Source code for hypothesis.extra._array_helpers

# This file is part of Hypothesis, which may be found at
# Copyright the Hypothesis Authors.
# Individual contributors are listed in AUTHORS.rst and the git log.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
# obtain one at

import re
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union

from hypothesis import assume, strategies as st
from hypothesis.errors import InvalidArgument
from hypothesis.internal.conjecture import utils as cu
from hypothesis.internal.coverage import check_function
from hypothesis.internal.validation import check_type, check_valid_interval
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.utils import defines_strategy
from hypothesis.utils.conventions import UniqueIdentifier, not_set

__all__ = [

Shape = Tuple[int, ...]
# We silence flake8 here because it disagrees with mypy about `ellipsis` (`type(...)`)
BasicIndex = Tuple[Union[int, slice, None, "ellipsis"], ...]  # noqa: F821

class BroadcastableShapes(NamedTuple):
    input_shapes: Tuple[Shape, ...]
    result_shape: Shape

def check_argument(condition, fail_message, *f_args, **f_kwargs):
    if not condition:
        raise InvalidArgument(fail_message.format(*f_args, **f_kwargs))

def order_check(name, floor, min_, max_):
    if floor > min_:
        raise InvalidArgument(f"min_{name} must be at least {floor} but was {min_}")
    if min_ > max_:
        raise InvalidArgument(f"min_{name}={min_} is larger than max_{name}={max_}")

# 32 is a dimension limit specific to NumPy, and does not necessarily apply to
# other array/tensor libraries. Historically these strategies were built for the
# NumPy extra, so it's nice to keep these limits, and it's seemingly unlikely
# someone would want to generate >32 dim arrays anyway.
# See

def check_valid_dims(dims, name):
    if dims > NDIM_MAX:
        raise InvalidArgument(
            f"{name}={dims}, but Hypothesis does not support arrays with "
            f"more than {NDIM_MAX} dimensions"

[docs]@defines_strategy() def array_shapes( *, min_dims: int = 1, max_dims: Optional[int] = None, min_side: int = 1, max_side: Optional[int] = None, ) -> st.SearchStrategy[Shape]: """Return a strategy for array shapes (tuples of int >= 1). * ``min_dims`` is the smallest length that the generated shape can possess. * ``max_dims`` is the largest length that the generated shape can possess, defaulting to ``min_dims + 2``. * ``min_side`` is the smallest size that a dimension can possess. * ``max_side`` is the largest size that a dimension can possess, defaulting to ``min_side + 5``. """ check_type(int, min_dims, "min_dims") check_type(int, min_side, "min_side") check_valid_dims(min_dims, "min_dims") if max_dims is None: max_dims = min(min_dims + 2, NDIM_MAX) check_type(int, max_dims, "max_dims") check_valid_dims(max_dims, "max_dims") if max_side is None: max_side = min_side + 5 check_type(int, max_side, "max_side") order_check("dims", 0, min_dims, max_dims) order_check("side", 0, min_side, max_side) return st.lists( st.integers(min_side, max_side), min_size=min_dims, max_size=max_dims ).map(tuple)
[docs]@defines_strategy() def valid_tuple_axes( ndim: int, *, min_size: int = 0, max_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> st.SearchStrategy[Tuple[int, ...]]: """All tuples will have a length >= ``min_size`` and <= ``max_size``. The default value for ``max_size`` is ``ndim``. Examples from this strategy shrink towards an empty tuple, which render most sequential functions as no-ops. The following are some examples drawn from this strategy. .. code-block:: pycon >>> [valid_tuple_axes(3).example() for i in range(4)] [(-3, 1), (0, 1, -1), (0, 2), (0, -2, 2)] ``valid_tuple_axes`` can be joined with other strategies to generate any type of valid axis object, i.e. integers, tuples, and ``None``: .. code-block:: python any_axis_strategy = none() | integers(-ndim, ndim - 1) | valid_tuple_axes(ndim) """ check_type(int, ndim, "ndim") check_type(int, min_size, "min_size") if max_size is None: max_size = ndim check_type(int, max_size, "max_size") order_check("size", 0, min_size, max_size) check_valid_interval(max_size, ndim, "max_size", "ndim") axes = st.integers(0, max(0, 2 * ndim - 1)).map( lambda x: x if x < ndim else x - 2 * ndim ) return st.lists( axes, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size, unique_by=lambda x: x % ndim ).map(tuple)
[docs]@defines_strategy() def broadcastable_shapes( shape: Shape, *, min_dims: int = 0, max_dims: Optional[int] = None, min_side: int = 1, max_side: Optional[int] = None, ) -> st.SearchStrategy[Shape]: """Return a strategy for shapes that are broadcast-compatible with the provided shape. Examples from this strategy shrink towards a shape with length ``min_dims``. The size of an aligned dimension shrinks towards size ``1``. The size of an unaligned dimension shrink towards ``min_side``. * ``shape`` is a tuple of integers. * ``min_dims`` is the smallest length that the generated shape can possess. * ``max_dims`` is the largest length that the generated shape can possess, defaulting to ``max(len(shape), min_dims) + 2``. * ``min_side`` is the smallest size that an unaligned dimension can possess. * ``max_side`` is the largest size that an unaligned dimension can possess, defaulting to 2 plus the size of the largest aligned dimension. The following are some examples drawn from this strategy. .. code-block:: pycon >>> [broadcastable_shapes(shape=(2, 3)).example() for i in range(5)] [(1, 3), (), (2, 3), (2, 1), (4, 1, 3), (3, )] """ check_type(tuple, shape, "shape") check_type(int, min_side, "min_side") check_type(int, min_dims, "min_dims") check_valid_dims(min_dims, "min_dims") strict_check = max_side is None or max_dims is None if max_dims is None: max_dims = min(max(len(shape), min_dims) + 2, NDIM_MAX) check_type(int, max_dims, "max_dims") check_valid_dims(max_dims, "max_dims") if max_side is None: max_side = max(shape[-max_dims:] + (min_side,)) + 2 check_type(int, max_side, "max_side") order_check("dims", 0, min_dims, max_dims) order_check("side", 0, min_side, max_side) if strict_check: dims = max_dims bound_name = "max_dims" else: dims = min_dims bound_name = "min_dims" # check for unsatisfiable min_side if not all(min_side <= s for s in shape[::-1][:dims] if s != 1): raise InvalidArgument( f"Given shape={shape}, there are no broadcast-compatible " f"shapes that satisfy: {bound_name}={dims} and min_side={min_side}" ) # check for unsatisfiable [min_side, max_side] if not ( min_side <= 1 <= max_side or all(s <= max_side for s in shape[::-1][:dims]) ): raise InvalidArgument( f"Given base_shape={shape}, there are no broadcast-compatible " f"shapes that satisfy all of {bound_name}={dims}, " f"min_side={min_side}, and max_side={max_side}" ) if not strict_check: # reduce max_dims to exclude unsatisfiable dimensions for n, s in zip(range(max_dims), shape[::-1]): if s < min_side and s != 1: max_dims = n break elif not (min_side <= 1 <= max_side or s <= max_side): max_dims = n break return MutuallyBroadcastableShapesStrategy( num_shapes=1, base_shape=shape, min_dims=min_dims, max_dims=max_dims, min_side=min_side, max_side=max_side, ).map(lambda x: x.input_shapes[0])
# See # Implementation based on numpy.lib.function_base._parse_gufunc_signature # with minor upgrades to handle numeric and optional dimensions. Examples: # # add (),()->() binary ufunc # sum1d (i)->() reduction # inner1d (i),(i)->() vector-vector multiplication # matmat (m,n),(n,p)->(m,p) matrix multiplication # vecmat (n),(n,p)->(p) vector-matrix multiplication # matvec (m,n),(n)->(m) matrix-vector multiplication # matmul (m?,n),(n,p?)->(m?,p?) combination of the four above # cross1d (3),(3)->(3) cross product with frozen dimensions # # Note that while no examples of such usage are given, Numpy does allow # generalised ufuncs that have *multiple output arrays*. This is not # currently supported by Hypothesis - please contact us if you would use it! # # We are unsure if gufuncs allow frozen dimensions to be optional, but it's # easy enough to support here - and so we will unless we learn otherwise. _DIMENSION = r"\w+\??" # Note that \w permits digits too! _SHAPE = r"\((?:{0}(?:,{0})".format(_DIMENSION) + r"{0,31})?\)" _ARGUMENT_LIST = "{0}(?:,{0})*".format(_SHAPE) _SIGNATURE = rf"^{_ARGUMENT_LIST}->{_SHAPE}$" _SIGNATURE_MULTIPLE_OUTPUT = r"^{0}->{0}$".format(_ARGUMENT_LIST) class _GUfuncSig(NamedTuple): input_shapes: Tuple[Shape, ...] result_shape: Shape def _hypothesis_parse_gufunc_signature(signature, all_checks=True): # Disable all_checks to better match the Numpy version, for testing if not re.match(_SIGNATURE, signature): if re.match(_SIGNATURE_MULTIPLE_OUTPUT, signature): raise InvalidArgument( "Hypothesis does not yet support generalised ufunc signatures " "with multiple output arrays - mostly because we don't know of " "anyone who uses them! Please get in touch with us to fix that." f"\n (signature={signature!r})" ) if re.match( ( # Taken from np.lib.function_base._SIGNATURE r"^\((?:\w+(?:,\w+)*)?\)(?:,\((?:\w+(?:,\w+)*)?\))*->" r"\((?:\w+(?:,\w+)*)?\)(?:,\((?:\w+(?:,\w+)*)?\))*$" ), signature, ): raise InvalidArgument( f"signature={signature!r} matches Numpy's regex for gufunc signatures, " f"but contains shapes with more than {NDIM_MAX} dimensions and is thus invalid." ) raise InvalidArgument(f"{signature!r} is not a valid gufunc signature") input_shapes, output_shapes = ( tuple(tuple(re.findall(_DIMENSION, a)) for a in re.findall(_SHAPE, arg_list)) for arg_list in signature.split("->") ) assert len(output_shapes) == 1 result_shape = output_shapes[0] if all_checks: # Check that there are no names in output shape that do not appear in inputs. # (kept out of parser function for easier generation of test values) # We also disallow frozen optional dimensions - this is ambiguous as there is # no way to share an un-named dimension between shapes. Maybe just padding? # Anyway, we disallow it pending clarification from upstream. frozen_optional_err = ( "Got dimension %r, but handling of frozen optional dimensions " "is ambiguous. If you known how this should work, please " "contact us to get this fixed and documented (signature=%r)." ) only_out_err = ( "The %r dimension only appears in the output shape, and is " "not frozen, so the size is not determined (signature=%r)." ) names_in = {n.strip("?") for shp in input_shapes for n in shp} names_out = {n.strip("?") for n in result_shape} for shape in input_shapes + (result_shape,): for name in shape: try: int(name.strip("?")) if "?" in name: raise InvalidArgument(frozen_optional_err % (name, signature)) except ValueError: if name.strip("?") in (names_out - names_in): raise InvalidArgument( only_out_err % (name, signature) ) from None return _GUfuncSig(input_shapes=input_shapes, result_shape=result_shape)
[docs]@defines_strategy() def mutually_broadcastable_shapes( *, num_shapes: Union[UniqueIdentifier, int] = not_set, signature: Union[UniqueIdentifier, str] = not_set, base_shape: Shape = (), min_dims: int = 0, max_dims: Optional[int] = None, min_side: int = 1, max_side: Optional[int] = None, ) -> st.SearchStrategy[BroadcastableShapes]: """Return a strategy for a specified number of shapes N that are mutually-broadcastable with one another and with the provided base shape. * ``num_shapes`` is the number of mutually broadcast-compatible shapes to generate. * ``base_shape`` is the shape against which all generated shapes can broadcast. The default shape is empty, which corresponds to a scalar and thus does not constrain broadcasting at all. * ``min_dims`` is the smallest length that the generated shape can possess. * ``max_dims`` is the largest length that the generated shape can possess, defaulting to ``max(len(shape), min_dims) + 2``. * ``min_side`` is the smallest size that an unaligned dimension can possess. * ``max_side`` is the largest size that an unaligned dimension can possess, defaulting to 2 plus the size of the largest aligned dimension. The strategy will generate a :obj:`python:typing.NamedTuple` containing: * ``input_shapes`` as a tuple of the N generated shapes. * ``result_shape`` as the resulting shape produced by broadcasting the N shapes with the base shape. The following are some examples drawn from this strategy. .. code-block:: pycon >>> # Draw three shapes where each shape is broadcast-compatible with (2, 3) ... strat = mutually_broadcastable_shapes(num_shapes=3, base_shape=(2, 3)) >>> for _ in range(5): ... print(strat.example()) BroadcastableShapes(input_shapes=((4, 1, 3), (4, 2, 3), ()), result_shape=(4, 2, 3)) BroadcastableShapes(input_shapes=((3,), (1, 3), (2, 3)), result_shape=(2, 3)) BroadcastableShapes(input_shapes=((), (), ()), result_shape=()) BroadcastableShapes(input_shapes=((3,), (), (3,)), result_shape=(3,)) BroadcastableShapes(input_shapes=((1, 2, 3), (3,), ()), result_shape=(1, 2, 3)) """ arg_msg = "Pass either the `num_shapes` or the `signature` argument, but not both." if num_shapes is not not_set: check_argument(signature is not_set, arg_msg) check_type(int, num_shapes, "num_shapes") assert isinstance(num_shapes, int) # for mypy parsed_signature = None sig_dims = 0 else: check_argument(signature is not not_set, arg_msg) if signature is None: raise InvalidArgument( "Expected a string, but got invalid signature=None. " "(maybe .signature attribute of an element-wise ufunc?)" ) check_type(str, signature, "signature") parsed_signature = _hypothesis_parse_gufunc_signature(signature) all_shapes = parsed_signature.input_shapes + (parsed_signature.result_shape,) sig_dims = min(len(s) for s in all_shapes) num_shapes = len(parsed_signature.input_shapes) if num_shapes < 1: raise InvalidArgument(f"num_shapes={num_shapes} must be at least 1") check_type(tuple, base_shape, "base_shape") check_type(int, min_side, "min_side") check_type(int, min_dims, "min_dims") check_valid_dims(min_dims, "min_dims") strict_check = max_dims is not None if max_dims is None: max_dims = min(max(len(base_shape), min_dims) + 2, NDIM_MAX - sig_dims) check_type(int, max_dims, "max_dims") check_valid_dims(max_dims, "max_dims") if max_side is None: max_side = max(base_shape[-max_dims:] + (min_side,)) + 2 check_type(int, max_side, "max_side") order_check("dims", 0, min_dims, max_dims) order_check("side", 0, min_side, max_side) if signature is not None and max_dims > NDIM_MAX - sig_dims: raise InvalidArgument( f"max_dims={signature!r} would exceed the {NDIM_MAX}-dimension" "limit Hypothesis imposes on array shapes, " f"given signature={parsed_signature!r}" ) if strict_check: dims = max_dims bound_name = "max_dims" else: dims = min_dims bound_name = "min_dims" # check for unsatisfiable min_side if not all(min_side <= s for s in base_shape[::-1][:dims] if s != 1): raise InvalidArgument( f"Given base_shape={base_shape}, there are no broadcast-compatible " f"shapes that satisfy: {bound_name}={dims} and min_side={min_side}" ) # check for unsatisfiable [min_side, max_side] if not ( min_side <= 1 <= max_side or all(s <= max_side for s in base_shape[::-1][:dims]) ): raise InvalidArgument( f"Given base_shape={base_shape}, there are no broadcast-compatible " f"shapes that satisfy all of {bound_name}={dims}, " f"min_side={min_side}, and max_side={max_side}" ) if not strict_check: # reduce max_dims to exclude unsatisfiable dimensions for n, s in zip(range(max_dims), base_shape[::-1]): if s < min_side and s != 1: max_dims = n break elif not (min_side <= 1 <= max_side or s <= max_side): max_dims = n break return MutuallyBroadcastableShapesStrategy( num_shapes=num_shapes, signature=parsed_signature, base_shape=base_shape, min_dims=min_dims, max_dims=max_dims, min_side=min_side, max_side=max_side, )
class MutuallyBroadcastableShapesStrategy(st.SearchStrategy): def __init__( self, num_shapes, signature=None, base_shape=(), min_dims=0, max_dims=None, min_side=1, max_side=None, ): super().__init__() self.base_shape = base_shape self.side_strat = st.integers(min_side, max_side) self.num_shapes = num_shapes self.signature = signature self.min_dims = min_dims self.max_dims = max_dims self.min_side = min_side self.max_side = max_side self.size_one_allowed = self.min_side <= 1 <= self.max_side def do_draw(self, data): # We don't usually have a gufunc signature; do the common case first & fast. if self.signature is None: return self._draw_loop_dimensions(data) # When we *do*, draw the core dims, then draw loop dims, and finally combine. core_in, core_res = self._draw_core_dimensions(data) # If some core shape has omitted optional dimensions, it's an error to add # loop dimensions to it. We never omit core dims if min_dims >= 1. # This ensures that we respect Numpy's gufunc broadcasting semantics and user # constraints without needing to check whether the loop dims will be # interpreted as an invalid substitute for the omitted core dims. # We may implement this check later! use = [None not in shp for shp in core_in] loop_in, loop_res = self._draw_loop_dimensions(data, use=use) def add_shape(loop, core): return tuple(x for x in (loop + core)[-NDIM_MAX:] if x is not None) return BroadcastableShapes( input_shapes=tuple(add_shape(l_in, c) for l_in, c in zip(loop_in, core_in)), result_shape=add_shape(loop_res, core_res), ) def _draw_core_dimensions(self, data): # Draw gufunc core dimensions, with None standing for optional dimensions # that will not be present in the final shape. We track omitted dims so # that we can do an accurate per-shape length cap. dims = {} shapes = [] for shape in self.signature.input_shapes + (self.signature.result_shape,): shapes.append([]) for name in shape: if name.isdigit(): shapes[-1].append(int(name)) continue if name not in dims: dim = name.strip("?") dims[dim] = data.draw(self.side_strat) if self.min_dims == 0 and not data.draw_bits(3): dims[dim + "?"] = None else: dims[dim + "?"] = dims[dim] shapes[-1].append(dims[name]) return tuple(tuple(s) for s in shapes[:-1]), tuple(shapes[-1]) def _draw_loop_dimensions(self, data, use=None): # All shapes are handled in column-major order; i.e. they are reversed base_shape = self.base_shape[::-1] result_shape = list(base_shape) shapes = [[] for _ in range(self.num_shapes)] if use is None: use = [True for _ in range(self.num_shapes)] else: assert len(use) == self.num_shapes assert all(isinstance(x, bool) for x in use) for dim_count in range(1, self.max_dims + 1): dim = dim_count - 1 # We begin by drawing a valid dimension-size for the given # dimension. This restricts the variability across the shapes # at this dimension such that they can only choose between # this size and a singleton dimension. if len(base_shape) < dim_count or base_shape[dim] == 1: # dim is unrestricted by the base-shape: shrink to min_side dim_side = data.draw(self.side_strat) elif base_shape[dim] <= self.max_side: # dim is aligned with non-singleton base-dim dim_side = base_shape[dim] else: # only a singleton is valid in alignment with the base-dim dim_side = 1 allowed_sides = sorted([1, dim_side]) # shrink to 0 when available for shape_id, shape in enumerate(shapes): # Populating this dimension-size for each shape, either # the drawn size is used or, if permitted, a singleton # dimension. if dim <= len(result_shape) and self.size_one_allowed: # aligned: shrink towards size 1 side = data.draw(st.sampled_from(allowed_sides)) else: side = dim_side # Use a trick where where a biased coin is queried to see # if the given shape-tuple will continue to be grown. All # of the relevant draws will still be made for the given # shape-tuple even if it is no longer being added to. # This helps to ensure more stable shrinking behavior. if self.min_dims < dim_count: use[shape_id] &= cu.biased_coin( data, 1 - 1 / (1 + self.max_dims - dim) ) if use[shape_id]: shape.append(side) if len(result_shape) < len(shape): result_shape.append(shape[-1]) elif shape[-1] != 1 and result_shape[dim] == 1: result_shape[dim] = shape[-1] if not any(use): break result_shape = result_shape[: max(map(len, [self.base_shape] + shapes))] assert len(shapes) == self.num_shapes assert all(self.min_dims <= len(s) <= self.max_dims for s in shapes) assert all(self.min_side <= s <= self.max_side for side in shapes for s in side) return BroadcastableShapes( input_shapes=tuple(tuple(reversed(shape)) for shape in shapes), result_shape=tuple(reversed(result_shape)), ) class BasicIndexStrategy(st.SearchStrategy): def __init__( self, shape, min_dims, max_dims, allow_ellipsis, allow_newaxis, allow_fewer_indices_than_dims, ): self.shape = shape self.min_dims = min_dims self.max_dims = max_dims self.allow_ellipsis = allow_ellipsis self.allow_newaxis = allow_newaxis # allow_fewer_indices_than_dims=False will disable generating indices # that don't cover all axes, i.e. indices that will flat index arrays. # This is necessary for the Array API as such indices are not supported. self.allow_fewer_indices_than_dims = allow_fewer_indices_than_dims def do_draw(self, data): # General plan: determine the actual selection up front with a straightforward # approach that shrinks well, then complicate it by inserting other things. result = [] for dim_size in self.shape: if dim_size == 0: result.append(slice(None)) continue strategy = st.integers(-dim_size, dim_size - 1) | st.slices(dim_size) result.append(data.draw(strategy)) # Insert some number of new size-one dimensions if allowed result_dims = sum(isinstance(idx, slice) for idx in result) while ( self.allow_newaxis and result_dims < self.max_dims and (result_dims < self.min_dims or data.draw(st.booleans())) ): i = data.draw(st.integers(0, len(result))) result.insert(i, None) # Note that `np.newaxis is None` result_dims += 1 # Check that we'll have the right number of dimensions; reject if not. # It's easy to do this by construction if you don't care about shrinking, # which is really important for array shapes. So we filter instead. assume(self.min_dims <= result_dims <= self.max_dims) # This is a quick-and-dirty way to insert ..., xor shorten the indexer, # but it means we don't have to do any structural analysis. if self.allow_ellipsis and data.draw(st.booleans()): # Choose an index; then replace all adjacent whole-dimension slices. i = j = data.draw(st.integers(0, len(result))) while i > 0 and result[i - 1] == slice(None): i -= 1 while j < len(result) and result[j] == slice(None): j += 1 result[i:j] = [Ellipsis] elif self.allow_fewer_indices_than_dims: # pragma: no cover while result[-1:] == [slice(None, None)] and data.draw(st.integers(0, 7)): result.pop() if len(result) == 1 and data.draw(st.booleans()): # Sometimes generate bare element equivalent to a length-one tuple return result[0] return tuple(result)