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"navigating-the-tree"]], "Going down": [[0, "going-down"]], "Navigating using tag names": [[0, "navigating-using-tag-names"]], ".contents and .children": [[0, "contents-and-children"]], ".descendants": [[0, "descendants"]], ".string": [[0, "string"]], ".strings and stripped_strings": [[0, "strings-and-stripped-strings"]], "Going up": [[0, "going-up"]], ".parent": [[0, "parent"]], ".parents": [[0, "parents"]], "Going sideways": [[0, "going-sideways"]], ".next_sibling and .previous_sibling": [[0, "next-sibling-and-previous-sibling"]], ".next_siblings and .previous_siblings": [[0, "next-siblings-and-previous-siblings"]], "Going back and forth": [[0, "going-back-and-forth"]], ".next_element and .previous_element": [[0, "next-element-and-previous-element"]], ".next_elements and .previous_elements": [[0, "next-elements-and-previous-elements"]], "Searching the tree": [[0, "searching-the-tree"]], "Kinds of filters": [[0, "kinds-of-filters"]], "A string": [[0, "a-string"]], "A regular expression": [[0, "a-regular-expression"]], "A list": [[0, "a-list"]], "True": [[0, "true"]], "A function": [[0, "a-function"]], "find_all()": [[0, "find-all"]], "The name argument": [[0, "the-name-argument"]], "The keyword arguments": [[0, "the-keyword-arguments"]], "Searching by CSS class": [[0, "searching-by-css-class"]], "The string argument": [[0, "the-string-argument"]], "The limit argument": [[0, "the-limit-argument"]], "The recursive argument": [[0, "the-recursive-argument"]], "Calling a tag is like calling find_all()": [[0, "calling-a-tag-is-like-calling-find-all"]], "find()": [[0, "find"]], "find_parents() and find_parent()": [[0, "find-parents-and-find-parent"]], "find_next_siblings() and find_next_sibling()": [[0, "find-next-siblings-and-find-next-sibling"]], "find_previous_siblings() and find_previous_sibling()": [[0, "find-previous-siblings-and-find-previous-sibling"]], "find_all_next() and find_next()": [[0, "find-all-next-and-find-next"]], "find_all_previous() and find_previous()": [[0, "find-all-previous-and-find-previous"]], "CSS selectors": [[0, "css-selectors"]], "Modifying the tree": [[0, "modifying-the-tree"]], "Changing tag names and attributes": [[0, "changing-tag-names-and-attributes"]], "Modifying .string": [[0, "modifying-string"]], "append()": [[0, "append"]], "extend()": [[0, "extend"]], "NavigableString() and .new_tag()": [[0, "navigablestring-and-new-tag"]], "insert()": [[0, "insert"]], "insert_before() and insert_after()": [[0, "insert-before-and-insert-after"]], "clear()": [[0, "clear"]], "extract()": [[0, "extract"]], "decompose()": [[0, "decompose"]], "replace_with()": [[0, "replace-with"]], "wrap()": [[0, "wrap"]], "unwrap()": [[0, "unwrap"]], "smooth()": [[0, "smooth"]], "Output": [[0, "output"]], "Pretty-printing": [[0, "pretty-printing"]], "Non-pretty printing": [[0, "non-pretty-printing"]], "Output formatters": [[0, "output-formatters"]], "get_text()": [[0, "get-text"]], "Specifying the parser to use": [[0, "specifying-the-parser-to-use"]], "Differences between parsers": [[0, "differences-between-parsers"]], "Encodings": [[0, "encodings"]], "Output encoding": [[0, "output-encoding"]], "Unicode, Dammit": [[0, "unicode-dammit"]], "Smart quotes": [[0, "smart-quotes"]], "Inconsistent encodings": [[0, "inconsistent-encodings"]], "Line numbers": [[0, "line-numbers"]], "Comparing objects for equality": [[0, "comparing-objects-for-equality"]], "Copying Beautiful Soup objects": [[0, "copying-beautiful-soup-objects"]], "Advanced parser customization": [[0, "advanced-parser-customization"]], "Parsing only part of a document": [[0, "parsing-only-part-of-a-document"]], "SoupStrainer": [[0, "soupstrainer"]], "Customizing multi-valued attributes": [[0, "customizing-multi-valued-attributes"]], "Handling duplicate attributes": [[0, "handling-duplicate-attributes"]], "Instantiating custom subclasses": [[0, "instantiating-custom-subclasses"]], "Troubleshooting": [[0, "troubleshooting"]], "diagnose()": [[0, "diagnose"]], "Errors when parsing a document": [[0, "errors-when-parsing-a-document"]], "Version mismatch problems": [[0, "version-mismatch-problems"]], "Parsing XML": [[0, "parsing-xml"]], "Other parser problems": [[0, "other-parser-problems"]], "Miscellaneous": [[0, "miscellaneous"], [0, "id19"]], "Improving Performance": [[0, "improving-performance"]], "Translating this documentation": [[0, "translating-this-documentation"]], "Beautiful Soup 3": [[0, "id18"]], "Porting code to BS4": [[0, "porting-code-to-bs4"]], "You need a parser": [[0, "you-need-a-parser"]], "Method names": [[0, "method-names"]], "Generators": [[0, "generators"]], "XML": [[0, "xml"]], "Entities": [[0, "entities"]]}, "indexentries": {}})