#!/usr/bin/env python import getdns from struct import pack, unpack def main(): CLIENT_SUBNET_OPCODE = 8 address = '' host = 'getdnsapi.net' source_len = 12 family = pack("!H", 1) # start building the edns option fields source_len = pack('!B', source_len) scope_len = pack('!B', 0) # # encoding the binary data in strings makes it really easy # to build packets by concatenating those strings # address = pack('!BBBB', 192, 168, 1, 0) payload = family + source_len + scope_len + address ext = { 'add_opt_parameters': {'options': [ {'option_code': CLIENT_SUBNET_OPCODE, 'option_data': payload} ] }} c = getdns.Context() c.resolution_type = getdns.RESOLUTION_STUB response = c.address(host, extensions=ext) # do things with response ... print response if __name__ == '__main__': main()