from astroplan.plots import plot_sky from astroplan import Observer, FixedTarget import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm from astropy.time import Time from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord import astropy.units as u # Get grid of times within the time_range limits from astroplan import time_grid_from_range time_range = Time(["2015-08-01 06:00", "2015-08-01 12:00"]) time_grid = time_grid_from_range(time_range) subaru = Observer.at_site("Subaru") target_table_string = """# name ra_degrees dec_degrees Polaris 37.95456067 89.26410897 Vega 279.234734787 38.783688956 Albireo 292.68033548 27.959680072 Algol 47.042218553 40.955646675 Rigel 78.634467067 -8.201638365 Regulus 152.092962438 11.967208776""" # Read in the table of targets from import ascii target_table = targets = [FixedTarget(coord=SkyCoord(ra=ra*u.deg, dec=dec*u.deg), name=name) for name, ra, dec in target_table] plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) cmap = cm.Set1 # Cycle through this colormap for i, target in enumerate(targets): ax = plot_sky(target, subaru, time_grid, style_kwargs=dict(color=cmap(float(i)/len(targets)), legend = ax.legend(loc='lower center') legend.get_frame().set_facecolor('w')