
The Genshi Extension module provides output templating based on the Genshi Text Templating Language.


  • Genshi (pip install genshi)


To prepend a directory to the template_dirs list defined by the application/developer, an end-user can add the configuration option template_dir to their application configuration file under the main config section:

template_dir = /path/to/my/templates


from cement.core.foundation import CementApp

class MyApp(CementApp):
    class Meta:
        label = 'myapp'
        extensions = ['genshi']
        output_handler = 'genshi'
        template_module = 'myapp.templates'
        template_dirs = [

with MyApp() as app:

    # create some data
    data = dict(foo='bar')

    # render the data to STDOUT (default) via a template
    app.render(data, 'my_template.genshi')

Note that the above template_module and template_dirs are the auto-defined defaults but are added here for clarity. From here, you would then put a Genshi template file in myapp/templates/my_template.genshi or /usr/lib/myapp/templates/my_template.genshi.

class cement.ext.ext_genshi.GenshiOutputHandler(*args, **kw)

Bases: cement.core.output.TemplateOutputHandler

This class implements the IOutput interface. It provides text output from template and uses the Genshi Text Templating Language. Please see the developer documentation on Output Handling.

class Meta

Bases: object

Handler meta-data.


alias of IOutput

GenshiOutputHandler.render(data_dict, **kw)

Take a data dictionary and render it using the given template file.

Required Arguments:

  • data_dict – The data dictionary to render.
  • template – The path to the template, after the template_module or template_dirs prefix as defined in the application.

str (the rendered template text)

Genshi Syntax Basics

Printing Variables

Hello ${user_name}

Where user_name is a variable returned from the controller. Will display:

Hello Johnny

Conditional Statements

{% if foo %}\\
Label: ${example.label}
{% end %}\\

Will only output Label: <label> if foo == True.

For Loops

{% for item in items %}\\
  - ${item}
{% end %}\\

Where items is a list returned from the controller. Will display:

- list item 1
- list item 2
- list item 3


{% def greeting(name) %}\\
Hello, ${name}!
{% end %}\\


Will output:

Hello, World!
Hello, Edward!

Formatted Columns

{# --------------------- 78 character baseline --------------------------- #}\\

label               ver       description
==================  ========  ================================================
{% for plugin in plugins %}\\
${"%-18s" % plugin['label']}  ${"%-8s" % plugin['version']}  ${"%-48s" % plugin['description']}
{% end %}

Output looks like:

$ helloworld list-plugins

label               ver       description
==================  ========  ================================================
example1            1.0.34    Example plugin v1.x for helloworld
example2            2.1       Example plugin v2.x for helloworld