Large Applications as Packages ============================== Imagine a simple flask application structure that looks like this:: /yourapplication /static style.css /templates layout.html index.html login.html ... While this is fine for small applications, for larger applications it's a good idea to use a package instead of a module. The :doc:`/tutorial/index` is structured to use the package pattern, see the :gh:`example code `. Simple Packages --------------- To convert that into a larger one, just create a new folder :file:`yourapplication` inside the existing one and move everything below it. Then rename :file:`` to :file:``. (Make sure to delete all ``.pyc`` files first, otherwise things would most likely break) You should then end up with something like that:: /yourapplication /yourapplication /static style.css /templates layout.html index.html login.html ... But how do you run your application now? The naive ``python yourapplication/`` will not work. Let's just say that Python does not want modules in packages to be the startup file. But that is not a big problem, just add a new file called :file:`` next to the inner :file:`yourapplication` folder with the following contents:: from setuptools import setup setup( name='yourapplication', packages=['yourapplication'], include_package_data=True, install_requires=[ 'flask', ], ) Install your application so it is importable: .. code-block:: text $ pip install -e . To use the ``flask`` command and run your application you need to set the ``--app`` option that tells Flask where to find the application instance: $ flask --app yourapplication run What did we gain from this? Now we can restructure the application a bit into multiple modules. The only thing you have to remember is the following quick checklist: 1. the `Flask` application object creation has to be in the :file:`` file. That way each module can import it safely and the `__name__` variable will resolve to the correct package. 2. all the view functions (the ones with a :meth:`~flask.Flask.route` decorator on top) have to be imported in the :file:`` file. Not the object itself, but the module it is in. Import the view module **after the application object is created**. Here's an example :file:``:: from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) import yourapplication.views And this is what :file:`` would look like:: from yourapplication import app @app.route('/') def index(): return 'Hello World!' You should then end up with something like that:: /yourapplication /yourapplication /static style.css /templates layout.html index.html login.html ... .. admonition:: Circular Imports Every Python programmer hates them, and yet we just added some: circular imports (That's when two modules depend on each other. In this case :file:`` depends on :file:``). Be advised that this is a bad idea in general but here it is actually fine. The reason for this is that we are not actually using the views in :file:`` and just ensuring the module is imported and we are doing that at the bottom of the file. Working with Blueprints ----------------------- If you have larger applications it's recommended to divide them into smaller groups where each group is implemented with the help of a blueprint. For a gentle introduction into this topic refer to the :doc:`/blueprints` chapter of the documentation.