.. _query-string-fields: Query string fields =================== Tables pass data via the query string to indicate ordering and pagination preferences. The names of the query string variables are configurable via the options: - ``order_by_field`` -- default: ``'sort'`` - ``page_field`` -- default: ``"page"`` - ``per_page_field`` -- default: ``"per_page"``, **note:** this field currently is not used by ``{% render_table %}`` Each of these can be specified in three places: - ``Table.Meta.foo`` - ``Table(..., foo=...)`` - ``Table(...).foo = ...`` If you are using multiple tables on a single page, you will want to prefix these fields with a table-specific name, in order to prevent links on one table interfere with those on another table:: def people_listing(request): config = RequestConfig(request) table1 = PeopleTable(Person.objects.all(), prefix="1-") # prefix specified table2 = PeopleTable(Person.objects.all(), prefix="2-") # prefix specified config.configure(table1) config.configure(table2) return render(request, 'people_listing.html', { 'table1': table1, 'table2': table2 })