function toggle_private() { // Search for any private/public links on this page. Store // their old text in "cmd," so we will know what action to // take; and change their text to the opposite action. var cmd = "?"; var elts = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(var i=0; i...
"; elt.innerHTML = s; } } function toggle(id) { elt = document.getElementById(id+"-toggle"); if (elt.innerHTML == "-") collapse(id); else expand(id); return false; } function highlight(id) { var elt = document.getElementById(id+"-def"); if (elt) elt.className = "py-highlight-hdr"; var elt = document.getElementById(id+"-expanded"); if (elt) elt.className = "py-highlight"; var elt = document.getElementById(id+"-collapsed"); if (elt) elt.className = "py-highlight"; } function num_lines(s) { var n = 1; var pos = s.indexOf("\n"); while ( pos > 0) { n += 1; pos = s.indexOf("\n", pos+1); } return n; } // Collapse all blocks that mave more than `min_lines` lines. function collapse_all(min_lines) { var elts = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); for (var i=0; i 0) if (, == "-expanded") if (num_lines(elt.innerHTML) > min_lines) collapse(, split)); } } function expandto(href) { var start = href.indexOf("#")+1; if (start != 0 && start != href.length) { if (href.substring(start, href.length) != "-") { collapse_all(4); pos = href.indexOf(".", start); while (pos != -1) { var id = href.substring(start, pos); expand(id); pos = href.indexOf(".", pos+1); } var id = href.substring(start, href.length); expand(id); highlight(id); } } } function kill_doclink(id) { var parent = document.getElementById(id); parent.removeChild(parent.childNodes.item(0)); } function auto_kill_doclink(ev) { if (!ev) var ev = window.event; if (!this.contains(ev.toElement)) { var parent = document.getElementById(this.parentID); parent.removeChild(parent.childNodes.item(0)); } } function doclink(id, name, targets_id) { var elt = document.getElementById(id); // If we already opened the box, then destroy it. // (This case should never occur, but leave it in just in case.) if (elt.childNodes.length > 1) { elt.removeChild(elt.childNodes.item(0)); } else { // The outer box: relative + inline positioning. var box1 = document.createElement("div"); = "relative"; = "inline"; = 0; = 0; // A shadow for fun var shadow = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; = "-1.3em"; = "-1.3em"; = "#404040"; // The inner box: absolute positioning. var box2 = document.createElement("div"); = "relative"; = "1px solid #a0a0a0"; = "-.2em"; = "-.2em"; = "white"; = ".3em .4em .3em .4em"; = "normal"; box2.onmouseout=auto_kill_doclink; box2.parentID = id; // Get the targets var targets_elt = document.getElementById(targets_id); var targets = targets_elt.getAttribute("targets"); var links = ""; target_list = targets.split(","); for (var i=0; i" + target[0] + ""; } // Put it all together. elt.insertBefore(box1, elt.childNodes.item(0)); //box1.appendChild(box2); box1.appendChild(shadow); shadow.appendChild(box2); box2.innerHTML = "Which "+name+" do you want to see documentation for?" + ""; } return false; } function get_anchor() { var href = location.href; var start = href.indexOf("#")+1; if ((start != 0) && (start != href.length)) return href.substring(start, href.length); } function redirect_url(dottedName) { // Scan through each element of the "pages" list, and check // if "name" matches with any of them. for (var i=0; i-m" or "-c"; // extract the portion & compare it to dottedName. var pagename = pages[i].substring(0, pages[i].length-2); if (pagename == dottedName.substring(0,pagename.length)) { // We've found a page that matches `dottedName`; // construct its URL, using leftover `dottedName` // content to form an anchor. var pagetype = pages[i].charAt(pages[i].length-1); var url = pagename + ((pagetype=="m")?"-module.html": "-class.html"); if (dottedName.length > pagename.length) url += "#" + dottedName.substring(pagename.length+1, dottedName.length); return url; } } }