Configuration Handling

Cement defines a configuration interface called IConfig, as well as the default ConfigParserConfigHandler that implements the interface. This handler is built on top of ConfigParser which is included in the Python standard library. Therefor, this class will work much like ConfigParser but with any added functions necessary to meet the requirements of the IConfig interface.

Please note that there are other handlers that implement the IConfig interface. The documentation below only references usage based on the interface and not the full capabilities of the implementation.

The following config handlers are included and maintained with Cement:

Please reference the IConfig interface documentation for writing your own config handler.

Configuration Ordering

An applications configuration is made up of a number of things, including default settings, handler defaults, config file settings, etc. The following is the order in which configurations are discovered and loaded:

  • Defaults defined in CementApp.Meta.config_defaults or passed as config_defaults keyword to CementApp
  • Extended by CementBaseHandler.Meta.config_defaults (not overridden)
  • Overridden by configuration files defined in CementApp.Meta.config_files in the order they are listed/loaded (last has precedence)
  • Overridden by command line options that match the same key name (only if CementApp.Meta.arguments_override_config == True or if the argument name is listed in CementApp.Meta.override_arguments)

Application Default Settings

Cement does not require default config settings in order to operate. That said, these settings are found under the app_label application section of the configuration, and overridden by a [<app_label>] block from a configuration file.

A default dictionary is used if no other defaults are passed when creating an application. For example, the following:

from cement.core import foundation
app = foundation.CementApp('myapp')

Is equivalent to:

from cement.core import foundation
from cement.utils.misc import init_defaults

defaults = init_defaults('myapp')
app = foundation.CementApp('myapp', config_defaults=defaults)

That said, you can override default settings or add your own defaults like so:

from cement.core import foundation
from cement.utils.misc import init_defaults

defaults = init_defaults('myapp', 'section1','section2')
defaults['section1']['foo'] = 'bar'
defaults['section2']['foo2'] = 'bar2'

app = foundation.CementApp('myapp', config_defaults=defaults)

It is important to note that the default settings, which is a dict, is parsed by the config handler and loaded into it’s own configuration mechanism. Meaning, though some config handlers (i.e. ConfigObjConfigHandler) might also be accessible like a dict, not all do (i.e. ConfigParserConfigHandler). Please see the documentation for the config handler you use for their full usage when accessing the app.config object.

Built-in Defaults

The following are not required to exist in the config defaults, however if they do, Cement will honor them (overriding or appending to built-in defaults).

debug = False
Toggles debug output. By default, this setting is also overridden by the [<app_label>] -> debug config setting parsed in any of the application configuration files.
ignore_deprecation_warnings = False
Disable deprecation warnings from being logged by Cement.
extensions = None
List of additional framework extensions to load. Any extensions defined here will be appended to the application’s defined extensions.
plugin_config_dir = None

A directory path where plugin config files can be found. Files must end in .conf. By default, this setting is also overridden by the [<app_label>] -> plugin_config_dir config setting parsed in any of the application configuration files.

If set, this item will be appended to CementApp.Meta.plugin_config_dirs so that it’s settings will have presedence over other config files.

In general, this setting should not be defined by the developer, as it is primarily used to allow the end-user to define a plugin_config_dir without completely trumping the hard-coded list of default plugin_config_dirs defined by the app/developer.

plugin_dir = None

A directory path where plugin code (modules) can be loaded from. By default, this setting is also overridden by the [<app_label>] -> plugin_dir config setting parsed in any of the application configuration files.

If set, this item will be prepended to CementApp.Meta.plugin_dirs so that a user’s defined plugin_dir has precedence over other plugin_dirs.

In general, this setting should not be defined by the developer, as it is primarily used to allow the end-user to define a plugin_dir without completely trumping the hard-coded list of default plugin_dirs defined by the app/developer.

template_dir = None

A directory path where template files can be loaded from. By default, this setting is also overridden by the [<app_label>] -> template_dir config setting parsed in any of the application configuration files.

If set, this item will be appended to CementApp.Meta.template_dirs.

In general, this setting should not be defined by the developer, as it is primarily used to allow the end-user to define a template_dir without completely trumping the hard-coded list of default template_dirs defined by the app/developer.

Application Configuration Defaults vs Handler Configuration Defaults

There may be slight confusion between the CementApp.Meta.config_defaults and the CementBaseHandler.Meta.config_defaults options. They both are very similar, however the application level configuration defaults are intended to be used to set defaults for multiple sections. Therefore, the CementApp.Meta.config_defaults option is a dict with nested dict‘s under it. Each key of the top level dict relates to a config [section] and the nested dict are the settings for that [section].

The CementBaseHandler.Meta.config_defaults only partain to a single [section] and therefor is only a single level dict, whose settings are applied to the CementBaseHandler.Meta.config_section of the application’s configuration.

Accessing Configuration Settings

After application creation and setup, you can access the config handler via the app.config object. For example:

from cement.core import foundation
app = foundation.CementApp('myapp')

# First setup the application

# Get settings
app.config.get('myapp', 'debug')

# Set settings
app.config.set('myapp', 'debug', True)

# Get sections (configuration [blocks])

# Add a section

# Test if a section exists

# Get configuration keys for the 'myapp' section

# Test if a key exist
if 'debug' in app.config.keys('myapp')

# Merge a dict of settings into the config
other_config = dict()
other_config['myapp'] = dict()
other_config['myapp']['foo'] = 'not bar'

Parsing Config Files

Most applications benefit from allowing their users to customize runtime via a configuration file. This can be done by:

from cement.core import foundation
app = foundation.CementApp('myapp')

# First setup the application

# Parse a configuration file

Note that Cement automatically parses any config files listed in the CementApp.Meta.config_files list. For example:

from cement.core import foundation, backend

app = foundation.CementApp('myapp',
        config_files = [

If no config_files meta is provided, Cement will set the defaults to the following common and sane defaults:

  • /etc/<app_label>/<app_label>.conf
  • ~/.<app_label>.conf
  • ~/.<app_label>/config

Overriding Configurations with Command Line Options

Config settings can optionally overridden by a passed command line option if the option name matches a configuration key. Note that this will happen in all config sections if enabled:

from import CementApp
from cement.utils.misc import init_defaults

defaults = init_defaults('myapp')
defaults['myapp']['foo'] = 'bar'

class MyApp(CementApp):
    class Meta:
        label = 'myapp'
        config_defaults = defaults
        arguments_override_config = True

with MyApp() as app:
    app.args.add_argument('--foo', action='store', dest='foo')

With arguments_override_config enabled, running the above application and passing the --foo=some_value option will override the foo setting under a [myapp] configuration section as well as any other section that has a matching foo key.

Configuration Options Versus Meta Options

As you will see extensively throughout the Cement code is the use of Meta options. There can be some confusion between the use of Meta options, and application configuration options. The following explains the two:

Configuration Options

Configuration options are application specific. There are config defaults defined by the application developer, that can be (and are intended to be) overridden by user defined settings in a configuration file.

Cement does not rely on the application configuration, though it can honor configuration settings. For example, CementApp honors the debug config option which is documented, but it doesn’t rely on it existing either.

The key things to note about configuration options are:

  • They give the end user flexibility in how the application operates.
  • Anything that you want users to be able to customize via a config file. For example, the path to a log file or the location of a database server. These are things that you do not want hard-coded into your app, but rather might want sane defaults for.

Meta Options

Meta options are used on the backend by developers to alter how classes operate. For example, the CementApp class has a meta option of log_handler. The default log handler is LoggingLogHandler, however because this is built on an interface definition, Cement can use any other log handler the same way without issue as long as that log handler abides by the interface definition. Meta options make this change seamless and allows the handler to alter functionality, rather than having to change code in the top level class itself.

The key thing to note about Meta options are:

  • They give the developer flexibility in how the code operates.
  • End users should not have access to modify Meta options via a config file or similar ‘dynamic’ configuration (unless those specific options are listed in CementApp.Meta.core_meta_override or CementApp.Meta.meta_override (for example, the debug setting under [<app_label>] overrides CementApp.Meta.debug by default.
  • Meta options are used to alter how classes work, however are considered ‘hard-coded’ settings. If the developer chooses to alter a Meta option, it is for the life of that release.
  • Meta options should have a sane default, and be clearly documented.