import numpy as np
import ase.units as un
[docs]class SiestaLRTDDFT:
"""Interface for linear response TDDFT for Siesta via `PyNAO`_
When using PyNAO please cite the papers indicated in the
`documentation <>`_
def __init__(self, initialize=False, **kw):
initialize: bool
To initialize the tddft calculations before calculating the polarizability
Can be useful to calculate multiple frequency range without the need
to recalculate the kernel
kw: dictionary
keywords for the tddft_iter function from PyNAO
from pynao import tddft_iter
except ModuleNotFoundError as err:
msg = "running lrtddft with Siesta calculator requires pynao package"
raise ModuleNotFoundError(msg) from err
self.initialize = initialize
self.lrtddft_params = kw
self.tddft = None
# convert iter_broadening to Ha
if "iter_broadening" in self.lrtddft_params:
self.lrtddft_params["iter_broadening"] /= un.Ha
if self.initialize:
self.tddft = tddft_iter(**self.lrtddft_params)
def get_ground_state(self, atoms, **kw):
Run siesta calculations in order to get ground state properties.
Makes sure that the proper parameters are unsed in order to be able
to run pynao afterward, i.e.,
COOP.Write = True
WriteDenchar = True
XML.Write = True
from ase.calculators.siesta import Siesta
if "fdf_arguments" not in kw.keys():
kw["fdf_arguments"] = {"COOP.Write": True,
"WriteDenchar": True,
"XML.Write": True}
for param in ["COOP.Write", "WriteDenchar", "XML.Write"]:
kw["fdf_arguments"][param] = True
siesta = Siesta(**kw)
atoms.calc = siesta
def get_polarizability(self, omega, Eext=np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), inter=True):
Calculate the polarizability of a molecule via linear response TDDFT
omega: float or array like
frequency range for which the polarizability should be computed, in eV
polarizability: array like (complex)
array of dimension (3, 3, nff) with nff the number of frequency,
the first and second dimension are the matrix elements of the
polarizability in atomic units::
P_xx, P_xy, P_xz, Pyx, .......
from ase.calculators.siesta.siesta_lrtddft import siestaLRTDDFT
from import molecule
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Define the systems
CH4 = molecule('CH4')
lr = siestaLRTDDFT(label="siesta", jcutoff=7, iter_broadening=0.15,
xc_code='LDA,PZ', tol_loc=1e-6, tol_biloc=1e-7)
# run DFT calculation with Siesta
# run TDDFT calculation with PyNAO
freq=np.arange(0.0, 25.0, 0.05)
pmat = lr.get_polarizability(freq)
from pynao import tddft_iter
if not self.initialize:
self.tddft = tddft_iter(**self.lrtddft_params)
if isinstance(omega, float):
freq = np.array([omega])
elif isinstance(omega, list):
freq = np.array([omega])
elif isinstance(omega, np.ndarray):
freq = omega
raise ValueError("omega soulf")
freq_cmplx = freq/un.Ha + 1j * self.tddft.eps
if inter:
pmat = -self.tddft.comp_polariz_inter_Edir(freq_cmplx, Eext=Eext)
self.dn = self.tddft.dn
pmat = -self.tddft.comp_polariz_nonin_Edir(freq_cmplx, Eext=Eext)
self.dn = self.tddft.dn0
return pmat
[docs]class RamanCalculatorInterface(SiestaLRTDDFT):
"""Raman interface for Siesta calculator.
When using the Raman calculator, please cite
M. Walter and M. Moseler, Ab Initio Wavelength-Dependent Raman Spectra:
Placzek Approximation and Beyond, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2020, 16, 1, 576–586
def __init__(self, omega=0.0, **kw):
omega: float
frequency at which the Raman intensity should be computed, in eV
kw: dictionary
The parameter for the siesta_lrtddft object
""" = omega
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Shorthand for calculate"""
return self.calculate(*args, **kwargs)
def calculate(self, atoms):
Calculate the polarizability for frequency omega
atoms: atoms class
The atoms definition of the system. Not used but required by Raman
pmat = self.get_polarizability(, Eext=np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]))
# Specific for raman calls, it expects just the tensor for a single
# frequency and need only the real part
# For static raman, imaginary part is zero??
# Answer from Michael Walter: Yes, in the case of finite systems you may
# choose the wavefunctions to be real valued. Then also the density
# response function and hence the polarizability are real.
# Convert from atomic units to e**2 Ang**2/eV
return pmat[:, :, 0].real * (un.Bohr**2) / un.Ha
def pol2cross_sec(p, omg):
Convert the polarizability in au to cross section in nm**2
Input parameters:
p (np array): polarizability from mbpt_lcao calc
omg (np.array): frequency range in eV
Output parameters:
sigma (np array): cross section in nm**2
c = 1 / un.alpha # speed of the light in au
omg /= un.Ha # to convert from eV to Hartree
sigma = 4 * np.pi * omg * p / (c) # bohr**2
return sigma * (0.1 * un.Bohr)**2 # nm**2