Source code for guidata.qthelpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2009-2010 CEA
# Pierre Raybaut
# Licensed under the terms of the CECILL License
# (see guidata/ for details)


The ``guidata.qthelpers`` module provides helper functions for developing
easily Qt-based graphical user interfaces.

import os
import os.path as osp
import sys

from qtpy.QtCore import Qt
from qtpy.QtGui import QColor, QIcon, QKeySequence
from qtpy.QtWidgets import (

from guidata.configtools import get_icon

# Local imports:
from guidata.external import darkdetect

[docs]def is_dark_mode(): """Return True if current color mode is dark mode""" try: return os.environ["QT_COLOR_MODE"].lower() == "dark" except KeyError: return darkdetect.isDark()
[docs]def win32_fix_title_bar_background(widget): """Fix window title bar background for Windows 10+ dark theme""" if != "nt" or not is_dark_mode() or sys.maxsize == 2**31-1: return import ctypes from ctypes import wintypes class ACCENTPOLICY(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("AccentState", ctypes.c_uint), ("AccentFlags", ctypes.c_uint), ("GradientColor", ctypes.c_uint), ("AnimationId", ctypes.c_uint), ] class WINDOWCOMPOSITIONATTRIBDATA(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("Attribute", ctypes.c_int), ("Data", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)), ("SizeOfData", ctypes.c_size_t), ] accent = ACCENTPOLICY() accent.AccentState = 1 # Default window Blur #ACCENT_ENABLE_BLURBEHIND data = WINDOWCOMPOSITIONATTRIBDATA() data.Attribute = 26 # WCA_USEDARKMODECOLORS data.SizeOfData = ctypes.sizeof(accent) data.Data = ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(accent), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)) set_win_cpa = ctypes.windll.user32.SetWindowCompositionAttribute set_win_cpa.argtypes = (wintypes.HWND, WINDOWCOMPOSITIONATTRIBDATA) set_win_cpa.restype = ctypes.c_int set_win_cpa(int(widget.winId()), data)
[docs]def text_to_qcolor(text): """Create a QColor from specified string""" color = QColor() if text is not None and text.startswith("#") and len(text) == 7: correct = "#0123456789abcdef" for char in text: if char.lower() not in correct: return color elif text not in list(QColor.colorNames()): return color color.setNamedColor(text) return color
[docs]def create_action( parent, title, triggered=None, toggled=None, shortcut=None, icon=None, tip=None, checkable=None, context=Qt.WindowShortcut, enabled=None, ): """ Create a new QAction """ action = QAction(title, parent) if triggered: if checkable: action.triggered.connect(triggered) else: action.triggered.connect(lambda checked=False: triggered()) if checkable is not None: # Action may be checkable even if the toggled signal is not connected action.setCheckable(checkable) if toggled: action.toggled.connect(toggled) action.setCheckable(True) if icon is not None: assert isinstance(icon, QIcon) action.setIcon(icon) if shortcut is not None: action.setShortcut(shortcut) if tip is not None: action.setToolTip(tip) action.setStatusTip(tip) if enabled is not None: action.setEnabled(enabled) action.setShortcutContext(context) return action
[docs]def create_toolbutton( parent, icon=None, text=None, triggered=None, tip=None, toggled=None, shortcut=None, autoraise=True, enabled=None, ): """Create a QToolButton""" if autoraise: button = QToolButton(parent) else: button = QPushButton(parent) if text is not None: button.setText(text) if icon is not None: if isinstance(icon, str): icon = get_icon(icon) button.setIcon(icon) if text is not None or tip is not None: button.setToolTip(text if tip is None else tip) if autoraise: button.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) button.setAutoRaise(True) if triggered is not None: button.clicked.connect(lambda checked=False: triggered()) if toggled is not None: button.toggled.connect(toggled) button.setCheckable(True) if shortcut is not None: button.setShortcut(shortcut) if enabled is not None: button.setEnabled(enabled) return button
[docs]def create_groupbox( parent, title=None, toggled=None, checked=None, flat=False, layout=None ): """Create a QGroupBox""" if title is None: group = QGroupBox(parent) else: group = QGroupBox(title, parent) group.setFlat(flat) if toggled is not None: group.setCheckable(True) if checked is not None: group.setChecked(checked) group.toggled.connect(toggled) if layout is not None: group.setLayout(layout) return group
[docs]def keybinding(attr): """Return keybinding""" ks = getattr(QKeySequence, attr) return QKeySequence.keyBindings(ks)[0].toString()
[docs]def add_separator(target): """Add separator to target only if last action is not a separator""" target_actions = list(target.actions()) if target_actions: if not target_actions[-1].isSeparator(): target.addSeparator()
[docs]def add_actions(target, actions): """ Add actions (list of QAction instances) to target (menu, toolbar) """ for action in actions: if isinstance(action, QAction): target.addAction(action) elif isinstance(action, QMenu): target.addMenu(action) elif action is None: add_separator(target)
def _process_mime_path(path, extlist): if path.startswith(r"file://"): if == "nt": # On Windows platforms, a local path reads: file:///c:/... # and a UNC based path reads like: file://server/share if path.startswith(r"file:///"): # this is a local path path = path[8:] else: # this is a unc path path = path[5:] else: path = path[7:] path = path.replace("%5C", os.sep) # Transforming backslashes if osp.exists(path): if extlist is None or osp.splitext(path)[1] in extlist: return path
[docs]def mimedata2url(source, extlist=None): """ Extract url list from MIME data extlist: for example ('.py', '.pyw') """ pathlist = [] if source.hasUrls(): for url in source.urls(): path = _process_mime_path(str(url.toString()), extlist) if path is not None: pathlist.append(path) elif source.hasText(): for rawpath in str(source.text()).splitlines(): path = _process_mime_path(rawpath, extlist) if path is not None: pathlist.append(path) if pathlist: return pathlist
[docs]def get_std_icon(name, size=None): """ Get standard platform icon Call 'show_std_icons()' for details """ if not name.startswith("SP_"): name = "SP_" + name icon = QWidget().style().standardIcon(getattr(QStyle, name)) if size is None: return icon else: return QIcon(icon.pixmap(size, size))
[docs]class ShowStdIcons(QWidget): """ Dialog showing standard icons """ def __init__(self, parent): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) layout = QHBoxLayout() row_nb = 14 cindex = 0 col_layout = QVBoxLayout() for child in dir(QStyle): if child.startswith("SP_"): if cindex == 0: col_layout = QVBoxLayout() icon_layout = QHBoxLayout() icon = get_std_icon(child) label = QLabel() label.setPixmap(icon.pixmap(32, 32)) icon_layout.addWidget(label) icon_layout.addWidget(QLineEdit(child.replace("SP_", ""))) col_layout.addLayout(icon_layout) cindex = (cindex + 1) % row_nb if cindex == 0: layout.addLayout(col_layout) self.setLayout(layout) self.setWindowTitle("Standard Platform Icons") self.setWindowIcon(get_std_icon("TitleBarMenuButton"))
[docs]def show_std_icons(): """ Show all standard Icons """ app = QApplication(sys.argv) dialog = ShowStdIcons(None) sys.exit(app.exec_())
if __name__ == "__main__": show_std_icons()