.. currentmodule:: asdf.extension .. _extending_extensions: ========== Extensions ========== An ASDF "extension" is a supplement to the core ASDF specification that describes additional YAML tags or binary block compressors which may be used when writing files. In this library, extensions implement the `Extension` interface and can be installed manually by the user or automatically by a package using Python's entry points mechanism. Extension features ================== Basics ------ Every extension to ASDF must be uniquely identified by a URI; this URI is written to the file's metadata when the extension is used and allows software to determine if the necessary extensions are installed when the file is read. An ASDF extension implementation intended for use with this library must, at a minimum, implement the `Extension` interface and provide its URI as a property: .. code-block:: python from asdf.extension import Extension class FooExtension(Extension): extension_uri = "asdf://example.com/example-project/extensions/foo-1.0.0" Note that this is an "empty" extension that does not extend the library in any meaningful way; other attributes must be implemented to actually support additional tags and/or compressors. Read on for a description of the rest of the Extension interface. Additional tags --------------- In order to implement support for additional YAML tags, an Extension subclass must provide both a list of relevant tags and a list of `Converter` instances that translate objects with those tags to and from YAML. These lists are provided in the ``tags`` and ``converters`` properties, respectively: .. code-block:: python from asdf.extension import Extension, Converter class FooConverter(Converter): # ... pass class FooExtension(Extension): extension_uri = "asdf://example.com/example-project/extensions/foo-1.0.0" tags = ["asdf://example.com/example-project/tags/foo-1.0.0"] converters = [FooConverter()] The implementation of a Converter is a topic unto itself and is discussed in detail in :ref:`extending_converters`. The Extension implemented above will happily convert between ``foo-1.0.0`` tagged YAML objects and the appropriate Python representation, but it will not perform any schema validation. In order to associate the tag with a schema, we'll need to provide a `TagDefinition` object instead of just a string: .. code-block:: python from asdf.extension import Extension, Converter, TagDefinition class FooConverter(Converter): # ... pass class FooExtension(Extension): extension_uri = "asdf://example.com/example-project/extensions/foo-1.0.0" tags = [ TagDefinition( "asdf://example.com/example-project/tags/foo-1.0.0", schema_uri="asdf://example.com/example-project/schemas/foo-1.0.0", ) ] converters = [FooConverter()] .. _extending_extensions_compressors: Additional block compressors ---------------------------- Binary block compressors implement the `Compressor` interface and are included in an extension via the ``compressors`` property: .. code-block:: python from asdf.extension import Extension, Compressor class FooCompressor(Compressor): # ... pass class FooExtension(Extension): extension_uri = "asdf://example.com/example-project/extensions/foo-1.0.0" compressors = [FooCompressor()] See :ref:`extending_compressors` for details on implementing the Compressor interface. Additional YAML tag handles --------------------------- The YAML format permits use of "tag handles" as shorthand prefixes in tags. For example, these two YAML files are equivalent: .. code-block:: yaml %YAML 1.1 --- value: ! # etc ... .. code-block:: yaml %YAML 1.1 %TAG !example! asdf://example.com/example-project/tags/ --- value: !example!foo-1.0.0 # etc ... In both cases the ``value`` object has tag asdf://example.com/example-project/tags/foo-1.0.0, but in the second example the tag is abbreviated as ``!example!foo-1.0.0`` through use of a handle. This has no impact on the interpretation of the file but can make the raw ASDF tree easier to read for humans. Tag handles can be defined in the ``yaml_tag_handles`` property of an extension: .. code-block:: python from asdf.extension import Extension class FooExtension(Extension): extension_uri = "asdf://example.com/example-project/extensions/foo-1.0.0" yaml_tag_handles = {"!example!": "asdf://example.com/example-project/tags/"} ASDF Standard version requirement --------------------------------- Some extensions may only work with specific version(s) of the ASDF Standard -- for example, the schema associated with one of an extension's tags may reference specific versions of ASDF core tags. This requirement can be expressed as a PEP 440 version specifier in an Extension's ``asdf_standard_requirement`` property: .. code-block:: python from asdf.extension import Extension class FooExtension(Extension): extension_uri = "asdf://example.com/example-project/extensions/foo-1.0.0" asdf_standard_requirement = ">= 1.2.0, < 1.5.0" Now the extension will only be used with ASDF Standard 1.3.0 and 1.4.0 files. Legacy class names ------------------ Previous versions of this library referred to extensions by their Python class names instead of by URI. These class names were written to ASDF file metadata and allowed the library to warn users when an extension used to write the file was not available on read. Now the extension URI is written to the metadata, but to prevent warnings when reading older files, extension authors can provide an additional list of class names that previously identified the extension: .. code-block:: python from asdf.extension import Extension class FooExtension(Extension): extension_uri = "asdf://example.com/example-project/extensions/foo-1.0.0" legacy_class_names = [ "foo_package.extensions.FooExtension", ] .. _exposing_extension_object_internals: Making converted object's contents visible to ``info`` and ``search`` --------------------------------------------------------------------- When an object is converted to YAML, the resulting YAML tree is stored in the If the object produced by the extension supports a class method ``.__asdf_traverse__`` then it can be used by those tools to expose the contents of the object. That method should accept no arguments and return either a dict of attributes and their values, or a list if the object itself is list-like. .. _extending_extensions_installing: Installing an extension ======================= Once an extension is implemented, it must be installed so that the `asdf` library knows to use it. There are two options for installing an extension: manually per session using `~asdf.config.AsdfConfig`, or automatically for every session using the ``asdf.extensions`` entry point .. _extending_extensions_installing_asdf_config: Installing extensions via AsdfConfig ------------------------------------ The simplest way to install an extension is to add it at runtime using the `AsdfConfig.add_extension ` method. For example, the following code defines and installs a minimal extension: .. code-block:: python import asdf from asdf.extension import Extension class FooExtension(Extension): extension_uri = "asdf://example.com/example-project/extensions/foo-1.0.0" asdf.get_config().add_extension(FooExtension()) Now the extension will be available when working with ASDF files, but only for the duration of the current Python session. .. _extending_extensions_installing_entry_points: Installing extensions via entry points -------------------------------------- The `asdf` package also offers an entry point for installing extensions This registers a package's extensions automatically on package install without requiring calls to the AsdfConfig method. The entry point is called ``asdf.extensions`` and expects to receive a method that returns a list of ``Extension`` instances. For example, let's say we're creating a package named ``asdf-foo-extension`` that provides the not-particularly-useful ``FooExtension`` from the previous section. We'll need to define an entry point method that returns a list containing an instance of ``FooExtension``: .. code-block:: python def get_extensions(): return [FooExtension()] We'll assume that method is located in the module ``asdf_foo_extension.integration``. Next, in the package's ``pyproject.toml``, define a ``[project.entry-points]`` section (or ``[options.entry_points]`` in ``setup.cfg``) that identifies the method as an ``asdf.extensions`` entry point: .. tab:: pyproject.toml .. code-block:: toml [project.entry-points] 'asdf.extensions' = { asdf_foo_extension = 'asdf_foo_extension.integration:get_extensions' } .. tab:: setup.cfg .. code-block:: ini [options.entry_points] asdf.extensions = asdf_foo_extension = asdf_foo_extension.integration:get_extensions After installing the package, the extension should be automatically available in any new Python session. Entry point performance considerations -------------------------------------- For the good of `asdf` users everywhere, it's important that entry point methods load as quickly as possible. All extensions must be loaded before reading an ASDF file, so any entry point method that lingers will introduce a delay to the initial call to `asdf.open`. For that reason, we recommend that extension authors minimize the number of imports that occur in the module containing the entry point method, particularly imports of modules outside of the Python standard library or `asdf` itself. .. _extending_extensions_manifest: Populating an extension from a manifest ======================================= An "extension manifest" is a language-independent description of an ASDF extension (little 'e') that includes information such as the extension URI, list of tags, ASDF Standard requirement, etc. Instructions on writing a manifest can be found in :ref:`extending_manifests`, but once written, we'll still need a Python Extension (big 'E') whose content mirrors the manifest. Rather than duplicate that information in Python code, we recommend use of the `ManifestExtension` class, which reads a manifest and maps its content to the appropriate Extension interface properties. Assuming the manifest is installed as a resource (see :ref:`extending_resources`), an extension instance can be created using the ``from_uri`` factory method: .. code-block:: python from asdf.extension import ManifestExtension extension = ManifestExtension.from_uri( "asdf://example.com/example-project/manifests/foo-1.0.0" ) Compressors and converters can be included in the extension by adding them as keyword arguments: .. code-block:: python from asdf.extension import ManifestExtension extension = ManifestExtension.from_uri( "asdf://example.com/example-project/manifests/foo-1.0.0", converters=[FooConverter()], compressors=[FooCompressor()], ) The extension may then be installed by one of the two methods described above. Warning on ManifestExtension and entry points --------------------------------------------- When implementing a package that automatically installs a ManifestExtension, we'll need to utilize both the ``asdf.resource_mappings`` entry point (to install the manifest) and the ``asdf.extensions`` entry point (to install the extension). Because the manifest must be installed before the extension can be instantiated, it's easy to end up trapped in an import loop. For example, this seemingly innocuous set of entry point methods cannot be successfully loaded: .. code-block:: python from asdf.extension import ManifestExtension RESOURCES = { "asdf://example.com/example-project/manifests/foo-1.0.0": open( "foo-1.0.0.yaml" ).read() } def get_resource_mappings(): return [RESOURCES] EXTENSION = ManifestExtension.from_uri( "asdf://example.com/example-project/manifests/foo-1.0.0" ) def get_extensions(): return [EXTENSION] When the module is imported, ``ManifestExtension.from_uri`` asks the `asdf` library to load all available resources so that it can retrieve the manifest content. But loading the resources requires importing this module to get at the ``get_resource_mappings`` method, so now we're stuck! The solution is to instantiate the ManifestExtension inside of its entry point method: .. code-block:: python def get_extensions(): return [ ManifestExtension.from_uri( "asdf://example.com/example-project/manifests/foo-1.0.0" ) ] This is not as inefficient as it might seem, since the `asdf` library only calls the method once and reuses a cached result thereafter.