circuits.web.sessions module

Session Components

This module implements Session Components that can be used to store and access persistent information.

circuits.web.sessions.who(request, encoding='utf-8')

Create a SHA1 Hash of the User’s IP Address and User-Agent


Create a unique session id from the request

Returns a unique session using uuid4() and a sha1() hash of the users IP Address and User Agent in the form of sid/who.

circuits.web.sessions.verify_session(request, sid)

Verify a User’s Session

This verifies the User’s Session by verifying the SHA1 Hash of the User’s IP Address and User-Agent match the provided Session ID.

class circuits.web.sessions.Session(sid, data, store)

Bases: dict

property sid
property store
class circuits.web.sessions.Store

Bases: object

abstract delete(sid)

Delete the session data identified by sid

abstract load(sid)

Load the session data identified by sid

abstract save(sid)

Save the session data identified by sid

class circuits.web.sessions.MemoryStore

Bases: Store

property data

Delete the session data identified by sid


Load the session data identified by sid

save(sid, data)

Save the session data identified by sid

class circuits.web.sessions.Sessions(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Component

initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature

channel = 'web'
property name

Return the name of this Component/Manager

property store
request(request, response)