ly.xml package =============== Introduction ------------ This package is concerned with representing a LilyPond structure (e.g. music) as an XML tree. The structure of the tree closely follows LilyPond's data structures. The tree can be parsed or analysed, and could be used to convert the music to other formats like Mei of MusicXML. This package tries to define the exact format (dtd or schema) of the tree. There will be three ways to build the tree: - by hand, by creating XML elements (maybe with use of some helper methods). - from a tokenized document - by LilyPond, using the ``xml-export.ily`` script that is included. The latter case is very interesting as all the music parsing and handling is already done by LilyPond. The exported XML nearly contains all information of a score or music object. Below, some more information about the XML. Note that this is all in heavy development. Module contents --------------- .. automodule:: ly.xml :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: The ``xml-export.ily`` file --------------------------- Written by Wilbert Berendsen, jan-feb 2015 This LilyPond module defines a function (``xml-export``) that converts LilyPond datastructures to XML. For convenience, a ``\displayLilyXML`` music function is added that converts a music expression to XML. Usage e.g.:: \include "/path/to/xml-export.ily" \displayLilyXML { c d e f } The XML closely follows the LilyPond music structure. All ``(make-music 'MusicName ...)`` objects translate to a ```` tag. The music in the ``'element`` and ``'elements`` properties is put in the ```` and ```` tags. (LilyPond uses ``'element`` when there is a single music argument, and ``'elements`` for a list of music arguments, but for example ``\repeat`` uses both: ``'element`` for the repeated music and ``'elements`` for the ``\alternatives``.) Thus ````, if there, always has one ```` child. ````, if there, can have more than one ```` child. Besides ``'element`` and ``'elements``, the following properties of music objects are handled specially: - ``'origin`` => ```` element with ``filename``, ``line`` and ``char`` attributes - ``'pitch`` => ```` element with ``octave``, ``notename`` and ``alteration`` attributes - ``'duration`` => ```` element with ``log``, ``dots``, ``numer`` and ``denom`` attributes - ``'articulations`` => ```` element containing ```` elements - ``'tweaks`` => ```` element containing pairs ``(symbol . value)`` All other properties a music object may have, are translated to a ```` element with a ``name`` attribute. The value is the child element and can be any object (string, list, pair, symbol, number etc.). (Note that the LilyPond command ``\displayMusic`` does not display all properties.) Markup objects are also converted to XML, where a toplevel ```` element is used. The individual markup commands are converted to an ```` element, with the name in the ``name`` attribute (e.g. ````). Arguments to markup commands may be other commands, or other objects (markup ``\score`` even has a score argument, which is also supported). Example ------- This LilyPond music:: \relative { c d e } maps to Scheme (using ``\displayMusic``):: (make-music 'RelativeOctaveMusic 'element (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'elements (list (make-music 'NoteEvent 'pitch (ly:make-pitch -1 0 0) 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1)) (make-music 'NoteEvent 'pitch (ly:make-pitch -1 1 0) 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1)) (make-music 'NoteEvent 'pitch (ly:make-pitch -1 2 0) 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1))))) and maps to XML (using ``\displayLilyXML``):: By default, the XML is written to standard output. To automatically export a full LilyPond document to an XML representation, use the ```` script with the ``--init`` LilyPond option. That script automatically sets up LilyPond to output one XML document with a ```` root element, containing a ```` element for every book in the LilyPond file. (LilyPond always creates at least one book, collecting all the music or markup at the toplevel.) The ```` script is intended to be used via the ``--init`` option. It automatically converts every ``\book`` in the score to an XML document. In this case the XML is also written to standard output by default, but you can specify another file with ``-dxml-export=``. So, to convert a LilyPond source file to an XML file containing the LilyPond music structure in XML format, use the following command:: lilypond --init /path/to/ -dxml-export=song.xml The XML document has a ```` root element, containing a ```` element for every book in the LilyPond file.