from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from numpy import ma from netCDF4 import Dataset as NetCDFFile # read in orography of icosahedral global grid. f = NetCDFFile('') lons = (180./np.pi)*f.variables['grid_center_lon'][:] lats = (180./np.pi)*f.variables['grid_center_lat'][:] z = f.variables['zs'][:] map = Basemap(projection='ortho',lon_0=-105,lat_0=40) x,y = map(lons, lats) map.drawcoastlines() map.drawmapboundary() # tri=True forwards to axes.tripcolor #z = ma.masked_where(z < 1.e-5, z) # for testing masked arrays. map.pcolor(x,y,z,tri=True,shading='flat',edgecolors='k',,vmin=0,vmax=3000) #map.contourf(x,y,z,np.arange(0,3000,150),tri=True) #map.contour(x,y,z,np.arange(0,3000,150),tri=True) plt.title('pcolor plot on a global icosahedral mesh')