************ Installation ************ Minimal installation ==================== Suitable for when you don't need plotting. .. code-block:: bash $ pip install cogent3 Install with graphing tools =========================== .. code-block:: bash $ pip install cogent3[extra] .. note:: Writing image files requires you install ``plotly-orca``. That's best done using ``conda`` (see below). Install with developer tools ============================ .. code-block:: bash $ pip install cogent3[dev] .. note:: Installs all dependencies that can be installed using ``pip``. Installing the development version ================================== .. code-block:: bash $ pip install git+https://github.com/cogent3/cogent3.git@develop#egg=cogent3 .. warning:: This is the bleeding edge! Installing using ``conda`` ========================== Strictly speaking, this is just a ``pip install`` into a conda_ environment. Do this is if you want all the capabilities that come with Jupyterlab_ and Plotly_, particularly the ability to save image files. Manual creation of the ``conda`` environment -------------------------------------------- Once you've downloaded and installed conda_, create a custom environment, e.g. .. code-block:: bash $ conda create -n c3-env python=3 $ conda activate c3-env Once the environment is active .. code-block:: bash (c3-env) $ conda install jupyterlab # or pip install jupyterlab if you prefer then follow the instructions posted on the Plotly_ pipy page to install and configure Plotly for jupyter. .. _conda: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html .. _Plotly: https://pypi.org/project/plotly/ .. _Jupyterlab: https://jupyter.org Then install ``cogent3`` using the variant of ``pip install`` from above that you want.