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[0, 3, 1, "", "reconfig_node"], [0, 3, 1, "", "reconfig_promotion"], [0, 3, 1, "", "reconfig_view"], [0, 3, 1, "", "rename_job"], [0, 3, 1, "", "run_script"], [0, 3, 1, "", "set_next_build_number"], [0, 3, 1, "", "stop_build"], [0, 3, 1, "", "view_exists"], [0, 3, 1, "", "wait_for_normal_op"], [0, 3, 1, "", "wipeout_job_workspace"]], "jenkins.WrappedSession": [[0, 3, 1, "", "merge_environment_settings"]]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:module", "1": "py:exception", "2": "py:class", "3": "py:method"}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "1": ["py", "exception", "Python exception"], "2": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "3": ["py", "method", "Python method"]}, "titleterms": {"api": 0, "refer": 0, "us": 1, "python": [1, 2], "jenkin": [1, 2], "exampl": 1, "1": 1, "get": 1, "version": 1, "2": 1, "log": 1, "kerbero": 1, "3": 1, "work": 1, "job": 1, "4": 1, "view": 1, "5": 1, "plugin": 1, "6": 1, "node": 1, "7": 1, "build": 1, "queue": 1, "8": 1, "cloudbe": 1, "folder": 1, "9": 1, "updat": 1, "next": 1, "number": 1, "promot": 1, "10": 1, "wait": 1, "readi": 1, "readm": 2, "develop": 2, "write": 2, "patch": 2, "instal": [2, 3], "without": 2, "setup": 2, "py": 2, "content": 2, "indic": 2, "tabl": 2, "document": 3, "unit": 3, "test": 3, "coverag": 3}, "envversion": {"": 2, "": 1, "": 1, "": 8, "": 1, "": 2, "": 2, "": 3, "": 2, "": 2, "sphinx": 57}, "alltitles": {"API reference": [[0, "module-jenkins"]], "Using Python-Jenkins": [[1, "using-python-jenkins"]], "Example 1: Get version of Jenkins": [[1, "example-1-get-version-of-jenkins"]], "Example 2: Logging into Jenkins using kerberos": [[1, "example-2-logging-into-jenkins-using-kerberos"]], "Example 3: Working with Jenkins Jobs": [[1, "example-3-working-with-jenkins-jobs"]], "Example 4: Working with Jenkins Views": [[1, "example-4-working-with-jenkins-views"]], "Example 5: Working with Jenkins Plugins": [[1, "example-5-working-with-jenkins-plugins"]], "Example 6: Working with Jenkins Nodes": [[1, "example-6-working-with-jenkins-nodes"]], "Example 7: Working with Jenkins Build Queue": [[1, "example-7-working-with-jenkins-build-queue"]], "Example 8: Working with Jenkins Cloudbees Folders": [[1, "example-8-working-with-jenkins-cloudbees-folders"]], "Example 9: Updating Next Build Number": [[1, "example-9-updating-next-build-number"]], "Example 9: Working with Build Promotions": [[1, "example-9-working-with-build-promotions"]], "Example 10: Waiting for Jenkins to be ready": [[1, "example-10-waiting-for-jenkins-to-be-ready"]], "Python Jenkins": [[2, "python-jenkins"]], "README": [[2, "readme"]], "Developers": [[2, "developers"]], "Writing a patch": [[2, "writing-a-patch"]], "Installing without": [[2, "installing-without-setup-py"]], "Contents": [[2, "contents"]], "Indices and tables": [[2, "indices-and-tables"]], "Installing": [[3, "installing"]], "Documentation": [[3, "documentation"]], "Unit Tests": [[3, "unit-tests"]], "Test Coverage": [[3, "test-coverage"]]}, "indexentries": {"badhttpexception": [[0, "jenkins.BadHTTPException"]], "emptyresponseexception": [[0, "jenkins.EmptyResponseException"]], "jenkins (class in jenkins)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins"]], "jenkinsexception": [[0, "jenkins.JenkinsException"]], "notfoundexception": [[0, "jenkins.NotFoundException"]], "timeoutexception": [[0, "jenkins.TimeoutException"]], "wrappedsession (class in jenkins)": [[0, "jenkins.WrappedSession"]], "assert_credential_exists() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.assert_credential_exists"]], "assert_folder() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.assert_folder"]], "assert_job_exists() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.assert_job_exists"]], "assert_node_exists() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.assert_node_exists"]], "assert_promotion_exists() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.assert_promotion_exists"]], "assert_view_exists() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.assert_view_exists"]], "build_job() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.build_job"]], "build_job_url() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.build_job_url"]], "cancel_queue() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.cancel_queue"]], "copy_job() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.copy_job"]], "create_credential() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.create_credential"]], "create_job() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.create_job"]], "create_node() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.create_node"]], "create_promotion() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.create_promotion"]], "create_view() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.create_view"]], "credential_exists() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.credential_exists"]], "debug_job_info() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.debug_job_info"]], "delete_build() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.delete_build"]], "delete_credential() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.delete_credential"]], "delete_job() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.delete_job"]], "delete_node() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.delete_node"]], "delete_promotion() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.delete_promotion"]], "delete_view() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.delete_view"]], "disable_job() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.disable_job"]], "disable_node() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.disable_node"]], "enable_job() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.enable_job"]], "enable_node() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.enable_node"]], "get_all_jobs() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_all_jobs"]], "get_build_console_output() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_build_console_output"]], "get_build_env_vars() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_build_env_vars"]], "get_build_info() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_build_info"]], "get_build_test_report() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_build_test_report"]], "get_credential_config() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_credential_config"]], "get_credential_info() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_credential_info"]], "get_info() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_info"]], "get_job_config() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_job_config"]], "get_job_info() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_job_info"]], "get_job_info_regex() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_job_info_regex"]], "get_job_name() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_job_name"]], "get_jobs() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_jobs"]], "get_node_config() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_node_config"]], "get_node_info() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_node_info"]], "get_nodes() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_nodes"]], "get_plugin_info() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_plugin_info"]], "get_plugins() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_plugins"]], "get_plugins_info() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_plugins_info"]], "get_promotion_config() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_promotion_config"]], "get_promotion_name() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_promotion_name"]], "get_promotions() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_promotions"]], "get_promotions_info() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_promotions_info"]], "get_queue_info() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_queue_info"]], "get_queue_item() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_queue_item"]], "get_running_builds() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_running_builds"]], "get_version() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_version"]], "get_view_config() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_view_config"]], "get_view_name() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_view_name"]], "get_views() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_views"]], "get_whoami() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.get_whoami"]], "install_plugin() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.install_plugin"]], "is_folder() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.is_folder"]], "jenkins": [[0, "module-jenkins"]], "jenkins.plugins": [[0, "module-jenkins.plugins"]], "jenkins_open() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.jenkins_open"]], "jenkins_request() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.jenkins_request"]], "job_exists() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.job_exists"]], "jobs_count() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.jobs_count"]], "list_credentials() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.list_credentials"]], "maybe_add_crumb() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.maybe_add_crumb"]], "merge_environment_settings() (jenkins.wrappedsession method)": [[0, "jenkins.WrappedSession.merge_environment_settings"]], "module": [[0, "module-jenkins"], [0, "module-jenkins.plugins"]], "node_exists() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.node_exists"]], "promotion_exists() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.promotion_exists"]], "quiet_down() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.quiet_down"]], "reconfig_credential() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.reconfig_credential"]], "reconfig_job() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.reconfig_job"]], "reconfig_node() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.reconfig_node"]], "reconfig_promotion() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.reconfig_promotion"]], "reconfig_view() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.reconfig_view"]], "rename_job() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.rename_job"]], "run_script() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.run_script"]], "set_next_build_number() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.set_next_build_number"]], "stop_build() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.stop_build"]], "view_exists() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.view_exists"]], "wait_for_normal_op() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.wait_for_normal_op"]], "wipeout_job_workspace() (jenkins.jenkins method)": [[0, "jenkins.Jenkins.wipeout_job_workspace"]]}})