Celery 3.1 now supports Django out of the box, please see the new tutorial

Views - djcelery.views

djcelery.views.apply(request, task_name)

View applying a task.

Note: Please use this with caution. Preferably you shouldn’t make this
publicly accessible without ensuring your code is safe!
djcelery.views.is_task_successful(request, task_id)

Returns task execute status in JSON format.


View returning all defined tasks as a JSON object.

djcelery.views.task_status(request, task_id)

Returns task status and result in JSON format.


Decorator turning any task into a view that applies the task asynchronously. Keyword arguments (via URLconf, etc.) will supercede GET or POST parameters when there are conflicts.

Returns a JSON dictionary containing the keys ok, and

Decorator turning a function into a task webhook.

If an exception is raised within the function, the decorated function catches this and returns an error JSON response, otherwise it returns the result as a JSON response.


def add(request):
    x = int(request.GET['x'])
    y = int(request.GET['y'])
    return x + y

def view(request):
    response = add(request)


"{'status': 'success', 'retval': 100}"