Thirdparty applications support =============================== Here belongs some notes on thirdparty Django applications support in SiteTree. django-smuggler --------------- `Smuggler` dump and load buttons will be available on trees listing page if this app is installed allowing to dump and load site trees and items right from your browser. django-modeltranslation ----------------------- If you do not want to use the built-in `sitetree` Internationalization machinery, with `modeltranslation` you can localize your tree items into different languages. This requires some work though. 1. Create a custom sitetree item model: .. code-block:: python # of some of your apps (e.g. myapp). from sitetree.models import TreeItemBase class MyTranslatableTreeItem(TreeItemBase): """This model will be used by modeltranslation.""" 2. Instruct Django to use your custom model: .. code-block:: python # of your project. SITETREE_MODEL_TREE_ITEM = 'myapp.MyTreeItem' 3. Tune up Admin contrib to handle translatable tree items: .. code-block:: python # of your application with translatable tree item model. from modeltranslation.admin import TranslationAdmin from sitetree.admin import TreeItemAdmin, override_item_admin class CustomTreeItemAdmin(TreeItemAdmin, TranslationAdmin): """This allows admin contrib to support translations for tree items.""" override_item_admin(CustomTreeItemAdmin) 4. Instruct `modeltranslation` how to handle your tree item model: .. code-block:: python # of your application. from modeltranslation.translator import translator, TranslationOptions from .models import MyTranslatableTreeItem class TreeItemTranslationOptions(TranslationOptions): # These fields are for translation. fields = ('title', 'hint', 'description') translator.register(MyTreeItem, TreeItemTranslationOptions) That's how you made `sitetree` work with `modeltranslation`. Read `django-modeltranslation` documentation for more information on tuning. django-tenants --------------- You should use a custom cache config to make it work, configure something like this on the django cache. .. code-block:: python CACHES = { ... "sitetree_cache": { "BACKEND": "django.core.cache.backends.dummy.DummyCache", "KEY_FUNCTION": "django_tenants.cache.make_key", "REVERSE_KEY_FUNCTION": "django_tenants.cache.reverse_key", }, } SITETREE_CACHE_NAME = "sitetree_cache"