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"validating-configs"], [7, "validating-configs"]], "Config overlays": [[0, "config-overlays"], [1, "config-overlays"], [5, "config-overlays"], [6, "config-overlays"], [7, "config-overlays"]], "push()": [[0, "push"], [1, "push"], [5, "push"], [6, "push"], [7, "push"]], "pop()": [[0, "pop"], [1, "pop"], [5, "pop"], [6, "pop"], [7, "pop"]], "Attribute access to config data": [[0, "attribute-access-to-config-data"], [1, "attribute-access-to-config-data"], [5, "attribute-access-to-config-data"], [6, "attribute-access-to-config-data"], [7, "attribute-access-to-config-data"]], "Implicit data typing": [[0, "implicit-data-typing"], [1, "implicit-data-typing"], [5, "implicit-data-typing"], [6, "implicit-data-typing"], [7, "implicit-data-typing"]], "Type conversion helpers": [[0, "type-conversion-helpers"], [1, "type-conversion-helpers"], [5, "type-conversion-helpers"], [6, "type-conversion-helpers"], [7, "type-conversion-helpers"]], "Booleans": [[0, "booleans"], [1, "booleans"], [5, "booleans"], [6, "booleans"], [7, "booleans"]], "Host and port": [[0, "host-and-port"], [1, "host-and-port"], [5, "host-and-port"], [6, "host-and-port"], [7, "host-and-port"]], "User and group": [[0, "user-and-group"], [1, "user-and-group"], [5, "user-and-group"], [6, "user-and-group"], [7, "user-and-group"]], "Time intervals": [[0, "time-intervals"], [1, "time-intervals"], [5, "time-intervals"], [6, "time-intervals"], [7, "time-intervals"]], "Log levels": [[0, "log-levels"], [1, "log-levels"], [5, "log-levels"], [6, "log-levels"], [7, "log-levels"]], "Other Documents": [[0, "other-documents"], [1, "other-documents"], [5, "other-documents"], [6, "other-documents"], [7, "other-documents"]], "Hacking on lazr.config": [[2, "hacking-on-lazr-config"]], "Getting help": [[2, "getting-help"]], "Running the tests": [[2, "running-the-tests"]], "NEWS for lazr.config": [[3, "news-for-lazr-config"]], "2.2.3 (2021-01-26)": [[3, "id1"]], "2.2.2 (2019-11-04)": [[3, "id2"]], "2.2.1 (2017-10-20)": [[3, "id3"]], "2.2 (2017-02-07)": [[3, "id4"]], "2.1 (2015-01-05)": [[3, "id5"]], "2.0.1 (2014-08-22)": [[3, "id6"]], "2.0 (2013-01-10)": [[3, "id7"]], "1.1.3 (2009-08-25)": [[3, "id8"]], "1.1.2 (2009-08-25)": [[3, "id9"]], "1.1.1 (2009-03-24)": [[3, "id10"]], "1.1 (2009-01-05)": [[3, "id11"]], "1.0 (2008-12-19)": [[3, "id12"]], "Welcome to lazr.config": [[4, "welcome-to-lazr-config"]], "Indices and tables": [[4, "indices-and-tables"]]}, "indexentries": {}})