python-mpd2 Changes List ======================== Changes in v3.0.5 ----------------- * python 3.10 compatibility * fixes for using idle in async * use python's internal mock library instead of external mock * expose connection status in async (connected property) Changes in v3.0.4 ----------------- * exposes failure responses in CommandError exceptions Changes in v3.0.3 ----------------- * asyncio: tolerate early disconnects Changes in v3.0.2 ----------------- * asyncio: fix disconnect happen before connect * asyncio: better protection against request cancellation * asyncio: idle iterator raises error when connection closed Changes in v3.0.1 ----------------- * 3.0.0 accidentially introduced typing annotation that were not meant to be published yet. Changes in v3.0.0 ----------------- * Breaking changes: albumart now returns dictionary :code:`{"size": "...", "binary": b"..."}` instead of just a string * add readpicture command * add partition, newpartition and delpartition commands * add moveoutput command * removed deprecated `send_` and `fetch_` commands. Use the asyncio or twisted API instead for asynchronous mpd commands. Changes in v2.0.0 ----------------- * Minimum python version was increased to python3.6, python2.7 support was dropped * asyncio: fix parsing delimiters * add support for albumart command Changes in v1.1.0 ----------------- * Fix list command to work with grouping. Always returns list of dictionaries now. Make sure to adopt your code since this is an API change. * fix compatibility with python3.9 * fix connecting to unix socket in asyncio version * close asyncio transports on disconnect * create TCP socket with TCP_NODELAY for better responsiveness Changes in v1.0.0 ----------------- * Add support for twisted * Add support for asyncio * Use @property and @property.setter for MPDClient.timeout * Deprecate send_* and fetch_* variants of MPD commands: Consider using asyncio/twisted instead * Port argument is optional when connecting via unix sockets. * python-mpd will now raise mpd.ConnectionError instead of socket.error, when connection is lost * Add command outputvolume for forked-daapd Changes in v0.5.5 ----------------- * fix sended newlines on windows systems * include tests in source distribution Changes in v0.5.4 ----------------- * support for listfiles, rangeid, addtagid, cleartagid, mount, umount, listmounts, listneighbors Changes in v0.5.3 ----------------- * noidle command does returns pending changes now Changes in v0.5.2 ----------------- * add support for readcomments and toggleoutput Changes in v0.5.1 ----------------- * add support for ranges Changes in 0.5.0 ---------------- * improved support for sticker Changes in 0.4.6 ---------------- * enforce utf8 for encoding/decoding in python3 Changes in 0.4.5 ---------------- * support for logging Changes in 0.4.4 ---------------- * fix cleanup after broken connection * deprecate timeout parameter added in v0.4.2 * add timeout and idletimeout property Changes in 0.4.3 ---------------- * add searchadd and searchaddpl command * fix commands without a callback function * transform MPDClient to new style class Changes in 0.4.2 ---------------- * backward compatible unicode handling * added optional socket timeout parameter Changes in 0.4.1 ---------------- * prio and prioid was spelled wrong * added config command * remove deprecated volume command Changes in 0.4.0 ---------------- * python3 support (python2.6 is minimum python version required) * support for the upcoming client-to-client protocol * added new commands of mpd (seekcur, prior, priorid) * methods are explicit declared now, so they are shown in ipython * added unit tests * documented API to add new commands (see Future Compatible) Changes in 0.3.0 ---------------- * added replay_gain_mode and replay_gain_status commands * added mixrampdb and mixrampdelay commands * added findadd and rescan commands * added decoders command * changed license to LGPL * added sticker commands * correctly handle errors in command lists (fixes a longstanding bug) * raise IteratingError instead of breaking horribly when called wrong * added fileno() to export socket FD (for polling with select et al.) * asynchronous API (use send_ to queue, fetch_ to retrieve) * support for connecting to unix domain sockets * added consume and single commands * added idle and noidle commands * added listplaylists command Changes in 0.2.1 ---------------- * connect() no longer broken on Windows Changes in 0.2.0 ---------------- * support for IPv6 and multi-homed hostnames * connect() will fail if already connected * commands may now raise ConnectionError * addid and update may now return None