.. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: import set_working_directory Circular Dendrogram Style ========================= I modify values for the ``scale_bar`` placement and for ``label_pad``. The latter controls the spacing between the tip ends and the label text. .. jupyter-execute:: from cogent3.app import io reader = io.load_json() ens_tree = reader("data/GN-tree.json") fig = ens_tree.get_figure("circular", width=600, height=600) fig.scale_bar = "top right" fig.label_pad = 0.1 fig.show() Colouring a set of edges ------------------------ .. jupyter-execute:: fig.style_edges( "AfricanEl", tip2="Manatee", legendgroup="Afrotheria", line=dict(color="magenta", width=2), ) fig.show(width=650, height=600) With Contemporaneous Tips ------------------------- .. jupyter-execute:: fig.contemporaneous = True fig.label_pad = 0.3 fig.show(width=650, height=600) .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: outpath = set_working_directory.get_thumbnail_dir() / "plot_tree-circular.png" fig.write(outpath)