H): r"""Returns the Cartesian product of G and H. The Cartesian product $P$ of the graphs $G$ and $H$ has a node set that is the Cartesian product of the node sets, $V(P)=V(G) \times V(H)$. $P$ has an edge $((u,v),(x,y))$ if and only if either $u$ is equal to $x$ and both $v$ and $y$ are adjacent in $H$ or if $v$ is equal to $y$ and both $u$ and $x$ are adjacent in $G$. Parameters ---------- G, H: graphs Networkx graphs. Returns ------- P: NetworkX graph The Cartesian product of G and H. P will be a multi-graph if either G or H is a multi-graph. Will be a directed if G and H are directed, and undirected if G and H are undirected. Raises ------ NetworkXError If G and H are not both directed or both undirected. Notes ----- Node attributes in P are two-tuple of the G and H node attributes. Missing attributes are assigned None. Examples -------- >>> G = nx.Graph() >>> H = nx.Graph() >>> G.add_node(0, a1=True) >>> H.add_node("a", a2="Spam") >>> P = nx.cartesian_product(G, H) >>> list(P) [(0, 'a')] Edge attributes and edge keys (for multigraphs) are also copied to the new product graph """ GH = _init_product_graph(G, H) GH.add_nodes_from(_node_product(G, H)) GH.add_edges_from(_edges_cross_nodes(G, H)) GH.add_edges_from(_nodes_cross_edges(G, H)) return GH
[docs]def lexicographic_product(G, H): r"""Returns the lexicographic product of G and H. The lexicographical product $P$ of the graphs $G$ and $H$ has a node set that is the Cartesian product of the node sets, $V(P)=V(G) \times V(H)$. $P$ has an edge $((u,v), (x,y))$ if and only if $(u,v)$ is an edge in $G$ or $u==v$ and $(x,y)$ is an edge in $H$. Parameters ---------- G, H: graphs Networkx graphs. Returns ------- P: NetworkX graph The Cartesian product of G and H. P will be a multi-graph if either G or H is a multi-graph. Will be a directed if G and H are directed, and undirected if G and H are undirected. Raises ------ NetworkXError If G and H are not both directed or both undirected. Notes ----- Node attributes in P are two-tuple of the G and H node attributes. Missing attributes are assigned None. Examples -------- >>> G = nx.Graph() >>> H = nx.Graph() >>> G.add_node(0, a1=True) >>> H.add_node("a", a2="Spam") >>> P = nx.lexicographic_product(G, H) >>> list(P) [(0, 'a')] Edge attributes and edge keys (for multigraphs) are also copied to the new product graph """ GH = _init_product_graph(G, H) GH.add_nodes_from(_node_product(G, H)) # Edges in G regardless of H designation GH.add_edges_from(_edges_cross_nodes_and_nodes(G, H)) # For each x in G, only if there is an edge in H GH.add_edges_from(_nodes_cross_edges(G, H)) return GH
[docs]def strong_product(G, H): r"""Returns the strong product of G and H. The strong product $P$ of the graphs $G$ and $H$ has a node set that is the Cartesian product of the node sets, $V(P)=V(G) \times V(H)$. $P$ has an edge $((u,v), (x,y))$ if and only if $u==v$ and $(x,y)$ is an edge in $H$, or $x==y$ and $(u,v)$ is an edge in $G$, or $(u,v)$ is an edge in $G$ and $(x,y)$ is an edge in $H$. Parameters ---------- G, H: graphs Networkx graphs. Returns ------- P: NetworkX graph The Cartesian product of G and H. P will be a multi-graph if either G or H is a multi-graph. Will be a directed if G and H are directed, and undirected if G and H are undirected. Raises ------ NetworkXError If G and H are not both directed or both undirected. Notes ----- Node attributes in P are two-tuple of the G and H node attributes. Missing attributes are assigned None. Examples -------- >>> G = nx.Graph() >>> H = nx.Graph() >>> G.add_node(0, a1=True) >>> H.add_node("a", a2="Spam") >>> P = nx.strong_product(G, H) >>> list(P) [(0, 'a')] Edge attributes and edge keys (for multigraphs) are also copied to the new product graph """ GH = _init_product_graph(G, H) GH.add_nodes_from(_node_product(G, H)) GH.add_edges_from(_nodes_cross_edges(G, H)) GH.add_edges_from(_edges_cross_nodes(G, H)) GH.add_edges_from(_directed_edges_cross_edges(G, H)) if not GH.is_directed(): GH.add_edges_from(_undirected_edges_cross_edges(G, H)) return GH
[docs]@not_implemented_for("directed") @not_implemented_for("multigraph") def power(G, k): """Returns the specified power of a graph. The $k$th power of a simple graph $G$, denoted $G^k$, is a graph on the same set of nodes in which two distinct nodes $u$ and $v$ are adjacent in $G^k$ if and only if the shortest path distance between $u$ and $v$ in $G$ is at most $k$. Parameters ---------- G : graph A NetworkX simple graph object. k : positive integer The power to which to raise the graph `G`. Returns ------- NetworkX simple graph `G` to the power `k`. Raises ------ ValueError If the exponent `k` is not positive. NetworkXNotImplemented If `G` is not a simple graph. Examples -------- The number of edges will never decrease when taking successive powers: >>> G = nx.path_graph(4) >>> list(nx.power(G, 2).edges) [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)] >>> list(nx.power(G, 3).edges) [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)] The `k`th power of a cycle graph on *n* nodes is the complete graph on *n* nodes, if `k` is at least ``n // 2``: >>> G = nx.cycle_graph(5) >>> H = nx.complete_graph(5) >>> nx.is_isomorphic(nx.power(G, 2), H) True >>> G = nx.cycle_graph(8) >>> H = nx.complete_graph(8) >>> nx.is_isomorphic(nx.power(G, 4), H) True References ---------- .. [1] J. A. Bondy, U. S. R. Murty, *Graph Theory*. Springer, 2008. Notes ----- This definition of "power graph" comes from Exercise 3.1.6 of *Graph Theory* by Bondy and Murty [1]_. """ if k <= 0: raise ValueError("k must be a positive integer") H = nx.Graph() H.add_nodes_from(G) # update BFS code to ignore self loops. for n in G: seen = {} # level (number of hops) when seen in BFS level = 1 # the current level nextlevel = G[n] while nextlevel: thislevel = nextlevel # advance to next level nextlevel = {} # and start a new list (fringe) for v in thislevel: if v == n: # avoid self loop continue if v not in seen: seen[v] = level # set the level of vertex v nextlevel.update(G[v]) # add neighbors of v if k <= level: break level += 1 H.add_edges_from((n, nbr) for nbr in seen) return H
[docs]@not_implemented_for("multigraph") def rooted_product(G, H, root): """ Return the rooted product of graphs G and H rooted at root in H. A new graph is constructed representing the rooted product of the inputted graphs, G and H, with a root in H. A rooted product duplicates H for each nodes in G with the root of H corresponding to the node in G. Nodes are renamed as the direct product of G and H. The result is a subgraph of the cartesian product. Parameters ---------- G,H : graph A NetworkX graph root : node A node in H Returns ------- R : The rooted product of G and H with a specified root in H Notes ----- The nodes of R are the Cartesian Product of the nodes of G and H. The nodes of G and H are not relabeled. """ if root not in H: raise nx.NetworkXError("root must be a vertex in H") R = nx.Graph() R.add_nodes_from(product(G, H)) R.add_edges_from(((e[0], root), (e[1], root)) for e in G.edges()) R.add_edges_from(((g, e[0]), (g, e[1])) for g in G for e in H.edges()) return R