.. _genomic: ************************************ Genomic intervals and genomic arrays ************************************ .. currentmodule:: HTSeq .. doctest:: :hide: >>> import HTSeq ``GenomicInterval`` =================== A genomic interval is a consecutive stretch on a genomic sequence such as a chromosome. It is represented by a ``GenomicInterval`` object. Instantiation .. class:: GenomicInterval( chrom, start, end, strand ) ``chrom`` (string) The name of a sequence (i.e., chromosome, contig, or the like). ``start`` (int) The start of the interval. Even on the reverse strand, this is always the smaller of the two values 'start' and 'end'. Note that all positions should be given and interpreted as 0-based value! ``end`` (int) The end of the interval. Following Python convention for ranges, this in one more than the coordinate of the last base that is considered part of the sequence. ``strand`` (string) The strand, as a single character, ``'+'``, ``'-'``, or ``'.'``. ``'.'`` indicates that the strand is irrelevant. Representation and string conversion The class's ``__str__`` method gives a spcae-saving description of the interval, the ``__repr__`` method is a bit more verbose:: >>> iv = HTSeq.GenomicInterval( "chr3", 123203, 127245, "+" ) >>> print iv chr3:[123203,127245)/+ >>> iv Attributes .. attribute:: GenomicInterval.chrom GenomicInterval.start GenomicInterval.end GenomicInterval.strand as above .. attribute:: GenomicInterval.start_d The "directional start" position. This is the position of the first base of the interval, taking the strand into account. Hence, this is the same as ``start`` except when ``strand == '-'``, in which case it is ``end-1``. Note that if you set ``start_d``, both ``start`` and ``end`` are changed, such that the interval gets the requested new directional start and its length stays unchanged. .. attribute:: GenomicInterval.end_d The "directional end": The same as ``end``, unless ``strand=='-'``, in which case it is ``start-1``. This convention allows to go from ``start_d`` to ``end_d`` (not including, as usual in Python, the last value) and get all bases in "reading" direction. ``end_d`` is not writable. .. attribute:: GenomicInterval.length The length is calculated as end - start. If you set the length, ``start_d`` will be preserved, i.e., ``end`` is changed, unless the strand is ``-``, in which case ``start`` is changed. .. attribute:: GenomicInterval.start_as_pos GenomicInterval.end_as_pos GenomicInterval.start_d_as_pos GenomicInterval.end_d_as_pos These attributes return :class:`GenomicPosition` objects referring to the respective positions. Directional instantiation .. function:: GenomicInterval_from_directional( chrom, start_d, length, strand="." ) This function allows to create a new ``GenomicInterval`` object specifying directional start and length instead of start and end. Methods .. method:: GenomicInterval.is_contained_in( iv ) GenomicInterval.contains( iv ) GenomicInterval.overlaps( iv ) These methods test whether the object is contained in, contains, or overlaps the second ``GenomicInterval`` object ``iv``. For any of of these conditions to be true, the ``start`` and ``end`` values have to be appropriate, and furthermore, the ``chrom`` values have to be equal and the ``strand`` values consistent. The latter means that the strands have to be the same if both intervals have strand information. However, if at least one of the objects has ``strand == '.'``, the strand information of the other object is disregarded. Note that all three methods return ``True`` for identical intervals. .. method:: GenomicInterval.xrange( step = 1 ) GenomicInterval.xrange_d( step = 1 ) These methods yield iterators of :class:GenomicPosition objects from ``start`` to ``end`` (or, for ``xrange_d`` from ``start_d`` to ``end_d``). .. method:: GenomicInterval.extend_to_include( iv ) Change the object's ``start`` end ``end`` values such that ``iv`` becomes contained. Special methods ``GenomicInterval`` implements the methods necessary for - obtaining a copy of the object (the ``copy`` method) - pickling the object - representing the object and converting it to a string (see above) - comparing two GenomicIntervals for equality and inequality - hashing the object ``GenomicPosition`` =================== A ``GenomicPosition`` represents the position of a single base or base pair, i.e., it is an interval of length 1, and hence, the class is a subclass of :class:GenomicInterval. .. class:: GenomicPosition( chrom, pos, strand='.' ) The initialisation is as for a :class:GenomicInterval object, but no ``length`` argument is passed. Attributes .. attribute:: pos **pos** is an alias for :attr:`GenomicInterval.start_d`. All other attributes of :class:`GenomicInterval` are still exposed. Refrain from using them, unless you want to use the object as an interval, not as a position. Some of them are now read-only to prevent the length to be changed. ``GenomicArray`` ================ A ``GenomicArray`` is a collection of :class:`ChromVector` objects, either one or two for each chromosome of a genome. It allows to access the data in these transparently via :class:`GenomicInterval` objects. **Note: ``GenomicArray``'s interface changed significantly in version 0.5.0. Please see the Version History page.** Instantiation .. class:: GenomicArray( chroms, stranded=True, typecode='d', storage='step', memmap_dir='' ) Creates a ``GenomicArray``. If ``chroms`` is a list of chromosome names, two (or one, see below) ``ChromVector`` objects for each chromosome are created, with start index 0 and indefinite length. If ``chroms`` is a ``dict``, the keys are used for the chromosome names and the values should be the lengths of the chromosome, i.e., the ChromVectors index ranges are then from 0 to these lengths. (Note that the term chromosome is used only for convenience. Of course, you can as well specify contig IDs or the like.) Finally, if ``chroms`` is the string ``"auto"``, the GenomicArray is created without any chromosomes but whenever the user attempts to assign a value to a yet unknown chromosome, a new one is automatically created with :meth:`GenomicArray.add_chrom`. If ``stranded`` is ``True``, two ``StepVector`` objects are created for each chromosome, one for the '+' and one for the '-' strand. For ``stranded == False``, only one ``StepVector`` per chromosome is used. In that case, the strand argument of all ``GenomicInterval`` objects that are used later to specify regions in the ``GenomicArray`` are ignored. The ``typecode`` determines the data type and is as in ``numpy``, i.e.: - ``'d'`` for float values (C type 'double'), - ``'i'`` for int values, - ``'b'`` for Boolean values, - ``'O'`` for arbitrary Python objects as value. The storage mode determines how the ChromVectors store the data internally: - mode ``'step'``: A step vector is used. This is the default and useful for large amounts of data which may stay constant along a range of indices. Each such step is stored internally as a node in a red-black tree. - mode ``'ndarray'``: A 1D numpy array is used internally. This is useful if the data changes a lot, and steps are hence inefficient. Using this mode requires that chromosome lengths are specified. - mode ``memmap``: This is useful for large amounts of data with very short steps, where ``step`` is inefficient, but a numpy vectors would not fit into memory. A numpy memmap is used that stores the whole vector in a file on disk and transparently maps into memory windows of the data. This mode requires chromosome lengths, and specification of a directory, via the ``memmap_dir`` argument, to store the temporary files in. It is not suitable for type code ``O``. Attributes .. attribute:: GenomicArray.stranded GenomicArray.typecode see above .. attribute:: GenomicArray.chrom_vectors a dict of dicts of ``ChromVector`` objects, using the chromosome names, and the strand as keys:: .. doctest:: >>> ga = HTSeq.GenomicArray( [ "chr1", "chr2" ], stranded=False ) >>> ga.chrom_vectors #doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE {'chr2': {'.': }, 'chr1': {'.': }} >>> ga = HTSeq.GenomicArray( [ "chr1", "chr2" ], stranded=True ) >>> ga.chrom_vectors #doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE {'chr2': {'+': , '-': }, 'chr1': {'+': , '-': }} .. attribute:: GenomicArray.auto_add_chroms A boolean. This attribute is set to True if the GenomicArray was created with the ``"auto"`` arguments for the ``chroms`` parameter. If it is true, an new chromosome will be added whenever needed. Data access To access the data, use :class:GenomicInterval objects. To set an single position or an interval, use:: >>> ga[ HTSeq.GenomicPosition( "chr1", 100, "+" ) ] = 7 >>> ga[ HTSeq.GenomicInterval( "chr1", 250, 400, "+" ) ] = 20 To read a single position:: >>> ga[ HTSeq.GenomicPosition( "chr1", 300, "+" ) ] 20.0 .. method:: ChromVector.steps( self ) To read an interval, use a ``GenomicInterval`` object as index, and obtain a ``ChromVector`` with a sub-view:: >>> iv = HTSeq.GenomicInterval( "chr1", 250, 450, "+" ) >>> v = ga[ iv ] >>> v >>> list( v.steps() ) #doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(, 20.0), (, 0.0)] Note that you get ( interval, value ) pairs , i.e., you can conveniently cycle through them with:: >>> for iv, value in ga[ iv ].steps(): ... print iv, value chr1:[250,400)/+ 20.0 chr1:[400,450)/+ 0.0 .. method:: GenomicArray.steps( self ) You can get all steps from all chromosomes by calling the arrays own ``steps`` method. Modifying values ChromVector implements the ``__iadd__`` method. Hence you can use ``+=``: >>> ga[ HTSeq.GenomicInterval( "chr1", 290, 310, "+" ) ] += 1000 >>> list( ga[ HTSeq.GenomicInterval( "chr1", 250, 450, "+" ) ].steps() ) #doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(, 20.0), (, 1020.0), (, 20.0), (, 0.0)] To do manipulations other than additions, use Chromvector's ``apply`` method: .. method:: ChromVector.apply( func ) >>> ga[ HTSeq.GenomicInterval( "chr1", 290, 300, "+" ) ].apply( lambda x: x * 2 ) >>> list( ga[ HTSeq.GenomicInterval( "chr1", 250, 450, "+" ) ].steps() ) #doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(, 20.0), (, 2040.0), (, 1020.0), (, 20.0), (, 0.0)] Writing to a file .. method:: GenomicArray.write_bedgraph_file( file_or_filename, strand=".", track_options="" ) Write out the data in the GenomicArray as a BedGraph_ track. This is a subtype of the Wiggle_ format (i.e., the file extension is usually ".wig") and such files can be conveniently viewed in a genome browser, e.g., with IGB_. This works only for numerical data, i.e., ``datatype`` ``'i'`` or ``'d'``. As a bedgraph track cannot store strand information, you have to specify either ``'+'`` or ``'-'`` as the strand argument if your ``GenomicArray`` is stranded (``stranded==True``). Typically, you will write two wiggle files, one for each strand, and display them together. Adding a chromosome .. method:: GenomicArray.add_chrom( chrom, length=sys.maxint, start_index=0 ) Adds step vector(s) for a further chromosome. This is useful if you do not have a full list of chromosome names yet when instantiating the ``GenomicArray``. .. _BedGraph: http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/bedgraph.html .. _Wiggle: http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/wiggle.html .. _IGB: http://igb.bioviz.org/ ``GenomicArrayOfSets`` ====================== A ``GenomicArrayOfSets`` is a sub-class of :class:`GenomicArray` that deal with the common special case of overlapping features. This is best explained by an example: Let's say, we have two features, ``"geneA"`` and ``"geneB"``, that are at overlapping positions:: >>> ivA = HTSeq.GenomicInterval( "chr1", 100, 300, "." ) >>> ivB = HTSeq.GenomicInterval( "chr1", 200, 400, "." ) In a ``GenomicArrayOfSets``, the value of each step is a ``set`` and so can hold more than one object. The __iadd__ method is overloaded to add elements to the sets: >>> gas = HTSeq.GenomicArrayOfSets( ["chr1", "chr2"], stranded=False ) >>> gas[ivA] += "gene A" >>> gas[ivB] += "gene B" >>> list( gas[ HTSeq.GenomicInterval( "chr1", 0, 500, "." ) ].steps() ) #doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(, set([])), (, set(['gene A'])), (, set(['gene A', 'gene B'])), (, set(['gene B'])), (, set([]))] .. class:: GenomicArrayOfSets( chroms, stranded = True ) Instantiation is as in :class:`GenomicArray`, only that ``datatype`` is always ``'O'``.