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"logutils.adapter.LoggerAdapter": [[0, 2, 1, "", "critical"], [0, 2, 1, "", "debug"], [0, 2, 1, "", "error"], [0, 2, 1, "", "exception"], [0, 2, 1, "", "getEffectiveLevel"], [0, 2, 1, "", "hasHandlers"], [0, 2, 1, "", "info"], [0, 2, 1, "", "isEnabledFor"], [0, 2, 1, "", "log"], [0, 2, 1, "", "process"], [0, 2, 1, "", "setLevel"], [0, 2, 1, "", "warn"], [0, 2, 1, "", "warning"]], "logutils.colorize": [[1, 1, 1, "", "ColorizingStreamHandler"]], "logutils.colorize.ColorizingStreamHandler": [[1, 2, 1, "", "colorize"], [1, 2, 1, "", "emit"], [1, 2, 1, "", "format"], [1, 3, 1, "", "is_tty"], [1, 4, 1, "", "level_map"], [1, 2, 1, "", "output_colorized"]], "logutils.dictconfig": [[2, 1, 1, "", "DictConfigurator"], [2, 5, 1, "", "dictConfig"]], "logutils.dictconfig.DictConfigurator": [[2, 2, 1, "", "configure"]], "logutils.http": [[3, 1, 1, "", "HTTPHandler"]], "logutils.http.HTTPHandler": [[3, 2, 1, "", "emit"], [3, 2, 1, "", "mapLogRecord"]], "logutils.queue": [[6, 1, 1, "", "QueueHandler"], [6, 1, 1, "", "QueueListener"]], "logutils.queue.QueueHandler": [[6, 2, 1, "", "emit"], [6, 2, 1, "", "enqueue"], [6, 2, 1, "", "prepare"]], "logutils.queue.QueueListener": [[6, 2, 1, "", "dequeue"], [6, 2, 1, "", "enqueue_sentinel"], [6, 2, 1, "", "handle"], [6, 2, 1, "", "prepare"], [6, 2, 1, "", "start"], [6, 2, 1, "", "stop"]], "logutils.redis": [[7, 1, 1, "", "RedisQueueHandler"], [7, 1, 1, "", "RedisQueueListener"]], "logutils.redis.RedisQueueHandler": [[7, 2, 1, "", "enqueue"]], "logutils.redis.RedisQueueListener": [[7, 2, 1, "", "dequeue"], [7, 2, 1, "", "enqueue_sentinel"]], "logutils.testing": [[8, 1, 1, "", "Matcher"], [8, 1, 1, "", "TestHandler"]], "logutils.testing.Matcher": [[8, 2, 1, "", "match_value"], [8, 2, 1, "", "matches"]], "logutils.testing.TestHandler": [[8, 3, 1, "", "count"], [8, 2, 1, "", "emit"], [8, 2, 1, "", "flush"], [8, 2, 1, "", "matchall"], [8, 2, 1, "", "matches"], [8, 2, 1, "", "shouldFlush"]]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:module", "1": "py:class", "2": "py:method", "3": "py:property", "4": "py:attribute", "5": "py:function"}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "1": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "2": ["py", "method", "Python method"], "3": ["py", "property", "Python property"], "4": ["py", "attribute", "Python attribute"], "5": ["py", "function", "Python function"]}, "titleterms": {"work": [0, 3, 6, 7], "logger": 0, "adapt": 0, "color": 1, "consol": 1, "stream": 1, "dictionari": 2, "base": 2, "configur": [2, 5], "web": 3, "site": 3, "logutil": [4, 9], "document": 4, "indic": 4, "tabl": 4, "librari": 5, "queue": [6, 7], "redi": 7, "unit": 8, "test": 8, "what": 9, "": 9, "new": 9, "version": 9, "0": 9, "3": 9, "5": 9, "4": 9, "2": 9, "1": 9}, "envversion": {"": 2, "": 1, "": 1, "": 8, "": 1, "": 2, "": 2, "": 3, "": 2, "": 2, "sphinx": 57}, "alltitles": {"Working with Logger adapters": [[0, "working-with-logger-adapters"]], "Colorizing Console Streams": [[1, "colorizing-console-streams"]], "Dictionary-based Configuration": [[2, "dictionary-based-configuration"]], "Working with web sites": [[3, "working-with-web-sites"]], "Logutils documentation": [[4, "module-logutils"]], "Indices and tables": [[4, "indices-and-tables"]], "Configuring Libraries": [[5, "configuring-libraries"]], "Working with queues": [[6, "module-logutils.queue"]], "Working with Redis queues": [[7, "working-with-redis-queues"]], "Unit testing": [[8, "unit-testing"]], "What\u2019s New in logutils": [[9, "what-s-new-in-logutils"]], "Version 0.3.5": [[9, "version-0-3-5"]], "Version 0.3.4": [[9, "version-0-3-4"]], "Version 0.3.3": [[9, "version-0-3-3"]], "Version 0.3.2": [[9, "version-0-3-2"]], "Version 0.3.1": [[9, "version-0-3-1"]], "Version 0.3": [[9, "version-0-3"]], "Version 0.2": [[9, "version-0-2"]], "Version 0.1": [[9, "version-0-1"]]}, "indexentries": {"loggeradapter (class in logutils.adapter)": [[0, "logutils.adapter.LoggerAdapter"]], "critical() (logutils.adapter.loggeradapter method)": [[0, "logutils.adapter.LoggerAdapter.critical"]], "debug() (logutils.adapter.loggeradapter method)": [[0, "logutils.adapter.LoggerAdapter.debug"]], "error() (logutils.adapter.loggeradapter method)": [[0, "logutils.adapter.LoggerAdapter.error"]], "exception() (logutils.adapter.loggeradapter method)": [[0, "logutils.adapter.LoggerAdapter.exception"]], "geteffectivelevel() (logutils.adapter.loggeradapter method)": [[0, "logutils.adapter.LoggerAdapter.getEffectiveLevel"]], "hashandlers() (logutils.adapter.loggeradapter method)": [[0, "logutils.adapter.LoggerAdapter.hasHandlers"]], "info() (logutils.adapter.loggeradapter method)": [[0, ""]], "isenabledfor() (logutils.adapter.loggeradapter method)": [[0, "logutils.adapter.LoggerAdapter.isEnabledFor"]], "log() (logutils.adapter.loggeradapter method)": [[0, "logutils.adapter.LoggerAdapter.log"]], "logutils.adapter": [[0, "module-logutils.adapter"]], "module": [[0, "module-logutils.adapter"], [1, "module-logutils.colorize"], [2, "module-logutils.dictconfig"], [3, "module-logutils.http"], [4, "module-logutils"], [6, "module-logutils.queue"], [8, "module-logutils.testing"]], "process() (logutils.adapter.loggeradapter method)": [[0, "logutils.adapter.LoggerAdapter.process"]], "setlevel() (logutils.adapter.loggeradapter method)": [[0, "logutils.adapter.LoggerAdapter.setLevel"]], "warn() (logutils.adapter.loggeradapter method)": [[0, "logutils.adapter.LoggerAdapter.warn"]], "warning() (logutils.adapter.loggeradapter method)": [[0, "logutils.adapter.LoggerAdapter.warning"]], "colorizingstreamhandler (class in logutils.colorize)": [[1, "logutils.colorize.ColorizingStreamHandler"]], "colorize() (logutils.colorize.colorizingstreamhandler method)": [[1, "logutils.colorize.ColorizingStreamHandler.colorize"]], "emit() (logutils.colorize.colorizingstreamhandler method)": [[1, "logutils.colorize.ColorizingStreamHandler.emit"]], "format() (logutils.colorize.colorizingstreamhandler method)": [[1, "logutils.colorize.ColorizingStreamHandler.format"]], "is_tty (logutils.colorize.colorizingstreamhandler property)": [[1, "logutils.colorize.ColorizingStreamHandler.is_tty"]], "level_map (logutils.colorize.colorizingstreamhandler attribute)": [[1, "logutils.colorize.ColorizingStreamHandler.level_map"]], "logutils.colorize": [[1, "module-logutils.colorize"]], "output_colorized() (logutils.colorize.colorizingstreamhandler method)": [[1, "logutils.colorize.ColorizingStreamHandler.output_colorized"]], "dictconfigurator (class in logutils.dictconfig)": [[2, "logutils.dictconfig.DictConfigurator"]], "configure() (logutils.dictconfig.dictconfigurator method)": [[2, "logutils.dictconfig.DictConfigurator.configure"]], "dictconfig() (in module logutils.dictconfig)": [[2, "logutils.dictconfig.dictConfig"]], "logutils.dictconfig": [[2, "module-logutils.dictconfig"]], "httphandler (class in logutils.http)": [[3, "logutils.http.HTTPHandler"]], "emit() (logutils.http.httphandler method)": [[3, "logutils.http.HTTPHandler.emit"]], "logutils.http": [[3, "module-logutils.http"]], "maplogrecord() (logutils.http.httphandler method)": [[3, "logutils.http.HTTPHandler.mapLogRecord"]], "logutils": [[4, "module-logutils"]], "nullhandler (class in logutils)": [[5, "logutils.NullHandler"]], "createlock() (logutils.nullhandler method)": [[5, "logutils.NullHandler.createLock"]], "emit() (logutils.nullhandler method)": [[5, "logutils.NullHandler.emit"]], "handle() (logutils.nullhandler method)": [[5, "logutils.NullHandler.handle"]], "queuehandler (class in logutils.queue)": [[6, "logutils.queue.QueueHandler"]], "queuelistener (class in logutils.queue)": [[6, "logutils.queue.QueueListener"]], "dequeue() (logutils.queue.queuelistener method)": [[6, "logutils.queue.QueueListener.dequeue"]], "emit() (logutils.queue.queuehandler method)": [[6, "logutils.queue.QueueHandler.emit"]], "enqueue() (logutils.queue.queuehandler method)": [[6, "logutils.queue.QueueHandler.enqueue"]], "enqueue_sentinel() (logutils.queue.queuelistener method)": [[6, "logutils.queue.QueueListener.enqueue_sentinel"]], "handle() (logutils.queue.queuelistener method)": [[6, "logutils.queue.QueueListener.handle"]], "logutils.queue": [[6, "module-logutils.queue"]], "prepare() (logutils.queue.queuehandler method)": [[6, "logutils.queue.QueueHandler.prepare"]], "prepare() (logutils.queue.queuelistener method)": [[6, "logutils.queue.QueueListener.prepare"]], "start() (logutils.queue.queuelistener method)": [[6, "logutils.queue.QueueListener.start"]], "stop() (logutils.queue.queuelistener method)": [[6, "logutils.queue.QueueListener.stop"]], "redisqueuehandler (class in logutils.redis)": [[7, "logutils.redis.RedisQueueHandler"]], "redisqueuelistener (class in logutils.redis)": [[7, "logutils.redis.RedisQueueListener"]], "dequeue() (logutils.redis.redisqueuelistener method)": [[7, "logutils.redis.RedisQueueListener.dequeue"]], "enqueue() (logutils.redis.redisqueuehandler method)": [[7, "logutils.redis.RedisQueueHandler.enqueue"]], "enqueue_sentinel() (logutils.redis.redisqueuelistener method)": [[7, "logutils.redis.RedisQueueListener.enqueue_sentinel"]], "matcher (class in logutils.testing)": [[8, "logutils.testing.Matcher"]], "testhandler (class in logutils.testing)": [[8, "logutils.testing.TestHandler"]], "count (logutils.testing.testhandler property)": [[8, "logutils.testing.TestHandler.count"]], "emit() (logutils.testing.testhandler method)": [[8, "logutils.testing.TestHandler.emit"]], "flush() (logutils.testing.testhandler method)": [[8, "logutils.testing.TestHandler.flush"]], "logutils.testing": [[8, "module-logutils.testing"]], "match_value() (logutils.testing.matcher method)": [[8, "logutils.testing.Matcher.match_value"]], "matchall() (logutils.testing.testhandler method)": [[8, "logutils.testing.TestHandler.matchall"]], "matches() (logutils.testing.matcher method)": [[8, "logutils.testing.Matcher.matches"]], "matches() (logutils.testing.testhandler method)": [[8, "logutils.testing.TestHandler.matches"]], "shouldflush() (logutils.testing.testhandler method)": [[8, "logutils.testing.TestHandler.shouldFlush"]]}})