#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2009 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. __author__ = 'e.bidelman (Eric Bidelman)' import getopt import mimetypes import os.path import sys import gdata.sample_util import gdata.sites.client import gdata.sites.data SOURCE_APP_NAME = 'googleInc-GoogleSitesAPIPythonLibSample-v1.1' MAIN_MENU = ['1) List site content', '2) List recent activity', '3) List revision history', '4) Create webpage', '5) Create web attachment', '6) Upload attachment', '7) Download attachment', '8) Delete item', '9) List sites', '10) Create a new site', "11) List site's sharing permissions", '12) Change settings', '13) Exit'] SETTINGS_MENU = ['1) Change current site.', '2) Change domain.'] class SitesExample(object): """Wrapper around the Sites API functionality.""" def __init__(self, site_name=None, site_domain=None, debug=False): if site_domain is None: site_domain = self.PromptDomain() if site_name is None: site_name = self.PromptSiteName() mimetypes.init() self.client = gdata.sites.client.SitesClient( source=SOURCE_APP_NAME, site=site_name, domain=site_domain) self.client.http_client.debug = debug try: gdata.sample_util.authorize_client( self.client, service=self.client.auth_service, source=SOURCE_APP_NAME, scopes=['http://sites.google.com/feeds/', 'https://sites.google.com/feeds/']) except gdata.client.BadAuthentication: exit('Invalid user credentials given.') except gdata.client.Error: exit('Login Error') def PrintMainMenu(self): """Displays a menu of options for the user to choose from.""" print '\nSites API Sample' print '================================' print '\n'.join(MAIN_MENU) print '================================\n' def PrintSettingsMenu(self): """Displays a menu of settings for the user change.""" print '\nSites API Sample > Settings' print '================================' print '\n'.join(SETTINGS_MENU) print '================================\n' def GetMenuChoice(self, menu): """Retrieves the menu selection from the user. Args: menu: list The menu to get a selection from. Returns: The integer of the menu item chosen by the user. """ max_choice = len(menu) while True: user_input = raw_input(': ') try: num = int(user_input) except ValueError: continue if num <= max_choice and num > 0: return num def PromptSiteName(self): site_name = '' while not site_name: site_name = raw_input('site name: ') if not site_name: print 'Please enter the name of your Google Site.' return site_name def PromptDomain(self): return raw_input(('If your Site is hosted on a Google Apps domain, ' 'enter it (e.g. example.com): ')) or 'site' def GetChoiceSelection(self, feed, message): for i, entry in enumerate(feed.entry): print '%d.) %s' % (i + 1, entry.title.text) choice = 0 while not choice or not 0 <= choice <= len(feed.entry): choice = int(raw_input(message)) print return choice def PrintEntry(self, entry): print '%s [%s]' % (entry.title.text, entry.Kind()) if entry.page_name: print ' page name:\t%s' % entry.page_name.text if entry.content: print ' content\t%s...' % str(entry.content.html)[0:100] def PrintListItem(self, entry): print '%s [%s]' % (entry.title.text, entry.Kind()) for col in entry.field: print ' %s %s\t%s' % (col.index, col.name, col.text) def PrintListPage(self, entry): print '%s [%s]' % (entry.title.text, entry.Kind()) for col in entry.data.column: print ' %s %s' % (col.index, col.name) def PrintFileCabinetPage(self, entry): print '%s [%s]' % (entry.title.text, entry.Kind()) print ' page name:\t%s' % entry.page_name.text print ' content\t%s...' % str(entry.content.html)[0:100] def PrintAttachment(self, entry): print '%s [%s]' % (entry.title.text, entry.Kind()) if entry.summary is not None: print ' description:\t%s' % entry.summary.text print ' content\t%s, %s' % (entry.content.type, entry.content.src) def PrintWebAttachment(self, entry): print '%s [%s]' % (entry.title.text, entry.Kind()) if entry.summary.text is not None: print ' description:\t%s' % entry.summary.text print ' content src\t%s' % entry.content.src def Run(self): """Executes the demo application.""" try: while True: self.PrintMainMenu() choice = self.GetMenuChoice(MAIN_MENU) if choice == 1: kind_choice = raw_input('What kind (all|%s)?: ' % '|'.join( gdata.sites.data.SUPPORT_KINDS)) if kind_choice in gdata.sites.data.SUPPORT_KINDS: uri = '%s?kind=%s' % (self.client.make_content_feed_uri(), kind_choice) feed = self.client.GetContentFeed(uri=uri) else: feed = self.client.GetContentFeed() print "\nFetching content feed of '%s'...\n" % self.client.site for entry in feed.entry: kind = entry.Kind() if kind == 'attachment': self.PrintAttachment(entry) elif kind == 'webattachment': self.PrintWebAttachment(entry) elif kind == 'filecabinet': self.PrintFileCabinetPage(entry) elif kind == 'listitem': self.PrintListItem(entry) elif kind == 'listpage': self.PrintListPage(entry) else: self.PrintEntry(entry) print ' revision:\t%s' % entry.revision.text print ' updated:\t%s' % entry.updated.text parent_link = entry.FindParentLink() if parent_link: print ' parent link:\t%s' % parent_link if entry.GetAlternateLink(): print ' view in Sites:\t%s' % entry.GetAlternateLink().href if entry.feed_link: print ' feed of items:\t%s' % entry.feed_link.href if entry.IsDeleted(): print ' deleted:\t%s' % entry.IsDeleted() if entry.in_reply_to: print ' in reply to:\t%s' % entry.in_reply_to.href print elif choice == 2: print "\nFetching activity feed of '%s'..." % self.client.site feed = self.client.GetActivityFeed() for entry in feed.entry: print ' %s [%s on %s]' % (entry.title.text, entry.Kind(), entry.updated.text) elif choice == 3: print "\nFetching content feed of '%s'...\n" % self.client.site feed = self.client.GetContentFeed() try: selection = self.GetChoiceSelection( feed, 'Select a page to fetch revisions for: ') except TypeError: continue except ValueError: continue feed = self.client.GetRevisionFeed( feed.entry[selection - 1].GetNodeId()) for entry in feed.entry: print entry.title.text print ' new version on:\t%s' % entry.updated.text print ' view changes:\t%s' % entry.GetAlternateLink().href print ' current version:\t%s...' % str(entry.content.html)[0:100] print elif choice == 4: print "\nFetching content feed of '%s'...\n" % self.client.site feed = self.client.GetContentFeed() try: selection = self.GetChoiceSelection( feed, 'Select a parent to upload to (or hit ENTER for none): ') except ValueError: selection = None page_title = raw_input('Enter a page title: ') parent = None if selection is not None: parent = feed.entry[selection - 1] new_entry = self.client.CreatePage( 'webpage', page_title, 'Your html content', parent=parent) if new_entry.GetAlternateLink(): print 'Created. View it at: %s' % new_entry.GetAlternateLink().href elif choice == 5: print "\nFetching filecabinets on '%s'...\n" % self.client.site uri = '%s?kind=%s' % (self.client.make_content_feed_uri(), 'filecabinet') feed = self.client.GetContentFeed(uri=uri) selection = self.GetChoiceSelection( feed, 'Select a filecabinet to create the web attachment on: ') url = raw_input('Enter the URL of the attachment: ') content_type = raw_input("Enter the attachment's mime type: ") title = raw_input('Enter a title for the web attachment: ') description = raw_input('Enter a description: ') parent_entry = None if selection is not None: parent_entry = feed.entry[selection - 1] self.client.CreateWebAttachment(url, content_type, title, parent_entry, description=description) print 'Created!' elif choice == 6: print "\nFetching filecainets on '%s'...\n" % self.client.site uri = '%s?kind=%s' % (self.client.make_content_feed_uri(), 'filecabinet') feed = self.client.GetContentFeed(uri=uri) selection = self.GetChoiceSelection( feed, 'Select a filecabinet to upload to: ') filepath = raw_input('Enter a filename: ') page_title = raw_input('Enter a title for the file: ') description = raw_input('Enter a description: ') filename = os.path.basename(filepath) file_ex = filename[filename.rfind('.'):] if not file_ex in mimetypes.types_map: content_type = raw_input( 'Unrecognized file extension. Please enter the mime type: ') else: content_type = mimetypes.types_map[file_ex] entry = None if selection is not None: entry = feed.entry[selection - 1] new_entry = self.client.UploadAttachment( filepath, entry, content_type=content_type, title=page_title, description=description) print 'Uploaded. View it at: %s' % new_entry.GetAlternateLink().href elif choice == 7: print "\nFetching all attachments on '%s'...\n" % self.client.site uri = '%s?kind=%s' % (self.client.make_content_feed_uri(), 'attachment') feed = self.client.GetContentFeed(uri=uri) selection = self.GetChoiceSelection( feed, 'Select an attachment to download: ') filepath = raw_input('Save as: ') entry = None if selection is not None: entry = feed.entry[selection - 1] self.client.DownloadAttachment(entry, filepath) print 'Downloaded.' elif choice == 8: print "\nFetching content feed of '%s'...\n" % self.client.site feed = self.client.GetContentFeed() selection = self.GetChoiceSelection(feed, 'Select a page to delete: ') entry = None if selection is not None: entry = feed.entry[selection - 1] self.client.Delete(entry) print 'Removed!' elif choice == 9: print ('\nFetching your list of sites for domain: %s...\n' % self.client.domain) feed = self.client.GetSiteFeed() for entry in feed.entry: print entry.title.text print ' site name: ' + entry.site_name.text if entry.summary.text: print ' summary: ' + entry.summary.text if entry.FindSourceLink(): print ' copied from site: ' + entry.FindSourceLink() print ' acl feed: %s\n' % entry.FindAclLink() elif choice == 10: title = raw_input('Enter a title: ') summary = raw_input('Enter a description: ') theme = raw_input('Theme name (ex. "default"): ') new_entry = self.client.CreateSite( title, description=summary, theme=theme) print 'Site created! View it at: ' + new_entry.GetAlternateLink().href elif choice == 11: print "\nFetching acl permissions of '%s'...\n" % self.client.site feed = self.client.GetAclFeed() for entry in feed.entry: print '%s (%s) - %s' % (entry.scope.value, entry.scope.type, entry.role.value) elif choice == 12: self.PrintSettingsMenu() settings_choice = self.GetMenuChoice(SETTINGS_MENU) if settings_choice == 1: self.client.site = self.PromptSiteName() elif settings_choice == 2: self.client.domain = self.PromptDomain() elif choice == 13: print 'Later!\n' return except gdata.client.RequestError, error: print error except KeyboardInterrupt: return def main(): """The main function runs the SitesExample application.""" print 'NOTE: Please run these tests only with a test account.\n' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', ['site=', 'domain=', 'debug']) except getopt.error, msg: print """python sites_sample.py --site [sitename] --domain [domain or "site"] --debug [prints debug info if set]""" sys.exit(2) site = None domain = None debug = False for option, arg in opts: if option == '--site': site = arg elif option == '--domain': domain = arg elif option == '--debug': debug = True sample = SitesExample(site, domain, debug=debug) sample.Run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()