================== Logging/Monitoring ================== It is possible to use `pymongo.monitoring `_ to monitor the driver events (e.g: queries, connections, etc). This can be handy if you want to monitor the queries issued by MongoEngine to the driver. To use `pymongo.monitoring` with MongoEngine, you need to make sure that you are registering the listeners **before** establishing the database connection (i.e calling `connect`): The following snippet provides a basic logging of all command events: .. code-block:: python import logging from pymongo import monitoring from mongoengine import * log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) class CommandLogger(monitoring.CommandListener): def started(self, event): log.debug("Command {0.command_name} with request id " "{0.request_id} started on server " "{0.connection_id}".format(event)) def succeeded(self, event): log.debug("Command {0.command_name} with request id " "{0.request_id} on server {0.connection_id} " "succeeded in {0.duration_micros} " "microseconds".format(event)) def failed(self, event): log.debug("Command {0.command_name} with request id " "{0.request_id} on server {0.connection_id} " "failed in {0.duration_micros} " "microseconds".format(event)) monitoring.register(CommandLogger()) class Jedi(Document): name = StringField() connect() log.info('GO!') log.info('Saving an item through MongoEngine...') Jedi(name='Obi-Wan Kenobii').save() log.info('Querying through MongoEngine...') obiwan = Jedi.objects.first() log.info('Updating through MongoEngine...') obiwan.name = 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' obiwan.save() Executing this prints the following output:: INFO:root:GO! INFO:root:Saving an item through MongoEngine... DEBUG:root:Command insert with request id 1681692777 started on server ('localhost', 27017) DEBUG:root:Command insert with request id 1681692777 on server ('localhost', 27017) succeeded in 562 microseconds INFO:root:Querying through MongoEngine... DEBUG:root:Command find with request id 1714636915 started on server ('localhost', 27017) DEBUG:root:Command find with request id 1714636915 on server ('localhost', 27017) succeeded in 341 microseconds INFO:root:Updating through MongoEngine... DEBUG:root:Command update with request id 1957747793 started on server ('localhost', 27017) DEBUG:root:Command update with request id 1957747793 on server ('localhost', 27017) succeeded in 455 microseconds More details can of course be obtained by checking the `event` argument from the `CommandListener`.