#!/usr/bin/env python """DNS Client Example A simple little DNS Client example using `dnslib `_ to handle the DNS protocol parsing and packet deconstruction (*a really nice library btw with great integration into circuits*). Specify the server, port, and query as arguments to perform a lookup against a server using UDP. To run this example:: pip install dnslib ./dnsclient.py 53 google.com """ from __future__ import print_function import sys from dnslib import DNSQuestion, DNSRecord from circuits import Component, Debugger, Event from circuits.net.events import write from circuits.net.sockets import UDPClient class reply(Event): """reply Event""" class DNS(Component): """DNS Protocol Handling""" def read(self, peer, data): self.fire(reply(peer, DNSRecord.parse(data))) class Dummy(Component): """A Dummy DNS Handler This just parses the reply packet and prints any RR records it finds. """ def reply(self, peer, response): id = response.header.id qname = response.q.qname print( "DNS Response from {0:s}:{1:d} id={2:d} qname={3:s}".format( peer[0], peer[1], id, str(qname) ), file=sys.stderr ) for rr in response.rr: print(" {0:s}".format(str(rr))) raise SystemExit(0) class DNSClient(Component): """DNS Client This ties everything together in a nice configurable way with protocol, transport, and dummy handler as well as optional debugger. """ def init(self, server, port, query, verbose=False): self.server = server self.port = int(port) self.query = query if verbose: Debugger().register(self) self.transport = UDPClient(0).register(self) self.protocol = DNS().register(self) self.dummy = Dummy().register(self) def started(self, manager): print("DNS Client Started!", file=sys.stderr) def ready(self, client, bind): print("Ready! Bound to {0:s}:{1:d}".format(*bind), file=sys.stderr) request = DNSRecord(q=DNSQuestion(self.query)) self.fire(write((self.server, self.port), request.pack())) DNSClient(*sys.argv[1:], verbose=True).run()