from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) # make shaded relief plot of etopo bathymetry/topography data on # lambert conformal conic map projection. # the data is interpolated to the native projection grid. from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap, shiftgrid import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LightSource # read in topo data (on a regular lat/lon grid) # longitudes go from 20 to 380. topoin = np.loadtxt('etopo20data.gz') lons = np.loadtxt('etopo20lons.gz') lats = np.loadtxt('etopo20lats.gz') # shift data so lons go from -180 to 180 instead of 20 to 380. topoin,lons = shiftgrid(180.,topoin,lons,start=False) # setup of basemap ('lcc' = lambert conformal conic). # use major and minor sphere radii from WGS84 ellipsoid. m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-145.5,llcrnrlat=1.,urcrnrlon=-2.566,urcrnrlat=46.352,\ rsphere=(6378137.00,6356752.3142),\ resolution='l',area_thresh=1000.,projection='lcc',\ lat_1=50.,lon_0=-107.) # transform to nx x ny regularly spaced native projection grid nx = int((m.xmax-m.xmin)/40000.)+1; ny = int((m.ymax-m.ymin)/40000.)+1 topodat,x,y = m.transform_scalar(topoin,lons,lats,nx,ny,returnxy=True) # create light source object. ls = LightSource(azdeg = 90, altdeg = 20) # convert data to rgb array including shading from light source. # (must specify color map) rgb = ls.shade(topodat, # create the figure. fig=plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) # plot image over map with imshow (pass rgb values # that include light shading). im = m.imshow(rgb) # draw coastlines and political boundaries. m.drawcoastlines() m.drawcountries() # draw parallels and meridians. # label on left, right and bottom of map. parallels = np.arange(0.,80,20.) m.drawparallels(parallels,labels=[1,1,0,1]) meridians = np.arange(10.,360.,30.) m.drawmeridians(meridians,labels=[1,1,0,1]) # set title. plt.title('ETOPO Shaded Relief - Lambert Conformal Conic')