What's new in h5py 3.1 ====================== Bug fixes --------- * Fix reading numeric data which is not in the native endianness, e.g. big-endian data on a little-endian system (:issue:`1729`). * Fix using bytes as names for :meth:`.Group.create_dataset` and :meth:`.Group.create_virtual_dataset` (:issue:`1732`). * Fix writing data as a list to a dataset with a sub-array data type (:issue:`1735`). Building h5py ------------- * Allow building against system lzf library by setting ``H5PY_SYSTEM_LZF=1``. See :ref:`custom_install`. Development ----------- * If pytest is missing `pytest-mpi `_ it will now fail with a clear error. * Fix a test which was failing on big-endian systems.