Source code for astroquery.astrometry_net.core

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

import json

from import fits
from astroquery import log
from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

    from astropy.nddata import CCDData
except ImportError:
    _HAVE_CCDDATA = False
    _HAVE_CCDDATA = True

    from photutils import DAOStarFinder
except ImportError:

from ..query import BaseQuery
from ..utils import async_to_sync, url_helpers
from ..exceptions import TimeoutError
from . import conf
import time

# export all the public classes and methods
__all__ = ['AstrometryNet', 'AstrometryNetClass']

[docs]@async_to_sync class AstrometryNetClass(BaseQuery): """ Perform queries to the service to fit WCS to images or source lists. """ URL = conf.server TIMEOUT = conf.timeout API_URL = url_helpers.join(URL, 'api') # These are drawn from _constraints = { 'allow_commercial_use': {'default': 'd', 'type': str, 'allowed': ('d', 'y', 'n')}, 'allow_modifications': {'default': 'd', 'type': str, 'allowed': ('d', 'y', 'n')}, 'publicly_visible': {'default': 'y', 'type': str, 'allowed': ('y', 'n')}, 'scale_units': {'default': None, 'type': str, 'allowed': ('degwidth', 'arcminwidth', 'arcsecperpix')}, 'scale_type': {'default': None, 'type': str, 'allowed': ('ev', 'ul')}, 'scale_lower': {'default': None, 'type': float, 'allowed': (0,)}, 'scale_upper': {'default': None, 'type': float, 'allowed': (0,)}, 'scale_est': {'default': None, 'type': float, 'allowed': (0,)}, 'scale_err': {'default': None, 'type': float, 'allowed': (0, 100)}, 'center_ra': {'default': None, 'type': float, 'allowed': (0, 360)}, 'center_dec': {'default': None, 'type': float, 'allowed': (-90, 90)}, 'radius': {'default': None, 'type': float, 'allowed': (0,)}, 'downsample_factor': {'default': None, 'type': int, 'allowed': (1,)}, 'tweak_order': {'default': 2, 'type': int, 'allowed': (0,)}, 'use_sextractor': {'default': False, 'type': bool, 'allowed': ()}, 'crpix_center': {'default': None, 'type': bool, 'allowed': ()}, 'parity': {'default': None, 'type': int, 'allowed': (0, 2)}, 'positional_error': {'default': None, 'type': float, 'allowed': (0,)}, } _no_source_detector = not _HAVE_SOURCE_DETECTION @property def api_key(self): """ Return the API key. """ if not conf.api_key: log.error(" API key not in configuration file") return conf.api_key @api_key.setter def api_key(self, value): """ Temporarily set the API key. """ conf.api_key = value @property def empty_settings(self): """ Construct a dict of settings using the defaults """ return {k: self._constraints[k]['default'] for k in self._constraints.keys()}
[docs] def show_allowed_settings(self): """ There are a ton of options available for solving. This displays them in a nice way. """ keys = sorted(self._constraints.keys()) for key in keys: key_info = self._constraints[key] print('{key}: type {type!r}, ' 'default value {default}, ' 'allowed values {values}' ''.format(key=key, type=key_info['type'].__name__, default=key_info['default'], values=key_info['allowed']))
def __init__(self): """ Show a warning message if the API key is not in the configuration file. """ super(AstrometryNetClass, self).__init__() if not conf.api_key: log.warning(" API key not found in configuration file") log.warning("You need to manually edit the configuration file and add it") log.warning( "You may also register it for this session with AstrometryNet.key = 'XXXXXXXX'") self._session_id = None def _login(self): if not self.api_key: raise RuntimeError('You must set the API key before using this service.') login_url = url_helpers.join(self.API_URL, 'login') payload = self._construct_payload({'apikey': self.api_key}) result = self._request('POST', login_url, data=payload, cache=False) result_dict = result.json() if result_dict['status'] != 'success': raise RuntimeError('Unable to log in to') self._session_id = result_dict['session'] def _construct_payload(self, settings): return {'request-json': json.dumps(settings)} def _validate_settings(self, settings): """ Check whether the current settings are consistent with the choices available from """ # Check the types and values for key, value in settings.items(): if key not in self._constraints or value is None: message = ('Setting {} is not allowed. Display all of ' 'the allowed settings with: ' 'AstrometryNet.show_allowed_settings()'.format(key)) raise ValueError(message) if not isinstance(value, self._constraints[key]['type']): failed = True # Try coercing the type... if self._constraints[key]['type'] == float: try: _ = self._constraints[key]['type'](value) except ValueError: pass else: failed = False if failed: raise ValueError('Value for {} must be of type {}'.format(key, self._constraints[key]['type'])) # Switching on the types here...not fond of this, but it works. allowed = self._constraints[key]['allowed'] if allowed: if self._constraints[key]['type'] == str: # Allowed values is a list of choices. good_value = value in self._constraints[key]['allowed'] elif self._constraints[key]['type'] == bool: # bool is easy to check... good_value = isinstance(value, bool) else: # Assume the parameter is a number which has a minimum and # optionally a maximum. bounds = self._constraints[key]['allowed'] good_value = value >= bounds[0] try: good_value = good_value and good_value <= bounds[1] except IndexError: # No upper bound to check pass if not good_value: raise ValueError('Value {} for {} is invalid. ' 'The valid ' 'values are {}'.format(value, key, allowed)) # Check some special cases, in which the presence of one value means # others are needed. if 'scale_type' in settings: scale_type = settings['scale_type'] if scale_type == 'ev': required_keys = ['scale_est', 'scale_err', 'scale_units'] else: required_keys = ['scale_lower', 'scale_upper', 'scale_units'] good = all(req in settings for req in required_keys) if not good: raise ValueError('Scale type {} requires ' 'values for {}'.format(scale_type, required_keys))
[docs] def monitor_submission(self, submission_id, solve_timeout=TIMEOUT): """ Monitor the submission for completion. Parameters ---------- submission_id : ``int`` or ``str`` Submission ID number from solve_timeout : ``int`` Time, in seconds, to wait for the solver to find a solution. Returns ------- None or `` The contents of the returned object depend on whether the solve succeeds or fails. If the solve succeeds the header with the WCS solution generated by is returned. If the solve fails then an empty dictionary is returned. See below for the outcome if the solve times out. Raises ------ ``TimeoutError`` Raised if `astroquery.astrometry_net.AstrometryNetClass.TIMEOUT` is exceeded before the solve either succeeds or fails. The second argument in the exception is the submission ID. """ has_completed = False job_id = None print('Solving', end='', flush=True) start_time = time.time() status = '' while not has_completed: time.sleep(1) sub_stat_url = url_helpers.join(self.API_URL, 'submissions', str(submission_id)) sub_stat = self._request('GET', sub_stat_url, cache=False) jobs = sub_stat.json()['jobs'] if jobs: job_id = jobs[0] if job_id: job_stat_url = url_helpers.join(self.API_URL, 'jobs', str(job_id), 'info') job_stat = self._request('GET', job_stat_url, cache=False) status = job_stat.json()['status'] now = time.time() elapsed = now - start_time timed_out = elapsed > solve_timeout has_completed = (status in ['success', 'failure'] or timed_out) print('.', end='', flush=True) if status == 'success': wcs_url = url_helpers.join(self.URL, 'wcs_file', str(job_id)) wcs_response = self._request('GET', wcs_url) wcs = fits.Header.fromstring(wcs_response.text) elif status == 'failure': wcs = {} elif timed_out: raise TimeoutError('Solve timed out without success or failure', submission_id) else: # Try to future-proof a little bit raise RuntimeError('Unrecognized status {}'.format(status)) return wcs
[docs] def solve_from_source_list(self, x, y, image_width, image_height, solve_timeout=TIMEOUT, **settings ): """ Plate solve from a list of source positions. Parameters ---------- x : list-like List of x-coordinate of source positions. y : list-like List of y-coordinate of source positions. image_width : int Size of the image in the x-direction. image_height : int Size of the image in the y-direction. solve_timeout : int Time, in seconds, to wait for the solver to find a solution. For a list of the remaining settings, use the method `~AstrometryNetClass.show_allowed_settings`. """ settings = {k: v for k, v in settings.items() if v is not None} self._validate_settings(settings) if self._session_id is None: self._login() # Add the settings required for solving from a source list to the list # after validating the common settings applicable in all cases. settings['x'] = [float(v) for v in x] settings['y'] = [float(v) for v in y] settings['image_width'] = image_width settings['image_height'] = image_height settings['session'] = self._session_id payload = self._construct_payload(settings) url = url_helpers.join(self.API_URL, 'url_upload') response = self._request('POST', url, data=payload, cache=False) if response.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError('Post of job failed') response_d = response.json() submission_id = response_d['subid'] return self.monitor_submission(submission_id, solve_timeout=solve_timeout)
[docs] def solve_from_image(self, image_file_path, force_image_upload=False, ra_key=None, dec_key=None, ra_dec_units=None, fwhm=3, detect_threshold=5, solve_timeout=TIMEOUT, **settings): """ Plate solve from an image, either by uploading the image to or by finding sources locally using `photutils <>`_ and solving with source locations. Parameters ---------- image_file_path : str or Path object Path to the image. force_image_upload : bool, optional If ``True``, upload the image to even if it is possible to detect sources in the image locally. This option will almost always take longer than finding sources locally. It will even take longer than installing photutils and then rerunning this. Even if this is ``False`` the image will be upload unless photutils is installed. ra_key : str, optional Name of the key in the FITS header that contains right ascension of the image. The ra can be specified using the ``center_ra`` setting instead if desired. dec_key : str, optional Name of the key in the FITS header that contains declination of the image. The dec can be specified using the ``center_dec`` setting instead if desired. ra_dec_units : tuple, optional Tuple specifying the units of the right ascension and declination in the header. The default value is ``('hour', 'degree')``. solve_timeout : int Time, in seconds, to wait for the solver to find a solution. For a list of the remaining settings, use the method `~AstrometryNetClass.show_allowed_settings`. """ if ra_key and dec_key: with as f: hdr = f[0].header # The error here if one of these fails should be pretty clear ra = hdr[ra_key] dec = hdr[dec_key] # Convert these to degrees in appropriate range center = SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit=('hour', 'degree')) settings['center_ra'] = settings['center_dec'] = settings = {k: v for k, v in settings.items() if v is not None} self._validate_settings(settings) if force_image_upload or self._no_source_detector: if self._session_id is None: self._login() settings['session'] = self._session_id payload = self._construct_payload(settings) url = url_helpers.join(self.API_URL, 'upload') with open(image_file_path, 'rb') as f: response = self._request('POST', url, data=payload, cache=False, files={'file': f}) else: # Detect sources and delegate to solve_from_source_list if _HAVE_CCDDATA: # CCDData requires a unit, so provide one. It has absolutely # no impact on source detection. The reader for CCDData # tries to find the first ImageHDU in a FITS file, so it # is the preferred way to get the data. ccd =, unit='adu') data = else: with as f: data = f[0].data print("Determining background stats", flush=True) mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=3.0, maxiters=5) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=fwhm, threshold=detect_threshold * std) print("Finding sources", flush=True) sources = daofind(data - median) print('Found {} sources'.format(len(sources)), flush=True) # wants a sorted list of sources # Sort first (which puts things in ascending order) sources.sort('flux') # Reverse to get descending order sources.reverse() print(sources) return self.solve_from_source_list(sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'], ccd.header['naxis1'], ccd.header['naxis2'], **settings) if response.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError('Post of job failed') response_d = response.json() submission_id = response_d['subid'] return self.monitor_submission(submission_id, solve_timeout=solve_timeout)
# the default tool for users to interact with is an instance of the Class AstrometryNet = AstrometryNetClass()