Source code for astroquery.vo_conesearch.conesearch

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Support VO Simple Cone Search capabilities."""

import warnings

import numpy as np

from import vo_warn, W25
from astropy.utils.console import color_print
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning

from . import vos_catalog
from .vo_async import AsyncBase
from .core import ConeSearch, _validate_sr
from .exceptions import ConeSearchError
from ..exceptions import NoResultsWarning
from ..utils.timer import timefunc, RunTimePredictor

# Import configurable items declared in
from . import conf

__all__ = ['AsyncConeSearch', 'conesearch', 'AsyncSearchAll', 'search_all',
           'list_catalogs', 'predict_search', 'conesearch_timer']

# Skip these doctests
__doctest_skip__ = ['AsyncConeSearch', 'AsyncSearchAll']

[docs]class AsyncConeSearch(AsyncBase): """ Perform a Cone Search asynchronously and returns the result of the first successful query. .. note:: See :class:`~astroquery.vo_conesearch.vo_async.AsyncBase` for more details. Parameters ---------- args, kwargs See :func:`conesearch`. Examples -------- >>> from astropy import coordinates as coord >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from astroquery.vo_conesearch import conesearch >>> c = coord.ICRS(6.0223 *, -72.0814 * >>> async_search = conesearch.AsyncConeSearch( ... c, 0.5 *, ... catalog_db='Guide Star Catalog 2.3 Cone Search 1') Check search status: >>> async_search.running() True >>> async_search.done() False Get search results after a 30-second wait (not to be confused with ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.timeout`` that governs individual Cone Search queries). If search is still not done after 30 seconds, `TimeoutError` is raised. Otherwise, Cone Search result is returned and can be manipulated as in :ref:`Simple Cone Search Examples <vo-sec-scs-examples>`. If no ``timeout`` keyword given, it waits until completion: >>> async_result = async_search.get(timeout=30) >>> len(async_result) 74271 """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AsyncConeSearch, self).__init__(conesearch, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def conesearch(center, radius, *, verb=1, catalog_db=None, verbose=True, cache=True, query_all=False, return_astropy_table=True, use_names_over_ids=False): """ Perform Cone Search and returns the result of the first successful query. .. note:: Use ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.pedantic`` to control pedantry. When `True`, will raise an error when the result violates the spec, otherwise issue a warning. Warnings may be controlled using :py:mod:`warnings` module. .. note:: Use ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.timeout`` to control timeout limit in seconds for each service being queried. Parameters ---------- center : str, `astropy.coordinates` object, list, or tuple Position of the center of the cone to search. It may be specified as an object from the :ref:`astropy:astropy-coordinates` package, string as accepted by :func:`~astroquery.utils.parse_coordinates`, or tuple/list. If given as tuple or list, it is assumed to be ``(RA, DEC)`` in the ICRS coordinate frame, given in decimal degrees. radius : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Radius of the cone to search: - If float is given, it is assumed to be in decimal degrees. - If astropy quantity is given, it is internally converted to degrees. verb : {1, 2, 3} Verbosity indicating how many columns are to be returned in the resulting table. Support for this parameter by a Cone Search service implementation is optional. If the service supports the parameter: 1. Return the bare minimum number of columns that the provider considers useful in describing the returned objects. 2. Return a medium number of columns between the minimum and maximum (inclusive) that are considered by the provider to most typically useful to the user. 3. Return all of the columns that are available for describing the objects. If not supported, the service should ignore the parameter and always return the same columns for every request. catalog_db May be one of the following, in order from easiest to use to most control: - `None`: A database of ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.conesearch_dbname`` catalogs is downloaded from ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl``. The first catalog in the database to successfully return a result is used. - *catalog name*: A name in the database of ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.conesearch_dbname`` catalogs at ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl`` is used. For a list of acceptable names, use :func:`astroquery.vo_conesearch.vos_catalog.list_catalogs`. - *url*: The prefix of a URL to a IVOA Service for ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.conesearch_dbname``. Must end in either '?' or '&'. - `~astroquery.vo_conesearch.vos_catalog.VOSCatalog` object: A specific catalog manually downloaded and selected from the database (see :ref:`vo-sec-client-vos`). - Any of the above 3 options combined in a list, in which case they are tried in order. verbose : bool Verbose output. cache : bool Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO websites referenced by the database still needs internet connection. query_all : bool This is used by :func:`search_all`. return_astropy_table : bool Returned ``obj`` will be `astropy.table.Table` rather than ``. use_names_over_ids : bool When `True` use the ``name`` attributes of columns as the names of columns in the `~astropy.table.Table` instance. Since names are not guaranteed to be unique, this may cause some columns to be renamed by appending numbers to the end. Otherwise (default), use the ID attributes as the column names. Returns ------- obj : `astropy.table.Table` or `` First table from first successful VO service request. See ``return_astropy_table`` parameter for the kind of table returned. Raises ------ ConeSearchError When invalid inputs are passed into Cone Search. """ n_timed_out = 0 service_type = conf.conesearch_dbname catalogs = vos_catalog._get_catalogs( service_type, catalog_db, cache=cache, verbose=verbose) if query_all: result = {} else: result = None for name, catalog in catalogs: if isinstance(catalog, str): if catalog.startswith('http'): url = catalog else: remote_db = vos_catalog.get_remote_catalog_db( service_type, cache=cache, verbose=verbose) catalog = remote_db.get_catalog(catalog) url = catalog['url'] else: url = catalog['url'] if verbose: # pragma: no cover color_print('Trying {0}'.format(url), 'green') try: r = ConeSearch.query_region( center, radius, verb=verb, cache=cache, verbose=verbose, service_url=url, return_astropy_table=return_astropy_table, use_names_over_ids=use_names_over_ids) except Exception as e: err_msg = str(e) vo_warn(W25, (url, err_msg)) if not query_all and 'ConnectTimeoutError' in err_msg: n_timed_out += 1 else: if r is not None: if query_all: result[r.url] = r else: result = r break if result is None and n_timed_out > 0: err_msg = ('None of the available catalogs returned valid results.' ' ({0} URL(s) timed out.)'.format(n_timed_out)) warnings.warn(err_msg, NoResultsWarning) return result
[docs]class AsyncSearchAll(AsyncBase): """ Perform a Cone Search asynchronously, storing all results instead of just the result from first successful query. .. note:: See :class:`~astroquery.vo_conesearch.vo_async.AsyncBase` for more details. Parameters ---------- args, kwargs See :func:`search_all`. Examples -------- >>> from astropy import coordinates as coord >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from astroquery.vo_conesearch import conesearch >>> c = coord.ICRS(6.0223 *, -72.0814 * >>> async_search = conesearch.AsyncSearchAll(c, 0.5 * Check search status: >>> async_search.running() True >>> async_search.done() False Get a dictionary of all search results after a 30-second wait (not to be confused with ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.timeout`` that governs individual Cone Search queries). If search is still not done after 30 seconds, `TimeoutError` is raised. Otherwise, a dictionary is returned and can be manipulated as in :ref:`Simple Cone Search Examples <vo-sec-scs-examples>`. If no ``timeout`` keyword given, it waits until completion: >>> async_allresults = async_search.get(timeout=60) >>> all_catalogs = list(async_allresults) >>> first_cone_arr = async_allresults[all_catalogs[0]] >>> len(first_cone_arr) 74271 """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): AsyncBase.__init__(self, search_all, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def search_all(*args, **kwargs): """ Perform Cone Search and returns the results of all successful queries. .. warning:: Could potentially take up significant run time and computing resources. Parameters ---------- args, kwargs Arguments and keywords accepted by :func:`conesearch`. Returns ------- result : dict of `` objects A dictionary of tables from successful VO service requests, with keys being the access URLs. If none is successful, an empty dictionary is returned. Raises ------ ConeSearchError When invalid inputs are passed into Cone Search. """ kwargs['query_all'] = True return conesearch(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def list_catalogs(**kwargs): """ Return the available Cone Search catalogs as a list of strings. These can be used for the ``catalog_db`` argument to :func:`conesearch`. Parameters ---------- cache : bool Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO websites referenced by the database still needs internet connection. verbose : bool Show download progress bars. pattern : str or `None` If given string is anywhere in a catalog name, it is considered a matching catalog. It accepts patterns as in :py:mod:`fnmatch` and is case-insensitive. By default, all catalogs are returned. sort : bool Sort output in alphabetical order. If not sorted, the order depends on dictionary hashing. Default is `True`. Returns ------- arr : list of str List of catalog names. """ return vos_catalog.list_catalogs(conf.conesearch_dbname, **kwargs)
[docs]@timefunc(1) def conesearch_timer(*args, **kwargs): """ Time a single Cone Search using `astroquery.utils.timer.timefunc` with a single try and a verbose timer. Parameters ---------- args, kwargs See :func:`conesearch`. Returns ------- t : float Run time in seconds. obj : `` First table from first successful VO service request. """ return conesearch(*args, **kwargs)