class astropy.coordinates.FK5(*args, copy=True, representation_type=None, differential_type=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BaseRADecFrame

A coordinate or frame in the FK5 system.

Note that this is a barycentric version of FK5 - that is, the origin for this frame is the Solar System Barycenter, not the Earth geocenter.

The frame attributes are listed under Other Parameters.

dataBaseRepresentation subclass instance

A representation object or None to have no data (or use the coordinate component arguments, see below).

raAngle, optional, keyword-only

The RA for this object (dec must also be given and representation must be None).

decAngle, optional, keyword-only

The Declination for this object (ra must also be given and representation must be None).

distanceQuantity [:ref: ‘length’], optional, keyword-only

The Distance for this object along the line-of-sight. (representation must be None).

pm_ra_cosdecQuantity [:ref: ‘angular speed’], optional, keyword-only

The proper motion in Right Ascension (including the cos(dec) factor) for this object (pm_dec must also be given).

pm_decQuantity [:ref: ‘angular speed’], optional, keyword-only

The proper motion in Declination for this object (pm_ra_cosdec must also be given).

radial_velocityQuantity [:ref: ‘speed’], optional, keyword-only

The radial velocity of this object.

representation_typeBaseRepresentation subclass, python:str, optional

A representation class or string name of a representation class. This sets the expected input representation class, thereby changing the expected keyword arguments for the data passed in. For example, passing representation_type='cartesian' will make the classes expect position data with cartesian names, i.e. x, y, z in most cases unless overridden via frame_specific_representation_info. To see this frame’s names, check out <this frame>().representation_info.

differential_typeBaseDifferential subclass, python:str, python:dict, optional

A differential class or dictionary of differential classes (currently only a velocity differential with key ‘s’ is supported). This sets the expected input differential class, thereby changing the expected keyword arguments of the data passed in. For example, passing differential_type='cartesian' will make the classes expect velocity data with the argument names v_x, v_y, v_z unless overridden via frame_specific_representation_info. To see this frame’s names, check out <this frame>().representation_info.

copybool, optional

If True (default), make copies of the input coordinate arrays. Can only be passed in as a keyword argument.

Other Parameters:

The equinox of this frame.

Attributes Summary


Default representation for differential data (e.g., velocity)


Default representation for position data




Mapping for frame-specific component names


Attributes Documentation


Default representation for differential data (e.g., velocity)


Default representation for position data

equinox = <Time object: scale='tt' format='jyear_str' value=J2000.000>
frame_attributes = {'equinox': <astropy.coordinates.attributes.TimeAttribute object>}

Mapping for frame-specific component names

name = 'fk5'